Sybil: A Brilliant Hysteric? | Retro Report | The New York Times

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In the 1970s, the TV movie “Sybil” introduced much of the nation to multiple personality disorder and led to a controversy that continues to shape mental health issues.

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Sybil: A Brilliant Hysteric? | Retro Report | The New York Times
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How sad that already troubled people are further abused/exploited by those who are supposed to be helping them.


sally field is really a phenomenal actress. no one could've played sybil better.


It upset me that Debbie Nathan entitled her book Sybil Exposed. I think a much better title would have been Dr. Wilbur Exposed! Shirley Mason was a victim and with this new information many people talk as though Shirley did something wrong when she was only looking for help.     There is evidence that proves Shirley Mason had an abusive childhood and that she was disturbed, that she did show signs before being treated by Dr. Wilbur of a dissociative disorder. This is different than having DID and I believe Dr. Wilbur made it worse by suggestion and Shirley, finally getting the love and attention she needed, believed every word and action of Cornelia Wilbur to be true.      Wilbur wasn't just Shirley's therapist she became her mother. She was obsessed with her and turned her into who she wanted her to be. They even lived together!     After living half her life in loneliness and instability is it any wonder that Shirley clung to Cornelia with dependency and without question?


I saw that film as a teenager. It really spooked me, however as an abused child myself I can understand the way someone can sink into a ‘fantasy existence’ to survive, I know I did, but I didn’t sink into other personalities. Mine was a fantasy life with fantasy cousins and aunts that loved me. I was 60 years old when I recovered after years of treatment.


I so remember watching that movie as a young teen (14) and how much that impacted me that a parent could be so horrible to a child. And a child would have to endure such horror.

Fascinating exposé.


I will never forget Sally Fields performance when she played her.


I have DID (currently under limited control with a team of docs). It's not separate personalities but a fractured state. Under extreme stress a shift can occur and I will have no memory of what occurred after until I'm back. I've moved 2, 000 miles without a memory of having done so. That's DID. It's definitely scary but it's not actually other "personalities" and they don't have names. It's just the ability to separate oneself to an unusual level, at will or sometimes not. The separation was a protective measure against violent long term abuse. It just lingers though it's no longer necessary. Disassociation is the best way to describe it.


My mother claimed she had multiple personalities just like Sybil (she showed me the book as a child). She used that as an excuse for her cocaine fueled psychosis and abuse of me. She’s just a arrogant psychopath who thinks they can get away with everything.


This movie terrified me as a child...the mother's abuse was unbelievably cruel.


It's hard to take DR. Wilber seriously, as for starters, instead of publishing a paper for peer review, she contacted a writer of fiction & enriched herself at her client's expense.

Secondly, there has been much debate on if MPD & Hypnosis are "wish fulfilment instead of actual mental states.

Lastly, it was noted that Wilber asked leading questions, which could plant false memories.


This shows that the problem with psychology is that humans are reflexive animals, and we can and do adapt to fit what the other person expects from us. Not only do we change ourselves to meet other's expectations but someone's eyes is inclined to see what they are looking for even when it isn't there... So we have to be very careful with those things...


Multiple personality disorder wasn't rare before Sybil. KNOWLEDGE of it was rare.


I believe Shirley, but anyone who wants to be taken seriously shouldn't go on Jerry Springer.


We have multiple personalities. I believe the Japanese have the best explanation of this.
The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.


The doctor is Joanne Woodward, who is the actress who REALLY introduced people to the notion of multiple personalities as the title character in The Three Faces of Eve, for which she won the Oscar.


As a retired clinician, I've always been fascinated by Disassociative Identity Disorder.
I agree that the early treatment relied to heavily on suggestions from the therapist. We know better now to avoid planting false memories, especially in forensic cases.


Dr. Wilbur was inappropriate, did not keep the healthy boundries you would expect a doctor to keep. I see transference and also i see betrayal bonding, and abuse of these rules to gain power. I have never sat in the arms of any of my therapists nor have they ever called me sweetie. That is just not respectful or acceptable. Under these circumstances how is it possible that Shirley would have been able to heal and fully integrate?


Wow! I finally got to hear an actual recorded session between Shirley Mason and Dr. Wilbur! Thank you so much!


This demonstrates how easily people can be manipulated into believing something absurd. Something we all should all be keenly aware of.


So she displayed multiple personalities only AFTER the psychiatrist gave her a book on it. The psychiatrist had her own agenda, the patient played along.
