Prey | Official Trailer | Hulu

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It lives to hunt. #Prey is now streaming on Hulu.
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This trailer alone is better than the last Predator movie.


Showing Predators hunting in different historical eras is a cool concept. You can build a huge franchise with this concept. Hopefully this will be a good Predator movie.


This is easily one of the best Predator films hands down. Healthy amount of action and suspense and the cinematography is amazing. Hopefully if a sequel does happen we can see it in theaters and not on a streaming service. This would’ve been great in theaters and waiting a year for the disc release is ridiculous!


Just watched this movie today and it was fantastic! The characters, the setting and the action were top notch.


"He knows how to hunt, i know how to survive."
Then good luck never getting rid of each other.


More sequels like this, please. Just Predators throughout history vs the warriors of different cultures.
Solid, simple characters with no convoluted story. Just great action and unique kills.


The best movie since the original! The war cry at the end by the Commache female lead, was amazing!


Underated predator movie. The design of more 'ancient' predator is what gets me, not too over powered but not too lacking. It Hits the spot. Since the predators are known to adapt, and hunt, the characters in the movie themselves show how they can adapt and hunt too. Such a beautiful representation of human born to be hunters vs. alien hunters. And...

Does anyone notice the end of the movie where.. *spoiler alert*

The end, it shows the drawing animation of an oncoming spaceship? I hope there's a sequel to this.


As a big Predator fan, this honestly should be the idea for further Predator movies, predators at varying points in time is a nice formula!


This was actually a really good trailer, showed a lot of the chaos that’s about to unfold without actually revealing too much.


I was bored and out of things to watch so I went in with low expectations. Wow! What a pleasant surprise. I thought the idea of bows and arrows against a Predator was ludicrous but it was smartly written. The bear vs. Predator fight was sick. I love the beauty of the Native American culture and their respect for nature/combat. It’s the heart of the movie. Amber Midthunder is AMAZING as Naru. Trust me, I never thought she could pull it off watching the trailers because I had a tough time accepting how it could be plausible, but they more than pulled it off. She is fantastic, and if you think this is gonna be woke and decided to pass, you’re missing the best Predator since the original. Naru is to Prey, as Ripley is to Aliens, in my humble opinion. Both fantastic female leads!


I really like everything about this movie. The CGI, the acting, the flow of the story and the wonderful scenes.
I guess the only reason why people criticize this movie is because they all look past those points and think about what's realistic or not. Movies are of different genres and if you come here looking for something realistic and rational like "predators dominating/killing a woman" then you aren't thinking straight at all. Movies are supposed to keep you entertained or whatnot, it isn't all about what's real is perfect/beautiful.
Give this movie a chance and you'll see so many lessons. What a beauty!


This looks like it could hit the heights of the first and second films, wish it was coming to theatres but I’m still pumped


feels like an addition to the franchise and not just a cash grab


This is probly one of the best movies I’ve seen about indigenous.

And it has the predator vs a female hero.

More please!


Why havn't I heard of this movie until now, So incredible


I really hope there will be more scenes with predator vision. I feel like every predator movie showes it less and less and it
really defines the greatness of predator and builds unusual atmosphere


This trailer makes us represent of how Predator gets to be sneaky and silent like in the first film. Also the Predator clicking is satisfying throughout the trailer!


This movie was SO GOOD. The photography, landscapes, cinematography... was all so beautiful and poignant... the backstory of the young indigenous girl vs the French trappers could be a film by itself... but then it becomes a freakin' Predator movie!!! This is Hollywood genius at its best.


This looks so badass! Honestly, I want this to succeed so we can get other movies set in the past as well. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the Predator movies that art set in modern times (mainly 1, 2, and Predators) but having set in the past is such a fresh and new direction for the series. Can you imagine it set in Feudal Japan or Viking Age, Ancient Greece, or hell a pirate film?
