Dracula’s Castle of Bran; [Romania] Oldest Photographs, Knights + Saxons + Mircea, Vlad The 1st/3rd

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Howdy ya’ll. Welcome back. Today we are going to look at the oldest photographs of the hauntingly mesmerizing Bran Castle; referred to by many as Vlad Dracula’s Castle.

We will discuss the history of Vlad Dracula’s family, as well as the history of the ownership of the Bran Castle. We will dive into multiple rare and old world photographs, including the first photographs ever taken of the castle, all while discussing the seldom seen and hidden aspects of the Bran Castle.

We will wrap up the video looking at the transition of Bran Castle to Romanian leadership, and how that eventually led to Bran Castle being a major hospital. Leave your comments down below, and enjoy ya’ll!

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My husband is Romanian and we toured there one visit. We were amazed how low the ceilings were. We are both 5' 9" and had to bend our heads multiple times walking through hallways. Also, interesting that Drac the impaler is a folk hero in Romania. He has sort of a robinhood persona. He was killing the rich landowners who were taking advantage of the peasants. He also drove out the ottomans. The history there is so amazing. We went to historia the farthest greek outpost. Lots of history there.


Thank you for letting the photos speak for themselves. Just the right amount of talking! Good stuff my bro


When I was there in 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union, and the Persian Gulf War, the locals were referring to it as the summer castle of Vlad Tepes, or "Dracula's summer castle" if we preferred.
On a related note, I moved in to a home 3 years ago, and my across the street neighbors are from a part of Transylvania I visited when they were 12 year olds, and still living there. We didn't meet back then, but it seems a bit incredible nonetheless.


Very intriguing 🤔 the architecture is curious as is the history. I would love to see more of the interior ❤thank you for putting the time and energy into finding so many photos and pictures and sharing ❤


I grew up in Purfleet on thames. 15 miles east of Central London on the old flood plains and chalk mines. BRAM STOKER WROTE DRACULA THERE.


Thank you for bringing History back to life😉😎


Loved it Jared - when I heard of Romania, it reminded me of my 6th grade field trip to Maryhill Museum up on Washington side of Columbia River out in the eastern side of the Cascades making it dry and more a desert/treeless plateaus. The story has changed quite significantly from when I visited in late sixties. A Romanian Queen was built this 3 story + basement castle like building- apparently she had become “exiled” - some of her regal clothes and her throne were there. In the basement was a huge collection of the Native American artifacts (like Nez Pierce, Chinook Salmon fishing ones of the area etc)… Now rarely open seems to have the builder Sam Hill (ship captain) was a Quaker which I hadn’t heard of… very Very strange on the expansive amount of land has a STONEHENGE replica built as part of something they say was to do with World War 1 - really? It’s hush hushed because it makes no sense in the middle of nowhere! If you can use this info for your investigations - maybe you can make sense of it - thanks so much Jared!


Thanks Jarid, I'm really glad to have found your channel. I'm just starting watching these treasures you have put together for us.


Wow that princess really looked like a princess :)


I have been there back in 2008 or maybe 2010, it was one of the times i went to Romania. I also went down into a giant salt mine which was cool. That actually had people playing sports down there in the huge open cavern. It was so big that it had shops down there lol.


Tunnels etc...Vampyres, ...And then...a 'blood bank'...very interesting place indeed. I've heard that 'Dracula' was actually a good guy that defended Transylvania...and not a vampire. Great photos as always. Many thanks from Australia.


So exactly what workforce made their way daily to build this castle? And how did they get materials there? Absolutely baffling


💗 thank you, love all your videos, I am glad they came to my attention, shall look for past ones and looking frw to a new one, gratitude


Thank you so much, this is really amazing! Much Love Jarid!


I really enjoyed this presentation, it's well put together.


Always a pleasure to watch you. Cheers from France


howdy jarid 😃🤚
great topic wonderful photo finds! i read recently there is mention of vampires in ancient jewish texts. cool timing thanks!


So..Bran Castle, aka Dracula's Castle served as a blood bank?.. perfect 😂


Just amazing as always ....love your work 🌈


Castle of Dracula later becomes a bloodbank :)
