High risk pregnancy. What does that mean & its causes? - Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi
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By definition a high risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that threatens the health or life of the mother and the unborn child, any pregnancy has an implicit risk to become high risk. Most often the mother usually has a pre-existing medical disorder or a pre-existing condition that makes it high risk. Other times the pregnancy becomes high risk after conception due to new medical developments during the course of pregnancy or due to the body change so that happen during pregnancy the main causes for a pregnancy to become high risk pregnancy is diabetes and gestational diabetes and hypertension, and pregnancy induced hypertension, obesity, autoimmune disorders, sexually transmitted diseases complicating pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, to add to all this there are other risk factors like age of the mother, more than 35 or even 30. Smoking of the patient has been a smoker can increase the BP during pregnancy, it can increase cause sudden infant death syndrome or even preterm delivery. Alcohol in terms of birth defects, hearing defects and cognitive dysfunctions for the baby.