Top 10 MYSTERIOUS Artifacts Science STILL Cannot Explain Today!

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From strange bronze objects completely out of place to mysterious discs that may hold the secret to the universe, here are 10 incredible artifacts that scientists can't explain!
10. The Alaska Artifact
A team from the University Of Colorado went to Alaska in order to dig up a site that was an Eskimo settlement from 1,000 years ago. There, they found what could only be described as a broken piece of a bronze belt buckle (though to be clear, that's not actually what it was). What was curious though, was that the piece was at least a couple hundred years older than the house that the archaeologists found it in.
9. Ancient Computer
So, when I say "Ancient Computer", I'm not referring to the Apple II, or some of the first computers ever made. I'm actually referring to a "computer" that apparently dates back to the 200 BCE near Greece. Now, before you say, "that's impossible", know that this isn't your typical kind of computer.
8. Baghdad Batteries
The modern battery is one of the most important technological breakthroughs of modern times, but in the ancient days, they may have had their own kind of battery. This is not speculation though, as a site in what was Mesopotamia (and now Iraq) found a special jar that was believed to be an ancient form of battery.
7. Rocks From Gettysburg
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is home to not only one of the most important in American history, but it's also home to cursed objects. Where the battle was held in Gettysburg is now a national park, and because of that, people go there all the time. But, to help truly "remember the moment", people take rocks from the field, which may seem harmless as rocks are "public property" in most cases.
6. Las Bolas
Scattered throughout the Costa Rican jungle are massive stone spheres known to the locals as Las Bolas. But these are more than just stone spheres, these are stone spheres that were carved and shaped by hand, more than that, the stones are variant in their size. Some of them were only a few inches wide, while others are over 6 feet in length. And those ones could weigh 15 tons.
5. Early Earthquake Detection Device
In modern times, there are various instruments to help predict and measure the intensity of earthquakes, but these devices were hardly original, as one similar device was somehow made in 132 AD by Chinese Astronomer Zhang Heng.
4. Hanging Disc
I want you to take a look at this ancient artifact referred to as the Disco Colgante or the Hanging Disc. What do you think that it looks like? If you said, "it looks like a spiral galaxy", then you would be in the same line of thinking as many people.
3. The Burial of Tutankhamen
The Tomb of King Tut is one of the most important finds in archaeological history, but upon studying his body, a curious condition was found on his bones. They were burnt.
2. The Copper Scroll Treasure
The Dead Sea Scrolls are one of the most important finds of the last century, but what is forgotten is that there was another treasure found alongside them, a scroll inscribed on copper. This was a common practice of the times meant to ensure that the text didn't fade. This particular copper scroll was discovered in 1952 in Qumran, and after dating it, it was found to be 2000 years old.
1. The Hope Diamond
When it comes to cursed objects, few are as famous as the legendary Hope Diamond. Specifically, this is a blue diamond, measured to be 45 carats, and its worth is approximately 250 million dollars. Yet, if someone is asked to touch it, they promptly refuse. As just about everyone who comes into contact with the diamond either has great misfortune fall upon them, or dies.
#mysterious #artifacts #worldlist
10. The Alaska Artifact
A team from the University Of Colorado went to Alaska in order to dig up a site that was an Eskimo settlement from 1,000 years ago. There, they found what could only be described as a broken piece of a bronze belt buckle (though to be clear, that's not actually what it was). What was curious though, was that the piece was at least a couple hundred years older than the house that the archaeologists found it in.
9. Ancient Computer
So, when I say "Ancient Computer", I'm not referring to the Apple II, or some of the first computers ever made. I'm actually referring to a "computer" that apparently dates back to the 200 BCE near Greece. Now, before you say, "that's impossible", know that this isn't your typical kind of computer.
8. Baghdad Batteries
The modern battery is one of the most important technological breakthroughs of modern times, but in the ancient days, they may have had their own kind of battery. This is not speculation though, as a site in what was Mesopotamia (and now Iraq) found a special jar that was believed to be an ancient form of battery.
7. Rocks From Gettysburg
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is home to not only one of the most important in American history, but it's also home to cursed objects. Where the battle was held in Gettysburg is now a national park, and because of that, people go there all the time. But, to help truly "remember the moment", people take rocks from the field, which may seem harmless as rocks are "public property" in most cases.
6. Las Bolas
Scattered throughout the Costa Rican jungle are massive stone spheres known to the locals as Las Bolas. But these are more than just stone spheres, these are stone spheres that were carved and shaped by hand, more than that, the stones are variant in their size. Some of them were only a few inches wide, while others are over 6 feet in length. And those ones could weigh 15 tons.
5. Early Earthquake Detection Device
In modern times, there are various instruments to help predict and measure the intensity of earthquakes, but these devices were hardly original, as one similar device was somehow made in 132 AD by Chinese Astronomer Zhang Heng.
4. Hanging Disc
I want you to take a look at this ancient artifact referred to as the Disco Colgante or the Hanging Disc. What do you think that it looks like? If you said, "it looks like a spiral galaxy", then you would be in the same line of thinking as many people.
3. The Burial of Tutankhamen
The Tomb of King Tut is one of the most important finds in archaeological history, but upon studying his body, a curious condition was found on his bones. They were burnt.
2. The Copper Scroll Treasure
The Dead Sea Scrolls are one of the most important finds of the last century, but what is forgotten is that there was another treasure found alongside them, a scroll inscribed on copper. This was a common practice of the times meant to ensure that the text didn't fade. This particular copper scroll was discovered in 1952 in Qumran, and after dating it, it was found to be 2000 years old.
1. The Hope Diamond
When it comes to cursed objects, few are as famous as the legendary Hope Diamond. Specifically, this is a blue diamond, measured to be 45 carats, and its worth is approximately 250 million dollars. Yet, if someone is asked to touch it, they promptly refuse. As just about everyone who comes into contact with the diamond either has great misfortune fall upon them, or dies.
#mysterious #artifacts #worldlist