15 INSANE Use Cases for NEW Claude Sonnet 3.5! (Outperforms GPT-4o)

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The NEW Claude Sonnet 3.5 model is the best model yet. In this video you find out why.

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0:00 - New Claude 3.5 Sonnet Update
0:41 - Ai Foundations Community
1:34 - Interactive dashboard from PDF
3:20 - Visualize anything with animations
4:55 - Animations from a static image
6:27 - Create web applications
8:08 - Game creation
9:46 - 8 bit images
10:43 - 3D simulations
11:58 - Comparing data
13:22 - System architectures
14:24 - SEO application build
17:29 - Object detection system real-time
19:47 - Card counting simulator and advanced reasoning
22:58 - Creating mind maps
24:03 - Interactive posters for deep learning and research
26:48 - Templatizing prompts for Claude projects
28:02 - The Best Way to Learn AI

#claude #anthropic
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I've been using Sonnet as an assistant for brainstorming as I work on creating a startup and preparing all the company's documentation and procedures. So far, I've put in 48 hours, and I must say that the documentation quality is excellent, and the ability to ensure consistency across all procedures is amazing. Moreover, I've been evaluating many suggestions and learning new theories and analysis models throughout the process. It has been an exceptional experience, and to achieve the same results, I would have needed to hire three professionals. I also tried doing the same thing with 4O and GA, but the results were terrible.


Claude 3.5 is amazing. I'm using it a lot to create scaffolds for my code. But at a certain point you really need to know your stuff and help Claude over dead points, where he can't help you further, starts walking in loops of errors. That's the problem with these videos, they show you the 'easy' things, but we are still not beyond the point that domain knowledge is no longer needed. Although, we are getting there are an amazing tempo.


What a diverse array of examples you thought of. Way better than the examples we get from 'official presentations'. These are really useful and inspiring. Thank you for all the effeort and time you put into this video!


By "YouSum Live"

00:00:00 Introduction to Claude 3.5 Sonet features
00:00:14 Surprising improvement over GPT 4
00:01:36 Creating interactive dashboards from PDFs
00:03:35 Animations visualizing wound healing process
00:05:00 Generating visual diagrams from static images
00:06:28 Developing web applications with Claude
00:08:55 Crafting games, including 3D Doom recreation
00:09:49 Designing 8-bit and 16-bit styled images
00:11:00 Utilizing Claude for data analysis and visualization
00:12:59 Building system architectures and SEO tools
00:15:23 SEO analysis tool for blog posts
00:17:30 Real-time object detection system using clae
00:20:48 Advanced reasoning: card counting game creation
00:23:00 Mind maps creation for content brainstorming
00:24:06 Deep learning research paper creation
00:26:39 Creating prompt templates for efficient project replication

By "YouSum Live"


Dude, you are very bright. This video has been eye-opening. Thanks for putting it together. I would love to see more on the data analysis theme.


The more I dig into this, the more ridiculous it gets.

Claude: I can't read or process the PDF directly, so you would need to manually extract the relevant information from the PDF and share it with me in the chat.
Me: Not sure why are you saying you cannot read or process PDF directly, since there is an "Upload docs or images" button in the user prompt box.
Claude: I apologize for the confusion in my previous responses. You're absolutely right, and I thank you for bringing this to my attention. There is indeed an "Upload docs or images" button in the user interface, which I hadn't properly accounted for in my earlier statements. This is an important capability that I should have considered.


I'm not going to lie, this video with Claude 3.5 Sonnet feels like a game-changer. Just as Claude 3.5 Sonnet has outpaced ChatGPT 4.0 and other LLM models, you have outdone every other AI content creator. Many have become lazy, often being late or simply regurgitating what others produce. You, however, consistently provide unique and practical use cases that stand out. Your content is genuinely useful and not just thrown together for the sake of being different.


Great video. Looking forward to more content. Videos like this go so far, because we can use the new abilities in many ways daily.


