The Best HS Classes To Take for College

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A lot of this depends on your school. Where I’m from, dual enrollment is at a reduced cost per credit hour, goes on your high school and college transcript, and, depending on the university you go through, you will have a pretty good chance of having those credits transfer to wherever you decide to go (just don’t ever do dual enrollment with a technical college). A few are also taught in-person at my school by teachers who are qualified, so that erases the schedule issue. AP is a lot more difficult to earn credit for, and even then, a lot of the more prestigious schools will not accept it or require extra criteria to be met. The one benefit AP has is that if you mess up, it’s not going to end up on your college transcript.

If you don’t want to do any of these, an alternative available for you that is seldom mentioned is CLEP tests. These are even more unlikely to be accepted, so do these at your own risk, but they allow you to test out of certain courses, saving money and time. Obviously you shouldn’t do this unless you are very familiar with the subject and know for sure that your university of choice will accept them.


Dual enrollment also is typically cheaper and wouldn’t require you to study all year for a test. It’s just taking a harder class for college credit and that’s pretty simple.


As someone going to an early college high school, they made dual-enrollment really easy for us. First of all, college classes are free. Yes, free, not reduced, but free. We also get a max of 60 credits, meaning most students graduate with an associate’s degree. Of course, not everything might transfer, which makes saving syllabi for those classes really important. My school partners with a 2-year college, so it can be a bit harder to transfer credit. Maybe it’s just my school, since it’s really small, but unfortunately we don’t get many AP classes, just pre-AP classes that everyone takes.


Not sure why YouTube is recommending me these college shorts when I finished my PhD lol


Can you do video on international students how can they easily get into college


As someone who enrolled into dual credit classes since freshman year I have to say it’s way worth it than AP. My school offers AP for MOST classes, there are a couple of classes that don’t offer AP (Ex: ISM & Dollars and Sense) Like he said, you get to have professors and get the real college experience. The thing is with that, you are assigned a professor that you have to stick to even if they suck. (Had plenty of them) The scheduling was not an issue for me, as it was during regular schooling hours. Some days professors would dismiss class just because which was a bonus, this meant I had an hour or two to do whatever. As a senior now I only have 1 hs class and 4 college classes, almost a full time college student. We get more freedom and get to leave whenever we want. I will be graduating with an AA in general studies and a diploma as well. (About 60+ hours of college hours) My school pays for the entire degree unless you fail a college/hs class OR if you want to get ahead. The downside for my school is that the class size is SOOO tiny (less than 100 people) so it is really competitive. Overall, I think Dual credit enrollment is objectively much better than AP.


Dual credit is better, but you have to be in the right mind and not mess up. Those classes are actually engaging and fun, while AP feels like just honor classes and relatively lame.


I’m duel enrolled, and as long as you can transfer schools from the one you’re duel enrolled at you will be fine. Colleges treat those credits as transfer credits, and you can speak to an advisor at the college you transfer them to about it as well.


Please do dual enrollment if you intend to go to a public in state college. Literally my biggest regret in high school, since 2/3 of the AP classes that I took just gave useless credits.


Personally Duel Enrollment is way better! It's easier, more realistic to the higher education experience, and was much cheaper than my ap classes where I lived. It worked out nice that my prefered uni was the one who offered duel enrollment for my hs but I'm sure that's not the case for everyone. As well if you want a more academically challenging class ap is the way to go, I learned much more from those classes that my DE classes.


For my dual enrollment we have to do them online and the school pays for the whole thing including your books. We are encouraged to do it because if we keep up with it we can get our associates degree by senior year.


I do an early college program at my highschool and the college classes are classified at my highschool as the same thing as AP. So it boosts my GPA as well. By the time I end highschool, I’ll have two years of college done and have my Associates Degree🎉


What about a dual enrollment class at your high school. To be honest if you are not going to the Ivy League these are the best. Your grade doesn’t transfer to your college gpa only the credits. It’s the best way to get ahead on the 4 credit years and save money


Depends, my school lets us add dual enrollment classes to our transcripts and they give a bigger boost depending on the units. I live in California where everyone wants to go to a csu or uc.


Another con of AP is with professional school enrollment (in my case MD and DO programs) have preferential treatment (for a college course with lab{with lab is usually key})or exclusion for AP credit depending on the professional school.


I got my associate’s degree in HS through dual enrollment :D 100% worth it.


I didn't have dual enrollment, but I was offered English 1 for free from my college the summer before Freshman year over 6 weeks. Never was I ever so glad I dropped out of Honors Lit. It was way easier in actual college and it wasn't even AP level yet.


my school has certified de teachers who get the materials from professors and teach it in class we just have to take the actual college tests, anything the teacher does extra goes on the school grade book not the college one but college is on both, every de class and ap counts as a 5 on gpa so it boosts it either way


I've taken many APs -- if you're paying even minimal attention/ doing prep work and your teacher is semi-competent, it's really unlikely that you wont pass the exam


I took dual enrollment english IV in high school, and I was able to transfer those credits for first year writing at Northeastern University
