Yamaha Outboard Tilt Trim Broken - How to Add or Refill Your Yamaha Tilt and Trim Fluid

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In this video I show you how to Refill and Bleed a Yamaha Outboard Engine Tilt Trim system.

Specifically, our Tilt Trim system was not operating correctly with the motor slow to raise and getting stuck in the upwards position. This was due to being low on Tilt Trim fluid and there being air trapped in the system. As you will see in this video undertaking this procedure has completely rectified the issue and restored the performance of the Tilt Trim System.

Tools/Parts Required:

* 17mm Socket
* Pump Bottle to inject fluid into Tilt Trim Reservoir

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Great video. Concise, without being excessively long-winded. I wish more people made videos like this!


I had the same problem....not any more, thanks to you....Greetings from


Did this exact procedure on my 2012 Yamaha 115 4-stroke. Thanks for the great tips. Worked perfectly!


That foam doesn't look good to me. Is water possibly getting in there? Anyway, I had this same problem, added more fluid, purged and all was good, for a couple of weeks. Turns out there was a reason I was low on fluid, trim end caps were leaking a bit. From what I'm seeing this is super common for these Yamahas. Nice job on the video.


Hello from Italy, got the same exact problem on my 1992 Yamaha 90a unit. I was a little concerned because in the user manual there is the procedure to change the foot oil but not the trim oil. I will give it a try once found the correct oil, in the meanwhile thanks a lot!


Procedure worked like a charm on my 1995 Yamaha 90 2-stroke. Tilt was stuck in the up position, we added fluid to the reservoir but still could not get the engine to lower. So we turned the manual release screw and heard noises but nothing happened until we pushed the button again to start lowering the motor and it slowly dropped until it felt the hydraulic pressure. We tightened the manual release, then ran through the fill/bleed procedure 4 or 5 times, and now it's working great. Thanks Drew!


Is that crackling noise because there is air in the system? Thank you.


I was told I needed a new trim unit but I watched your video and decided to try it and it fixed my issue saving me a lot of money. Thanks bud I greatly appreciate the info.


I need help, why is my fluid flushing out from where the cylinder is when i put the motor down, bad seal?


Nice. I took my 1997 boat with Yamaha 150hp 2 stroke to a boat mechanic and he said it was a sealed unit and I needed a new tilt/trim. Not making this up.


Awesome video. This just happened to me yesterday at the ramp when I was coming back in. I had to pull my boat out of the water with my motor down. My boat luckily sat high enough on the trailer to not high the ramp. It took 2 guys to lift my F225. There was a lot of air in the fluid. I was able to get it to a point to where I could take my boat home. I'm going to try to fix this myself thanks to your video.


Thanks for the Video Drew, exactly the info I


Finally, the information I needed! Dealer insisted I bring it in, wrong info from a shade-tree mechanic and ZERO help from manufacturer! FRUSTRATING!


THANK YOU for posting this video! The trim on my motor was really struggling on the upper end and was getting progressively worse. After iterating through several YT vids, I found yours. Adding fluid fixed the issue. Note that I am NOT a mechanic -- your vid gives a great overview! I ordered parts on Amazon and had my trim/tilt issue fixed in <30 mins! THANK YOU SIR!


Thanks Brother! Absolutely a great video. I'm off to service my '91 C85.


Short and to the point. Great video!
Thanks for sharing.


This video was perfect. Showing the release screw was key. All better


Thank you I was able to fill with fluid and it works great now.


I guess my question is this:

If you needed to top it off with fluid since it was low, why was it low? Where did the fluid that was in there go? It’s a closed system, so there must be a leak somewhere no? A seal? Just curious becusse I’m about to tackle a similar issue, I tilt mine up and down fine, no problem, but when I put it up all the way and come back the next day is lowered 2-3” then and other day a few more inches and after a handful of days the motor is now lowered all the way down. So I’m thinking there may be a leak or something? Not sure.


My 1999 yamaha 90hp slowly drops, I filled the resevoir but I didn't purge the air like you did. I will definitely give this a try when I can.
