Free Advertising for Tesla, from Legacy Autos EV Superbowl Ads

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My friend has a Tesla. He uses FSD. Probably not the most recent version but close. It performs well. Drives between Maryland Florida. When he is in a complicated situation such as a construction zone it becomes very cautious. My conclusion is that robo-taxis are very close.


Legacy automakers are literally promoting computer generate cars. What a joke!


Last year's super bowl had a lot more electric car ads. Now a year later it seems the Big Boys are no further to reaching production scale, perhaps even further.


Thanks Lee, your analyses are always insightful, rich with detail, and visionary 💪


Thanks for the upbeat video. I’m excited for the future. It is interesting that Tesla actually has a big picture plan to help the world, but it seems the other electric companies (especially the old ice) are just trying to figure out how to make a buck, or stay alive, following Tesla’s coat tails. That is why we are so excited for March 1st. We know Tesla is going to explain in more detail how they want to change the world for the better.


There are 3 kinds if people who don’t own Teslas or electric cars, people who know about it and thing about getting one and smile when they see one, people who don’t want them and give you the side eye when they see yours, and the majority - people who don’t know about cars or the auto industry and don’t have a clue that the car that’s passing them is an electric car, Tesla, Lucid, Mach-E, ID4, Taycan, Rivian, Lightning, they don’t even notice.


The Jeep is NOT a BEV. It's an ICE HYBRID!


I think that most are missing the point of the Ram ad. To me, it is clear that it was an anti-EV message. The meaning was, that currently EVs have range limitations but the new, yet to be released, Ram will be fine.
I believe the intention was to increase any range anxiety, in the hope of slowing down EV sales.


legacy auto says, "tesla is crazy" and they give tesla "free ads"....who are the crazies


One day some bold ad agency and company will just put an ad up that has a pic of the car and something like "Chevy Bolt $19k after subsidies fuel it for $10 a week".
No celebs no subtle messages just plain and to the point.


Thought I was the only the one who hates all buttons in the RAM. What they can produce looks awful. And, what they cannot produce in a concept truck looks fairly good.


Give me that advertising job And Elon I won’t let you down, promise one of the best moves you’ll make, or Let’s do an interview and take it from there!


None of the legacy autos are taking electrification seriously, and by seriously I mean mass production of EVs and cutting ICE out completely. Why? Because they simply can't afford to. In the future they had planned Tesla didn't exist, how very inconvenient.


The thing that I saw as another water shed moment for the change to EVs was this Top Gear magazine video with four very well known top level performance vehicle builders. They all agreed for daily driving, EV is the way to go and gave Musk props for what he has accomplished. If you have not see this interview and know the brands McLaren, Koenigsegg, Hennessey, and Rimac are, three of four are founders of those companies and one is the most iconic designer/engineer/manager they have had. These guys had no reason to try and bash or praise Tesla and Musk, but they did.

The Green Hills Software CEO is showing how weak of a leader he is, how behind their tech is, and that they are willing to lie to win people over. I am not sure if Dan realizes the message he is sending possible clients. If I was a CEO driving a Tesla, there is good chance I know it is much better than the scam stuff Dan was pushing in that ad. It would make me feel like I would not want to business with someone so deceptive and obviously so desperate.


A large number of people think Tesla makes gas cars.


These ads must be about the share price. What other benefit could they gain?


A well targeted and educational commercial might be a much cheaper lever to pull than pricing. Would love to see Telsa advertise at the super bowl and show case the super charger network, home charging, FSD, pricing etc. Things that the average consumer is still clueless about


The market will still not give a damn about fundamentals in a recession, though. I wonder if this is the last bull run before the shit hits the wall..
