The Logos

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I will create as I speak.

Where to find me:

Red Raven in the Snow - Yonnie Dror
Landscape - Skies Speak
Intrepid - Brianna Tam
Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" - Antonin Dvorak
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This man has been gifted a divine madness. Through his madness he has understood sanity.


this is one of the best videos i've seen in my life. it took me minutes to pause and process everything once you said "you're reading it", and yet i feel like these are innate truths i've come to intuitively know through my path of lived experience that i haven't been able to put into words properly for years. thank you for this


I may have said this before but when people talk about computers in relation to the brain they’re getting it a little bit wrong. Computers can’t handle any chaos at all, except with robust error correction hardware and software code to accommodate it. Even then, a powerful computer can’t handle much in the way of the unexpected. The human brain isn’t like this at all, not even a tiny bit. A brain seems to totally disregard the predictable. A brain thrives almost exclusively on chaos and unexpected data inputs. Actually it’s even more different than that: A brain seems to project error data on the environment, while a computer can only respond to data inputs. To illustrate this difference in a schematic form, imagine a wiring diagram for all the circuits in a computer, where the electrical power comes from a single input. It splits that basic 60hz signal into billions of transistors, then parses all that power consumption back into a single line out which returns to ground. By contrast, a brain is shaped like a tree: It takes billions of inputs like photons of light hitting the leaves, and billions of nutrient molecules from the soil through the roots, and it all meets in the middle in a single trunk suspended between heaven and earth. Order from chaos. This is what distinguishes life from nonlife.


This is a perfectly simplified handhold through the basic idea of a “symbolic worldview” which is being discussed at length in circles with Jonathan Pageau, John Vervaeke, Paul Anleightner, etc.

You are doing a great spiritual work, and no matter how few people seem to be interested, your work is necessary and beautiful.

Press on my friend! Let us pray for the wave that is coming to us! God is sending a change!


I love this channel, the content and editing are amazing, what a blessed guy is the owner


well damn, N and Z overlayed has been the logo on my profile picture for like 6 years now. That's some synchronicity


When trying to sum up how I feel about these videos I continuously land on the word think. They make me think. In ways I just hadn’t exercised before. Fantastic thought provoking work.


You have a real gift for communicating your ideas in this format. Just discovered your channel, and I'm blown away. Powerful stuff, dramatically presented, and free of the usual nonsense, for lack of a better term, that I encounter normally. Can't say enough good things! Hope you're doing well.


Imagine being at a social gathering and someone repeats this by talking. Like someone telling you word for word everything this video said. instead of watching it on a screen. Now that would be insane.


That's right, everything is meaningful, cause the world is made of meaning.


This is masterful. Dear YouTube, please make this channel famous.


Reminds me of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which can basically be summed as the theory that cognition and perception can be altered by one's language. An interesting example of this is the contemporary constructed language "Toki Pona", which has only about ~120-137 words depending on what you're referencing, which is more than enough since you can describe complex things and ideas using word combinations (i.e. purple is reddish blue). The idea is that its minimalist nature helps you concentrate on basic things, and thus, promotes a positive attitude. Programming languages are also typically brought up, since programmers typically have an altered way of thinking owing to the languages that they use on a daily basis.

Truly, your language is your world, and you can add and subtract to it by adding and subtracting words from your language, even going as far as to make up new words.

Indeed, I think making up new words is very powerful indeed, almost like creating a new world. That "word" and "world" are so similar says a lot


Every time I see that you posted a video, I get super excited. You never cease to amaze me. I'm so grateful for you, your work and your soul


N = natural numbers (positive integers only starting from 1)
Z = integers (all integers positive and negative)

N = Nun, spiritual growth
Z = Zayin, sword, weapon of the spirit, thought, word

Esoteric spiritual
N = smell
Z = word, serpent, lighting, wisdom, spiritual mastery, wisdom


As a student of the Occult this video was a gift. Just today, I was reading Morals and Dogma and Albert was writing about the Logos. As you said, maybe we should attribute meaning to every happening of life... So thank you for this video.


Not sure why you dont have a million plus subscribers... The mythopoetic relevance of this channel I appreciate you.


what? 1700 subs? the production quality of this videos is really high. Usually I'm not into this esoteric/occultist vibes type of videos, but this one does it in a way that keeps you focus. Woah great content, and incredible explanation.


Here is something kings know, he who draws the map, controls all travel. He who creates the language controls all thought.


You're tapping into something, Eridanus


Stunning video. I’ve been thinking about this exact topic more and more recently. Your channel has come at just the right time for me - thank you, and Godspeed.
