Webinar: Is Pre-treatment Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer Safe? 04/29/24

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When world famous physician-scientist, leader of The Human Genome Project and former NIH Chief, Dr. Francis Collins, suddenly needs treatment for his prostate cancer that has accelerated from indolent to aggressive faster than a Formula 1 racer, many patients and medical professionals ask - whats up? The NIH/NCI is considered one of the best medical institutions in the world.

Did their active surveillance (AS) protocol fail or was Dr. Collins an anomaly?

Do patients need to worry?

... and is 'cure' really a possibility for Dr. Collins?

At short notice, AnCan Foundation, ASPI and The Active Surveillor have gathered together two world-renown urologists who curate their own AS cohorts. Drs. Peter Carroll and Laurie Klotz will discuss their views on the safety of pre-treatment AS for prostate cancer. Howard Wolinsky will moderate the discussion. AnCan's own AS Support Group Moderators will be speaking after the presentation sharing their own thoughts

AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this webinar possible: Bayer, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Myriad Genetics, Telix & Blue Earth Diagnostics.
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Thank you for this interesting discussion. My own story after 7 years from first diagnosis to now focusing on QoL with exercise and an otherwise healthy lifestyle convinces me at now age 75 that it is better to let my body deal with the cancer and not angst over PSA numbers and complications from ADT.
