On your period in surgery?

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There are many hormonal changes with the stress response of surgery and anesthesia, and there can be interactions with the hormonal changes of menstruation on your period. Anesthesia itself is unlikely to affect your period and the related hormones, but the overall stress response can absolutely affect those hormones. Any bleeding during surgery can easily be contained with a pad on the OR table, just let your know OR team know!
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I used to think that stuff would be embarrassing but then I remember that anesthesiologists, OR nurses, techs, and all, literally assist through births, hysterectomies, pelvic surgeries, etc... for y’all it’s just a blip on the radar of what’s happening. I remember being scared after waking from my hysterectomy and going to the bathroom because there was a good deal of blood. I got a smidge woozy sitting there and the (male) nurse asked if he could come in to help. He helped me up, helped me get situated, then literally took a look at the blood in the toilet for me and assured me it was a normal amount. In the moment he was so kind and professional about it that I didn’t even think to be embarrassed.


As a health professional I can confirm that you do NOT have to feel embarrassed about anything your body does. I would never even think of judging a patient because they stained something, or had an accident or whatever, it’s natural, it’s the body ! Anyone that would judge a patient for that kind of thing shouldn’t be in those fields…

Edit : I’m sorry to anyone that have had bad experiences, this should never have to happen to you and sadly there are some healthcare providers that should never be in that field yet they are for who knows why.
I want to specific that whatever they tell you, you don’t have to feel like you’re the one to blame. If they have something to say about what you cannot control, then they’re the one in the wrong, not you. You’re the patient, you’re in a hospital : a place where they deal with bodies. There’s nothing pretty about it and it’s OK, it’s NORMAL. Sickness is not meant to be pretty.
And know that there exists people in this world that understand that. I wish I could be there to tell those things to all of you who have been abused in your most vulnerable state.


Word of advice when it comes to hospital, leave your dignity at the door and pick it up on your way out.


i love how my first thought was "oh no i dont want my surgeon to see my period blood" as they're literally about to look at my organs LMAO


I started mine the day before my hysterectomy. I cried, I told the nurse and said I thought they'd have to cancel the surgery. She said, 'nope, you may be on it now but you won't be when they get done.' I loved that nurse.


I remember asking my surgeon what I should do if I was on my period for my hip replacement surgery date. He said, "Hmm, that's not usually an issue for my hip replacement clients"🤔😂


Ladies it's not a big deal. Like the doc said, we'll make sure there's chux pads under you. We stock sanitary pads. We'll make sure you're clean and dry before you leave the OR suite. That's why it helps when you tell us. If you don't, depending on your surgery, we may not check down there.


I was having laproscopic surgery to check on my endometriosis, I told my doctor that I'd just started my period and I always bled profusely. He said, "I'll take care of that" what an awesome thing. He got rid of my period for that month. He called it the "Blue Plate Special". I spent 7½ long years with him as an infertility specialist. We finally got our miracle baby. Thank you and RIP Dr. Stephens. What a good man he was.


I got my period right before I went in for a gall bladder removal. I was super embarrassed but all the staff made me feel very comfortable. From what I experienced it didn’t mess with my period at all.


My 13 yr old daughter got her first period an hr before having being prepped for neurosurgery- she was so mature and chilled about it - not least bc we were in a foreign country ( from australia but her surgery was at Texas Childrens Hospital ).. i had a feeling she might start her period during this time so luckily we came prepared and it was not a surprise we couldnt manage together.. ps: since her surgery she has been 100% seizure free


I'm a nurse, and to us, it's just another day at the office. There's no need to apologize or be embarrassed. We definitely are not judging you, laughing at you, or telling anyone. Speaking for myself, I feel that much more compassion for you ❤


i had a colonoscopy while on my period at 17 years old, i woke up with a new pad and being clean ! i appreciate the doctors and nurses who were not bothered at all and kept me comfortable !!


I got my very last period the day of my partial hysterectomy. 😂 I told everyone because I thought it was so funny that my body seemed to know that that day was it’s last opportunity to make me suffer. The pure joy of knowing I’d never have another miserable month actually prevented the pain that day. The ONE time I started without any pain at all. That was also funny. Again, it’s like my body was trying to say ‘No wait! We can do this without making you sick for days! LMAO!
Seriously, if the uterus was an organ that grew back (like a lizard’s tail) I’d happily have that surgery over and over again and again. It really was the best thing I ever did.


Peri op RN here I got warm wet wipes, comfy Underpants, pads, hot packs, warm blankets and Tylenol and ibuprofen post op (and probs some oxy too 😂). Got you covered girl❤


Im glad everyone here had a better experience than i did. I was in an accident that ended up tearing both of my ACLs and breaking my wrist. I couldn't bear any weight and started my period in the emergency room. I pressed the nurses button and an aide came to help me. I explained to him i started my period and needed help. He gave me a bed pan. Wtf is that gonna do!?? I think he thought it comes out like urine. I told him i needed a wheelchair so i could go to the bathroom. He went to the nurses desk, right outside of my room and had a temper tantrum like a toddler. I heard him tell the nurse he "isn't putting his hands anywhere near my bloody crotch!"
My husband, a firefighter and ems went out and raised hell. He first educated them we can hear everything, and explained that is not how periods work. The nurses looked super scared. My husband was pissed! Then some much higher up at the hospital got involved. My husband told everyone to get away from me and he just helped me himself.
I will say the surgery team was much much nicer and better about my period. I wonder if they all were made aware of the idiot aide who didn't know how female bodies work.


I told my lady nurse before my neurosurgery. She was like “that’s it?!” I was still slightly embarrassed. I felt at ease with her, my lady anesthesiologist and surgeon ❤


I'm always glad videos like this exist. I think there's value in reminding people that the things you might feel embarrassed about are literally normal, everyday occurrences for medical professionals. People who work with human bodies every day aren't judging you for your bodily functions.


Didn't matter, they still let me roll out of there in a wheelchair soaked and covered in my own blood. I was still so out of it when they told me to get dressed I didn't realize it until they made me use the restroom, I was screaming because I thought they messed me up or something, turns out it was just my period. The nurse was so mean about it to, I cried for days after


Was on my period during my shoulder surgery. Told the nurse and she padded me up and I was good to go.


I ended up with a endo consult after my knee surgery because I had some much period bleeding during my meniscus removal and tendon repair😅
They were more concerned with how much vaginal bleeding there was over my knee, and I’m like that’s normal and my doc was like “loosing 2 cups of blood and dropping near golf ball size clots is not normal.”
