What If Anakin Skywalker WAS GRANTED The Rank of Master (Star Wars What Ifs)

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During Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker was promoted to the High Council per request of the Supreme Chancellor, what would've happened if the Council accepted Anakin as Jedi Master?
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Is granted of the Master rank.
Anakin: "This is outstanding, it's fair."


One of the saddest theories I’ve heard and my personal hand canon is that Mace Windu was planning on making Anakin a Jedi master after his duel with Palpatine having finally come to trust Skywalker


In the ROTS novel it's revealed that the only reason Anakin really cared about being promoted to Jedi Master was that one of the perks was being granted access to the 'Forbidden' Jedi Archives, including any archives pertaining to Force Healing...


What if Kenobi took Anakin to Dooku to be trained, forming a new order of force users. Instead of Dooku turning to the dark side.


I feel like this is one step off of reality, because I truly believe Windu was acting more as a harsh father than a jealous or angered rival. I believe that Anakins final test was spying on Palpatine, whether anything came of it or not, because it would show Anakin was willing to put aside his personal relationships and emotions for the sake of his brothers in the Jedi order. Anakin was so close to his perfect life in that office, but his blade struck the wrong person.


I'm blown away. Seriously the best one you've done mate. You should be proud of this. Love the fact you've finally added abeloth into this. An idea would be what if abeloth escaped at the birth of anakin and took him under her wing?


This was a really good one. Cool seeing non-common antagonists like this. Would be cool to see a what if that brings in uncommon stuff from legends like the Mnggal-Mnggal, the Yuuzhan Vong, or the Rakata into the story.


Wow! You took the story beyond the initial premise. Really felt like a natural progression of Anakin’s Story. Seems like the next “What If” is going to be great btw. This really shows the Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker in a different way.


Mace Windu: You are on this council, and we Grant you the Rank of Master

Anikan: What? This is Acceptable. It's FAIR! I can BE on the council, and BE a Master.

Mace Windu: Take a SEAT, Master Skywalker.


Great idea! What if Ahsoka turned Anakin back to the light on Malachor in Twilight of the apprentice?


Abeloth would be indeed a tough enemy to defeat. And I believe that you're right about the fact that only Anakin can defeat her (hell, not even a black hole could do that). Anyways, it's a very interesting story and especially the villain here was surprising and had me hold my breath for a couple of minutes!


This has to be one of my favorite what if’s so far! Despite losing his student, and his masters, Anakin truly did have a happy ending at the end. This brings joy to my heart! Also 14th attempt at what if Aniken and Galen were rivals and train together!


This is crazy seeing the progression of your story telling. Your channel has also grown so quickly. Keep it up with the stories my man.


Here are some What If Ideas you may find of interest:

- What if the Grand Inquisitor survived the events of Rebels
- What if Ashoka confronted Vader soon after Order 66
- What if Han Solo had force potential
- What if Anakin/Padme had Triplets (Based on the confusion fans had of Yodas "no, there is another" line. Maybe Han is the 3rd, or perhaps Galen Marek)
- What if The Force Unleashed was canon/What if Starkiller was an Inquisitor
- What if Chewbacca had Force Potential/was a Jedi
- What if Han paid off his Debt to Jabba before A New Hope


It would have been more interesting if the Council revealed that they were not granting him the role of Master because they knew he was "secretly" married and he should be grateful that they were not expelling him from the Jedi Order outright.


See how much can change when people say or do something differently, folks.


That was a twist, but like a akin prob i got angry in a way I couldn’t describe, knowing what it’s like to lose somebody close. But may God bless your work, one of the best ones you’ve made. (More emotional too.)


"Anakin cried out with a monstrous Love your writing and Delivery!!


What if Jango Fett Didn't die? as much as I love your stories you seem to concentrate on the more mainline characters I think it would be fun to follow the story of someone who isn't force sensitive and see his impact on the clone wars and beyond


What if Asoka saved Steela Gerera?
What if Obi trained Anakin one on one with Satines help?
What if the Jedi rid the Galaxy of Slavery after Aayla was found?
What if every Jedi was required to Learn and Teach Force Heal?
What if Satine was Anakins Mother?
What if Sabine kept the Darksaber to Lead Mandalore?
