Все публикации

Mississauga motion to use the [Caledon] OPP funding model for Peel Regional Police 2021 Budget.

Peel Police Malton Division Request to Peel Police Board, Nov 22, 2019 191122

Mississauga Council: On gang gunfire that killed Malton teen, innocent bystander, Jonathon Davis


Peel Police Services Board: Street Check/Freedom of Information deputations (Jan and Feb 2019)

Mississauga Councillor Nando Iannicca: 'Synthesize the Ask' and 'Do the Right Thing'

Peel Police Chief 'Street checks are to be conducted...in circumstances that are suspicious'

Peel Police Services Board meeting, Oct 17, 2008 (Day after 'Overview of Homicides') 10 YEARS TODAY

Black Community Action Network (BCAN). Peel Council/Sophia Brown Ramsay full debate, Sept 14, 2018

Peel Council Integrity Commissioner Report Clr Carolyn Parrish re: then-Supt Ingrid Berkeley-Brown

Ontario Civilian Police Commission rules Peel Police/Board's Violation of Policies is Not Misconduct

Peel Police in Schools: Carleton University's Police Infomercial Masquerades as Scientific Study

Me to Peel Police Board: Peel Police refused to destroy Carding records then lied, covered-up....

Peel Police Services Board: Concealing the Street Check Records Retention Schedule. Nov 24, 2017

Peel Police Services Board, Jan 29 2016 re: Carding, Retention and Peel-#PolicingBlackLives

Peel Police Services Board: Knia Singh's 58/16 Carding deputation and Chief Evans' 'Fail to Report'

Peel Police hid Carding [Destruction] Schedule from Board, media and public, Jun 2015 - Jan 2018

Peel Police Board Chair Ahluwalia 'our heart goes out to people who have suffered...etc etc etc'

Peel Police Services Board: Evans to Crombie 'we have been conducting a full review' June 12, 1015

BAIL and the Marginalized: Justice Ferhan Javed. Osgoode/YorkU address

Peel Police/Carleton Business School COPS IN SCHOOLS report --Linda Duxbury report

Peel Police 'mask, hide and doctor' their Street Check/Carding race stats to the Board

Independent Police Oversight Review report --Attorney General Yasir Naqvi's address

Peel Police/TerraNova 'Carding' report. Full presentation to Board Jan 29, 2016