Life In Saint John, New Brunswick [5 MONTH UPDATE]

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Well, it's been a little over 5 months since we moved to Saint John, New Brunswick. In this video we give a little insight into what our experience has been like. We moved across country from Toronto in search of a more financially free life and also to reconnect with nature. Saint John has much to offer for all walks and is attracting more people by the day. Housing prices are expected to rise through this year.

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Does uprooting your life and moving across the country seem like a radical move to you? Would you consider taking the leap of faith like we did? Let us know!


Welcome to Saint John to the Owens Family. Your video pretty well says it all. We Saint Johners appreciate folks like you and your family moving here. I am sure that the Owens Family will become true Maritimers in no time. My compliments to you regarding your video, it was well done and I look forward to seeing more videos by you. Once again a hearty Welcome to the Owens Tribe


We moved from Montreal to Saint john in December 2017. What a drastic change but I LOVE the slower pace of life. Welcome to the east coast, it's honestly so amazing and the people are SO nice.


Being born, raised and rooted here in Saint John, its refreshing to hear your story. Cheers and Welcome!


My parents moved my family from Toronto to Saint John in 2000. My mom had family here, but my father didn't. By far the hardest part for my dad was the switch from fast-pace Toronto to relaxed Saint John. It was really tough on him. Glad to see things are going well for you guys!


I moved to Saint John from Prince Edward Island and had to adjust to the fastness. :)


We are from Barrie Ontario and moved to moose mountain New Brunswick a year ago in June! We love it! We get injoy life so much more. Science center is in Fredericton!


Hi “A Tribe called Owen” just stumbled on your channel on a rainy Easter Monday while searching for something while working on some mundane parts of a work presentation.
I think your channel popped up bc I am a SJner, who loves NB.
Welcome to SJ! I have now watched a bunch of your videos (from before your actual move) and what a great story. Best wishes on your journey towards financial independence. I’m cheering for you all.
I hope you get to experience the best the East Coast has to offer this summer. 🌞🌷🌎


We moved to NB five yrs ago from Ottawa (grew up in TO), loving east coast lifestyle. You are going to love summer, so many places to explore, Grand manan, beach, PEI, Fundy National park! Definitely no Science centre but we visit Halifax when we miss the ‘big city’. :)


We also moved here from Brampton. Love it! I really miss seeing my parents thought I'd be able to fly to Toronto before this. Your right about working and getting in the swing of the Toronto work life, we are finding the same thing. The jobs are different here and because the low numbers of population the warehouse jobs etc are not here if people are looking for those jobs. We are here for the rest of our lives, love it and not looking back


Sold my 4 bedroom, half a million dollar house in Calgary. Moved to New Brunswick to near Fredericton. Bought a super cute little home for $19, 000. Love the area and the people here. Down to earth and real. Hope you are loving your new home too. Best of luck to you and your lovely family.


I grew up in Saint John! I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything in the world. I hope you all have a similar experience :)


theres a little science center in fredericton ! probably nothing like Toronto but I would suggest it! Also, I'm really glad to hear young families are moving into new Brunswick, I've met lots of people the last few years moving in from the Toronto area. Growing up in New Brunswick I've seen so many young people leave for school and better job opportunities. most of my friends from highschool have moved to Montreal, halifax, Toronto, etc. even in the last 5 years the mentality seems to have shifted and so many more people are coming in and seeing it as a place with opportunity, not a place to run away from !! Really makes me hopeful for the future 😇


Welcome to New Brunswick! You're not the first vlog I've seen of TO transplants in the last year, nor will it be the last it seems! Thank you for encouraging people to come here. NB has been in steady population decline for years. The people that complain that anyone migrating East will "ruin" the province are also the ones that complain about the lack of public services and everything else. We need people! Our schools need kids, our cities need tax dollars. I want to see NB reach its true potential and we need generations of families to settle here to be able to spur growth longterm. Thanks for seeing the beauty. God bless you and your family!


Was just sitting on a bench along the Kennebecasis River near my home this morning. A man pulled in and came down to take pictures. We spoke and apparently he had lived in the area for a couple years but had since lived in Toronto. His son was recently transferred to Gagetown NB (military) so he came back too. He seemed in awe and was taking some pictures. He remarked that the area hadn't changed much and how beautiful it was. I told him with Covid times especially, it made me realise how thankful I was to be living in this area.


I find the ontario life is much crazier then making the move!
I have been all around canada and hope new brunswick will be our last stop.
We are just about done our purge of unneeded stuff and down to picking what house we want to take.
We are all excited to get out there and explore new areas and see new wild life and most of all enjoy owning our first home.
Keep enjoying the good life!


I hope you will come & visit St. Andrews (just an hour away!). You will love the summer vibe that I feel you may crave. When you have a chance, please take a day trip! I've lived in Ontario in the past & can appreciate some of the things you may be missing. Welcome, though! :)


Welcome to the Saint John community. Lots of great amenities and of course hiking trails that make this place a home. When the Atlantic Bubble opens up Halifax has a nice nature museum and you might be able to reach out to the research museum on Douglas Ave. Sometimes they need volunteers and it is a great community of people to get involved with. Happy Spring!


Renovating a house is such a big job! Good job on you guys, that's a ton of work and stress but it's so worth it in the end <3


Nice video! we are currently one week in NB from On
