I bet you can’t solve this 2nd grade math problem 😳 #joshsmom #joshandmomma #hankgreen

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Nothing makes my blood boil faster than common core math. They took math, which can be complicated for lots of people and made it make no sense at all.


I think the new way is ridiculous.
13-8=5. Simple.
Why complicate it?


Like Mr. incredible said “math is math, why’re we changing math”


As someone who’s tutored math for nearly thirty years I find this absolutely ridiculous. They’re over complicating things unnecessarily, and it’s actually discouraging. So many people struggle with mathematic comprehension already, this will not help that at all. I’m greatly disappointed, because math is actually an extremely helpful tool in life. We all can use it multiple times per day to help us understand things and make decisions, and benefit from that! We need to help motivate people to understand that, and forcing people to do math in these alternative ways is not going to help or motivate them as much.


Our public education system is wrecked. 🤦‍♀️


You subtract 3 from 13 to get 10. 8 is 5 greater than 3, so you subtract 5 more from 10 to get 5. (13 - 3 = 10, 8 - 3 = 5, 10 - 5 = 5.) I do some multiplication in a similar way because rounded and smaller numbers are easier. For example, 49 * 13 = 50 * 13 - 13 = 650 - 13 = 637.


Honestly this is how I’ve always done math like this in my head but seeing it written down is crazy


My daughter went through this nonsense a few years ago and when I talked to my mom about, she said that this is the way she does math in her head without thinking after decades of working with money as a credit manager, bookkeeper and store clerk. When you're dealing with money, you always work in 10s.

She had no clue why anyone would ever want to teach children how to do math like this. It's actually backwards because it's something you do only AFTER you learn how to add and subtract and have practiced it ad nauseum.

My poor kid went into 2nd grade loving math and left hating it with a passion almost unto tears. She recovered after my husband and I supplemented her education at home.


When I teach math to my elementary students we teach several methods, because everyone learns differently and there are multiple ways to solve most problems. I always encourage my students to find the way that works best for them.


This Common Core math is straight nonsense! I tutored in math while in College and these poor kids struggled so bad. What was worse is I couldn’t show them the most logical way because they want the kids to solve the problems only the way they’re taught to. In most of these questions they want you to round to the nearest tens/hundreds/thousands value first, then minus the rounded number from the number in the problem and then add the difference. So 13-8 would become 13-10= 3 and 10-8= 2. Then you’d add 3+2 and get 5. It’s so stupid and adds far more steps than necessary 🤦🏽‍♀️


Uh huh. I struggled enough in math ro be messing around with this mess..
I have major anxiety just watching this lol


13- 3(from the 8, that leaves a 5 instead of 8 and 3 on this one)=10
10-5(the 5 leftover from the 8)=5

I understand that this may be confusing when you're in 2nd grade, but it's actually quite easy


As a counterpoint, that is exactly how I did it in my head. I always struggled deeply with basic math like that (I excelled in higher level math when I was allowed a calculator). I grew up before common core math, and it was drilled into us with flashcards and I was told over and over "Its JUST 13-8, just DO it, its obviously 5!" I felt so stupid, I felt like I shouldn't ask for help because my questions were never answered. It wasn't until I taught myself this way that I could actually get it done. I can work with 10s, they just click in my mind for whatever reason. So I remove 3 from each side, now I have 10-5, which I can easily and quickly do.

Seeing these comments is lowkey depressing. Seems the problem I grew up with still persists, just because you can do it easily, doesn't mean everyone can. Do I think everyone needs to learn this way? No. But I am glad to see other options being taught so maybe little me's out there won't have the same hate towards math that I did.


Dang. That's just nuts!! Confuse children & discourage them in schools with craziness, homeschool him Please!!


This is to break up the numbers into simpler terms to easily visualize it in their heads. You can break up 8 into 3+5 and 13 into 3+10. The 3s cancel out and leave you with a simple 10-5 which =5. In my day we had to borrow 10 from 13 to subtract the 8 from 3 in the first placeholder digit which was not helpful if you don't have the connection that it's 5. This way is especially useful for giving change that helps associate 8 with a nickel and 3 pennies and 13 with a dime and 3 pennies. When you learn to break up harder numbers into simpler terms and train that Neuroplasticity it makes problem solving these arithmetics easier and down the line multiplications and divisions simpler as well when you can look at 8 and say that's 2×4 or 2³.


They stopped that common core math BS here in Minnesota, it did nothing but confuse kids.


The new way of doing math is so dumb and beyond insane I can't believe they are teaching it like this❕❗ There needs to be something done to bring back the old system ASAP❕❗


This is exactly how I do math. No one taught it to me though. I learned the “normal” way years ago like you but it never really clicked for me. I started doing it this way in my head and became much faster and actually understood what was going on. Now my sister’s kids learn multiple different ways in school and usually one clicks. Learning different methods is important because not all kids learn the same way. Just because it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


And they wonder why so many struggle in school.


THIS has always been the problem!!!! Ugh! They over complicate things. Then every year they make up a new way to get the same answer.
