Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy vs. Cognitive Therapy? (REBT vs .CT)

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This video describes the differences between Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT; Albert Ellis) and Cognitive Therapy (CT, Aaron Beck).
REBT is a therapeutic modality that was developed by Albert Ellis. It is a version of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Cognitive behavioral therapy is a general term that refers to a number of specific modalities that emphasize the role of cognition (thinking) and behavior (doing) in the treatment of mental health symptoms. REBT and cognitive therapy (CT; developed by Aaron Beck) are the two most popular versions of CBT, although there are many other versions of CBT as well. REBT is based on the idea that cognitive affective and behavioral processes can be manipulated to reduce symptoms. Albert Ellis referred to the affective processes as “emotive,” hence the name rational emotive behavior therapy. Another key component of REBT is the idea that the perception of circumstances do not cause symptoms, but rather the individual’s perception of circumstances cause symptoms. REBT considers the therapist to be an expert and someone who promotes rational thinking. In REBT, rational thinking can eventually change feelings, behavior, and thoughts and result in a reduction of symptoms. REBT is considered a humanistic modality. Ellis believed that individuals are goal-directed and he saw the human condition and therapy as positive. Ellis did not believe in judging the individual, but rather he judged the behavior. Ellis developed an ABC model. “A” is the Activating Event, “B” is the Belief, and “C” is the Consequence. The Activating Event as a stressor. The belief system is what a person uses to interpret the stressor. The results of the stressor being processed with a belief are the consequences. Consequences can lead back to an Activating Event, so the ABC model can become a cycle. Ellis had a number of techniques in addition to this ABC model, including role-playing, shame attacking exercises, reframing, homework, and humor.
Cognitive Therapy is a therapeutic modality that was developed by Aaron Beck. Cognitive Therapy is based on the idea that we can change our thoughts and our behavior and that will result in changes in feelings. Cognitive Therapy can be used to treat mental health symptoms and mental health disorders. This theory is arguably the most popular version of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The cognitive model presented in cognitive therapy is fairly precise. It starts with the idea of the core belief. The core belief is a belief that is deeply held and usually relatively simple. It is formed through childhood experiences and most core beliefs are positive, however in the model of cognitive therapy, the types of core beliefs that lead to problems are usually negative. When we have core beliefs these automatically generate intermediate beliefs. Core beliefs are deeply held and intermediate beliefs are somewhere between core beliefs and automatic thoughts. Intermediate beliefs are attitudes, rules, and expectations, that individuals have. Sometimes these can be distorted if the core belief is inaccurate. Inaccurate intermediate beliefs are carried around by individuals and when they encounter stressors then automatic thoughts come into existence. These are thoughts that just pop into somebody's mind. Most automatic thoughts are helpful and positive, however the ones that are based on negative core beliefs and usually negative. These automatic thoughts lead to reaction. Reactions are affective, behavioral, cognitive, and physiological. Sometimes these reactions can become another stressful event that is combined with another intermediate belief to form a new automatic thought. The cognitive triad is the idea that a lot of mental health symptoms come into being because people have distorted views of themselves, others, and the world. Cognitive distortions are consistent errors in thinking. There are a number of techniques in cognitive therapy including the therapeutic alliance, evaluating evidence, and self-talk (adaptive response). The adaptive response fits into the cognitive model. It is between the automatic thought and the reaction. In theory, if a person has an automatic thought and applies and adaptive response the reaction will change. This disrupts the cycle and leads to symptom reduction. Challenging core beliefs is a technique of cognitive therapy, however, it is not common as core beliefs are considered to be again fairly deeply held.
Рекомендации по теме

I really like how you compared the therapist tendencies of each modality. Therapists using REBT are much more confrontational, assertive, and direct while therapists using CT are much more polite and non-directive, focusing instead on collaboration and "co-discovering".


Dr. Grande, this video comparing CT and REBT was terrific. I really appreciate that you took the time to compare and contrast these two versions of CBT, especially being that they are two of the most popular forms of this umbrella therapy. Overall, this video was excellent in helping me to distinguish between the two.


This video gives a good explanation on the differences between REBT and CT. I like the fact that the counselor has the ability to make the therapy as direct or indirect as they want it to be.


No matter what the video is I have two things to say. The first, these are all interesting, insightful and well-made videos. Two, since most students are watching, a simple block of references in the notes would greatly legitimize and help students seek the information shown via the source. Food for thought...


This is an assistive video on the differences between CBT and REBT, I have seen how similar they are. This video goes into somewhat detail and describes the differences nicely.


My professor needs to watch this video!! thanks for the clarification...


I assumed that therapies under the CBT label tend to be more directive, so it was interesting to learn that CT is more passive than REBT. I also had not realized the difference in complexity between the explanations of cognitive processes for the theories.


i read that the main difference is the inside skill about X problems relative to out side (consequence) than CBT(beck) the outside skill (training)(consequence) for example: someone have a marriage problem RBET target on what is someone thinking about the consequence, and changing it will change the emotion and the behavior. instead CBT target on what someone lack some skill(lack of skill conversation, lack of make good deals, lack of self stem, lack of assertive so forth) cbt look to change some lack of behavior. there are two kind of REBT one is normal or simple and another deep REBT( updated REBT) both are so directive but in difference target(It even can not seem like that) CBT target: behavior 70%, 25%cogn. and the emotion 5% REBT ; 70% cognit. 25% behavior and 5% .... called also elegant solution because it follow the precept philosophic of" what you resist it persist" . so not resist accepting unconditionally yourself, others and the environment. CBT exist the famous self steem but in REBT the barely known: Unconditional Acceptance


This overview is helpful in understanding the similarities and differences of the two modalities.


Dr. Grande: What are your opinions of acceptance and commitment therapy and family systems therapy?


Great job explaining the differences between these two modalities, Dr. Grande. Very informative. Thank you!


A helpful concise comparison of the two modalities.


I got confused. The explanation of CT and REBT is great, but what is ABT?


Okay. Mystery solved. The transcript and subtitles hear REBT as ABC mostly. I don’t understand how CT can teach that others will give unconditional acceptance. That simply isn’t true. Everyone has limits. But if the idea is unconditional acceptance OF others, that is a great goal as long as it isn’t a battered person accepting ALL that happens in the relationship.


With one modality being simple (REBT) and the other being more complex (CT), how does the therapist determine which one would be most effective for the client? In my mind, CT which is more precise and defined, over REBT which is more philosophical, assertive, and controversial, would be the better way to go.


Very helpful. I would think that CT would be best for me to use as I would like there to be more of a partnership in therapy than me being the expert.


In REBT, one sees each tree, while CT sees the whole forest?


so you're Ariana grande's big brother?
