Dave Ramsey Hit w/$150 Million Lawsuit

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Over an alleged connection with a company advertising on his show.
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I got sucked into attending a timeshare presentation in Las Vegas, back in 2008. We were offered $280 just to attend. It was the most incredible marketing operation that I have ever seen in my life. The professionalism, the set up, everything was just so well executed. And people were signing up! I couldn't believe it! Eventually, after a painstaking process, the plethora of sales people gave up on us and we received our check for $280. As a young man I cleared blocked sewers for a living. I dug trenches by hand, and I painted two story houses with nothing more than a few brushes, a couple of buckets and a ladder. The $280 that we "earned" in Las Vegas was by far and away the hardest cash that I've ever earned in my life.


It's sad how difficult things have become in the present generation. I was wondering how to utilise some money I had. I used some of it for e-commerce business, but that sank. I'm thinking of how to use what's left to invest, but I don't really know which way to go.


Ramsey subscriber here. He promoted Timeshare Exit Team and the ads were disclosed as ads. Then the Timeshare companies allegedly sued Timeshare Exit Team so many times that they were drowning in legal fees and could no longer afford the commercials on the Ramsey Show. Dave believed they were helping people though, and continued to promote them pro-bono.

Dave declared war on the timeshare companies and they started harassing him. They hired a reporter to ambush him at a hotel for a hit piece.

I wouldn't be surprised if the timeshare companies are paying the people who are suing Dave to get him off their back.


I worked for a resort company that did something similar for RV parks. People's fees were increased annually. Our collection team was brutal. Many of those who bought into a contract didn't read them and didn't know earlier contracts froze membership fees at age 65 and we were only supposed to freeze the fees if someone called and complained. I suggest everyone knows their contract. If we brought someone to court to collect back fees and they actually showed up, we would try and make a deal before the case went before a judge. We did that because, any case that a judge ruled on, we lost.


My friend used to go to Vegas when they paid $$ to sit through a presentation. He'd finish the presentation with his wife as required and when it was over he'd tell them, I'd love to but into it but I need approval. Sales rep would reply, "need approval? But your wife is here. Oh not from her, but my bankruptcy trustee.". He said they'd all turn different shades of red and purple and stomp off. He'd collect his $$ and move onto the next presentation. That was their pocket money while in Vegas. 😂


I used to sell these "products" thirty years ago when I was a poor graduate student, so trust me when I say this. DON'T BUY A TIMESHARE. Easiest way to get out of a presentation if you have already showed up is to say that (1) I don't vacation; (2) I don't have any money to vacation; and (3) even if you were giving it away, I would not sign up. Take your free gifts and then get out of Dodge. Fact is, even if they were giving them away for free, it is still a bad deal for most people. The annual maintenance fees keep going up forever and ever, and the exchange system usually does not work out, even if you plan out months ahead. It is a scam from which you can possibly never escape.


Never ever ever sign up for a time share. Tell those scammers *NO* promptly and swiftly and *WALK AWAY IMMEDIATELY*


Here's the problem. MILLIONS of us have followed Dave Ramsey, got out of life sucking debt, got savings, and saved our retirement. It wasn't easy or overnight. BUT, following his Baby Steps, we GOT THERE!!!!


Dave said over and over and over that they were a sponsor. I dont know how this lawsuit could have literally any chance of going anywhere.


My wife & I stupidly went to one of those presentations once in Lake Tahoe. Extremely pushy, but they had no idea how stingy I was at that time in my life (grandkids changed that). I finally told them that I would not sign anything that my lawyer had not reviewed and told them to send me the documents. They were mad as hell, but they never sent me the documents and we did not buy into a time share, although many others did.


I never would have imagined that the youtuber I trust the most is a lawyer. I enjoy your videos and truly appreciate your honesty Steve.


Back in the 90s, I saw an ad for timeshares offering a free color TV just for attending. I thought about riding my motorcycle to it because it was 50 miles away, but decided to take my van because I wasn't sure if I could strap the TV on my bike securely for the return trip. After going through several painful hours being pressured to buy, which I declined, it was time to get my TV. What I got was a 3" Casio LCD TV operated on 4 AA batteries. I could have ridden my bike after all. My wife and I got many laughs about that. BTW, I still have it and it still works if connected to a digital cable box.


I went to a time share presentation once many years ago with my husband. We were in Sedona, AZ walking around the downtown area when we came upon a booth selling time shares. All we had to do was go to the presentation and get a $100.00 visa gift card. No strings attached. So we went.

We were in a huge room at resort styled condo community with many other couples at tables. Each table had their own salesperson who was trying very hard to get anyone to sign. After an hour I felt my husband wavering and I said that I was done and wanted my $100.00. Of course they tried to get me to stay but I was so done and told them so. I insisted. I wanted the gift card that they had promised with no strings attached. They finally gave it to us. I'm so glad we never purchased a time share!


I went to one of those sales pitches. First, we had a nice young lady show us around and tried to sweet talk us into it. When we said no, they brought over a guy who tried to shame us into it (don't you think your family deserves this?). Then they sent over an old battle ax woman who tried to strong arm us. We did not by.


I've never once heard Dave Ramsey reccomend using a credit card for emergencies, he teaches an initial $1, 000 emergency fund, then once your debts are paid (minus mortgage) you have a 3 to 6 month fully funded emergency fund. This is part of the 7 Baby Steps.


As I'm listening, I'm wondering why medical doctors are not required to disclose the recommending and/or prescribing medications?


One time my wife and I were in gatlinburg with our motorhome. I’m sure this is right up Steve’s alley already 😂. We were buying tickets for activities there that week. One activity my wife wanted was sold out. Just so happens a time share consultants booth was directly beside us and overheard. He said if we go to the meeting thingy for his time share, we’d get all the activities we wanted, plus the one sold out, for “free”. Well, reluctantly, I agreed to it for my wife bc she wanted said ticket. So we go.

In the middle of their little presentation, I gotta call from my insurance agent pertaining to a possible issue with my trucking businesses insurance. So I got up to walk out, leaving my wife to listen to them, and the despicable SOB of a snake oil salesman called me out and scolded me like a child, telling me I couldn’t leave. I tried to refrain from being any more intrusive so I quickly said it’s a business call that I had to take. He borderlined yelled at me for having the audacity to even think about leaving, albeit temporarily, and told me if I walked out I’d forfeit the tickets. So I told him to “EFF off, I’m not a child” and left. Wife stayed lol. We still got the tickets. Absolute lowest of the low, those who sell time shares.


My now ex-husband and I went on our honeymoon. Some people tried to talk him into going to some meeting. I looked at the papers and said NO! This is a timeshare and we're not getting involved. I'm not spending a day of my honeymoon getting sucked into some deal that will cost us for the rest of our lives. I still stand by that decision and will until I die.


My mother listened to Dave Ramsey a lot, and took a lot of his advice. Before that though, she got a timeshare. She even once looked into Timeshare Exit Team, decided that it probably wasn't for her because they wanted too much money up front. She was patient, and waited for a buyer who wanted her week at that resort. It took like 5 years but she eventually got out of her timeshare. Dave Ramsey's advice was very good for my mother, and my sister and I, getting ourselves out of debt and not getting into more debt has really lead to a better life in my opinion.


Dave's snowball effect with paying off credit cards ABSOLUTELY works.
It worked for me !!!
