Actor Critic Algorithms

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Reinforcement learning is hot right now! Policy gradients and deep q learning can only get us so far, but what if we used two networks to help train and AI instead of one? Thats the idea behind actor critic algorithms. I'll explain how they work in this video using the 'Doom" shooting game as an example.

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Siraj is definitely very important for the dissemination of AI knowledge. I myself owe Siraj many thanks for this incredible channel!!


Wow this is seriously a fantastic introduction motivating ac methods


You saved my live with this video. Thanks! I have to write a text, that this topic includes and i struggled for so long to understand it, but now it seems so easy.


Apparently codes weren't the only things he plagiarised.

Imagine this as a playground with a kid (the “actor”) and her parent (the “critic”). The kid is looking around, exploring all the possible options in this environment, such as sliding up a slide, swinging on a swing, and pulling grass from the ground. The parent will look at the kid, and either criticize or complement here based on what she did.


He goes so fast. It's like he's talking to someone that already understand it.


out of all the channels im subbed to this is the only one i have notifs on
cuz its good


Thanks for the recognition @Siraj. Looking forward to your upcoming works on the channel. A Halite 2 AI bot perhaps.


Very interesting video as usual, thank you! :-)


Did anybody actually try to run the source code? I've seen the same code snippet in two different places and none of them worked. Frankly - not only does it not work, it also has a lot of redundancy (many unused variables and errors), typos which make the code work incorrect, but are not spotted because the update methods are actually dead code which is never called. Basically the whole example is doomed because of the fact that it's just a single run through the environment and it usually stops just by hanging down. After fixing this it also does not work because the update function is never called. If you call the update function at the end of the train method it has runtime errors because of typos and wrong model use (trying to assign critic weights to the actor) and to be honest - even the neural nets are wrong - both have ReLUs as output layers, but the inputs can be negative (impossible with ReLU) and the Q-values should be mostly negative (most of the rewards are negative).


Hi Siraj! Can you please make a video on program synthesis? Please please please, I beg you!
For me it seems that it is the straightest way to get a skynet-level AI, but it is so underhyped, that I did't even know that word until I googled the idea behind it. I have no idea, why nobody talks about that topic. I have no idea, why they don't use neural networks. It seems that Alpha-Go suits almost perfectly for that task (this is also a search in a tree), but I haven't heard about any revolution in that area.


Suggestion: In videos where you're trying to explain an idea or a method in a general form, try to simplify it as much as possible and don't go into much detail... Also definitely try examples and simple analogies as much as you can, because as we all know the process of learning works best with more examples


How does the critic know what the action score is?


Most interactive and most unclear/inaccurate video on actor-critic. Thank you!


So is the actor's predicted best choice then optimized with gradient ascent on based on the critics Q values?


the source code is not working, the target weights are not updated!


The linked source is for playing a pendulum game, not doom, which is much more complex. Honestly, I don't think you ever wrote a bot for playing doom, that's why you only show 5s of doom being played.
To prove me wrong, link the source code for the doom bot.


Finally you've controlled your speed. Love you bro :)


I watched a demo from NVIDIA this week in which they played a John Williams type of music score.

It was unbelievably good. It'll be interesting to see what people come up with. A new Christmas Carol ?


Hey Siraj!Got a chance to Implement one of the NIPS paper 2017, I have selected Reinforcement Learning Field, How Hard it will be and What is the Procedure to Implement the paper?


the correct term for finding the derivative is to "Differentiate" not "Derive"
