Plastic Surgeon Reacts to EXTREME Nose Jobs From Turkey!

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Watch me, a real holistic plastic surgeon react to a plastic surgeon who is making her patients' noses look like they are from Whoville!

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They end up looking almost like pigs...


Choosing to go from a Greek goddess to Piglet is wild.


She’s giving them pig snouts, they look absolutely terrible. I can’t believe this plastic surgeon is so proud of her work.


The before pictures were so much better than the after ones. 😕


Im very sorry but my first thought was miss piggy noses 😬


The lady surgeon is a huge fan of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"


I have an upturned nose (not that bad) and i hate that people can see right uo my nostrils... Why you would want that, i have no idea


I finally got my nose fixed a month ago. I got a bat to the face aged 8 during gym class, which broke it and dislocated it. I was too young for the surgeon to want to fix it, and by the time I was old enough to fix it, I was dealing with other health issues that had to be adressed first. Then last year I dislocated my nose yet again and decided it was time to get it looked at. Im 35 now. The surgeon had a massive job ahead of him and I have a connective tissue disorder that has severely compromised my cartilage and such that the surgeon was scared my septum would completely collapse. Thankfully it didnt! And because I had those splints instead of tampons, I was breathing through my nose from the second I woke up from the surgery! I had not been breathing through my nose since that bat hit my nose so that was the weirdest feeling ever! I also had very minimal swelling for a long time. I had very little pain from the splints and taking them out was not painful at all. Just shocking as I was able to breathe even better. The cartilage has swollen up some since almost week 3, but I can still breathe through my nose. The surgeon found the fracture from when I was 8 and it was still slightly open so he fixed that and was able to relocate my nose. All the work was internal, as he didnt want to risk to do too much at once so there might be a surgery number two for a rhinoplasty. The first one was all internally done. But as Im able to breathe through my nose this well and it looks so much better and feels a lot better, I dont think the second round will be necessary. This is the first surgery I've had where there were zero complications, which has been weird!

The best part is now waking up with a wet mouth. And I dont snore anymore. I dont gasp for air if I've had my mouth closed for too long anymore. The cartilage is still really swollen but I love that I can breathe. It's been one of tje best decitions I've ever made. My nose was completely closed on one side and 60% open on the other, and super crooked in the outside. Now I cant even notice any crookedness. We'll see how it looks once the swelling is all the way down but this has been a magical journey so far. And thank God I didnt have to go to Turkey to have it fixed. I would have been livid if I woke up with a nose like that. My nose still looks exactly like it was, just straighter.


It’s like that twilight Zone episode where they had the pig noses and the pretty girl was thought of as ugly.


Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how gorgeous Dr. Youns skin in.


I have always loved my mom's nose but, I was gifted my dad's instead. Spent the 1st 25 years of my life wanting a nose job, until I had children & started working on our family tree. I have my great, great'grandmothers nose! It's real, it's all mine & it works pretty good most of the time. Why not try to love what you have? After all it's what makes you, uniquely YOU! 😂😂😂❤
Plus, if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Zero *huge* regrets, later on. ❤❤


i always love Doctor Youns beginning reaction


I'm shocked why dr Youn didn't mention that those noses are so upturned, skin thinned that in the future their cartilage may poke through. There were a few cases of that on show Botched.


As a Turkish person, this topic need a clean-up. I am Turkish and had a septorhinoplasty in my country, i wanted natural results and got them. People couldn’t even tell i got a surgery but only noticed an improvement in my face. Plastic surgery is a huge part of health tourism here. These Turkish surgeons that go viral online usually work for foreigner patients who come from abroad to get a surgery (usually from USA or rich Arab countries). They are extremely expensive for regular Turkish citizens but are cheaper for the foreigners compared to the surgeries in their countries. These clinics are basically tourist traps. These popular extreme plastic surgeons don’t represent Turkish plastic surgery at all, and are a bad name for us, foreigners from rich countries come here and ask for extreme procedures and get what they want and the procedures are called “Turkish something something” (same with “Turkey teeth”; Turkish dentists giving foreigner patients usually from the UK extremely white and fake looking veneers that are very expensive)


It looks like their faces are mashed against a pane of glass, but without the glass.


That looks HORRIBLE!!! 😲😤 How can she be proud of that???


😬 Meanwhile in South Korea, people are getting their upturned noses straightened to an almost horizontal angle. Looking up a persons nostrils when they're talking to you isn't very pleasant when they have allergies or a cold😑


That scares me more than seeing a horror movie.


First of all Dr Youn your skin is flawless and glowing.


See, my nose is super straight and I would LOVE to upturn the tip just a smidge so it doesn't look so strong BUT I wouldn't want to have my nose facing the sky or something like those patients did.