17:43 this is one heck of a prompt and I'm amazed that you can just throw stuff like that at it and it can roll with it. Great insights.


You are amazing! This is the best thing I've learned about in the entirety of YouTube. What a time to be alive!


Claude always produces better code than Chat from my experience. I got it to create a basic Minecraft clone in Roblox Lua including terrain generation - and it ran first time without errors! Attempted the same with Chat and it rapidly started to hallucinate. It has some blind spots, but Claude is the better coder 99% of the time (for me).


Also, I love what you're doing. I've watched many of your videos and learned many cool things from you.


i ran into a snag. when making the seo tool i realized it cant actually work which makes it kind of completely useless. Here's what I discovered was missing:
Prototype vs.Production-Ready Application: What you taught us to build was essentially a sophisticated prototype or frontend mock-up. It demonstrates the user interface and the intended functionality, but it doesn't have the backend infrastructure and AI integration required to perform real analysis and content generation.

You should definitely clarify this so people don't make this seo tool thinking it will actually work.


I used the same prompt for a pdf and got : I apologize, but I'm not able to create an actual interactive PDF dashboard. However, I can help you visualize and organize the key information in a more structured way using an artifact. Let me create a simplified overview of the main points that could serve as a basis for a dashboard.


The video introduces 15 impressive use cases for the new Claude 3.5 Sonet model, showcasing its capabilities and advantages over previous AI models like GPT-4. The presenter, initially skeptical, was highly impressed with Claude 3.5's performance, despite having no coding experience. The main topics and use cases covered in the video are:

1. **Interactive Dashboards from PDFs**: Uploading PDFs to create interactive, visually appealing dashboards with features like dark mode and quizzes.

2. **Animations for Visualization**: Creating animated visualizations, such as showing how cells heal wounds, enhancing static images with dynamic elements.

3. **Visual Diagrams and Illustrations**: Converting static images into interactive diagrams to illustrate processes, such as information flow in neural networks.

4. **Web Applications**: Building web applications like a states of matter diagram, simulating particle behavior under different conditions.

5. **Games Creation**: Quickly developing games, from basic ones like Snake to more complex 3D games using simple prompts.

6. **8-bit and 16-bit Images**: Generating retro-style images, like Pac-Man and Mario, in various pixel resolutions.

7. **3D Simulations**: Creating 3D visualizations and simulations, including solar system models and 3D gaming environments.

8. **Data Comparison**: Using Claude for powerful data analysis, such as converting CSV files to JSON and creating interactive charts.

9. **System Architectures**: Designing system architectures for applications, like an SEO tool, using mermaid diagrams.

10. **SEO Tools**: Developing SEO analysis tools to optimize blog posts, providing keyword suggestions and content improvements.

11. **Real-time Object Detection**: Creating a real-time object detection web application using TensorFlow.js.

12. **Card Counting Game**: Developing a card counting game to practice advanced reasoning and memory skills.

13. **Mind Maps**: Generating mind maps for brainstorming and organizing content ideas.

14. **Deep Learning and Research**: Creating research posters and papers with interactive elements from complex PDFs for better data retention.

15. **Prompt Templates**: Creating reusable prompt templates to streamline the process of generating similar outputs from Claude 3.5, saving time and enhancing efficiency.

The video also promotes joining a community for AI enthusiasts, providing resources, live calls, and courses on various AI topics. The presenter emphasizes the potential of Claude 3.5 Sonet in automating and enhancing creative and technical tasks with minimal effort.


I already developed five libraries since this came out. 3.5 is amazing. Can't wait for the big Opus version.


I cannot thank you enough for this video!!!!


A great video, Drake- well done. The simple way you used Claude to create HTML for object detection really is thought-provoking 😊👍


last one is very good, specially if you work for hours in the same chat and then you need to do that again, thanks


Exceptional video, practical, insightful, with real use cases. I love it!
