Me to Peel Police Board: Peel Police refused to destroy Carding records then lied, covered-up....

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Confirmed through Freedom of Information. FTR, my two deputations (Nov 2017 and Jan 2018) to the Peel Police Services Board advising them that Peel Police willfully misled the Board/media/public into believing that street check personal information was held "indefinitely".

No response from the Board --no questions and no comments except congratulating me for staying in the 5-minute time limit.

Since documenting the Peel Police street check "full review" and their entire "We are committed to openness and transparency" experience at the Peel Police carding public consultations can best be described witnessing an abusive relationship.

By the way, these ten minutes is also an excellent window into the Peel Police public complaints "system". Believe it or not I've been giving deputations since September 2016 and ---Nothing. And I have Freedom of Information and video to back ME up.

AND! I'm White.

So think about it. What chance have you?....
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