Sam Shamoun vs Shabir Ally (The Unedited Version)

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The Bible vs the Quran; which is the Word of God? (Debate, 2000)

*Please watch this version of the debate as their is an edited audio version of the debate going around the internet propagated by Bob Morry's minstery.
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shabir ally is a gentleman compares to zakir naik, he deserves respect


Okay why Sam won and the debate summarized

Shabir ally's criteria for what passages of the bible are reliable is: if it agrees with the Qur'an then its trustworthy if not then its a corruption.

AND DURRING THE DEBATE he gives not a reason for trusting the quran (then latter giving week arguments in Q&A session{if you want to know why they're week, quote each one and I'll tell you })

Sam's main opening argument is that the Qur'an affirms that the bible is from God and that God will not let it be corrupted, and teaches, that we should judged according to the bible if the Qur'an is true!
therefor the Qur'an cant be true cause it contradicts the bible and by doing so, itself!

Shabbily answers: no its not affirming the entire scriptures just what the Qur'an agrees with, (No explanation why we should trust the Qur'an except just read it and we'll get subjective feeling and know its true)
He doesn't address why god doesn't preserve the bible as well, he does try by quoting the Qur'an to show that the bible has been corrupted.

Sam responds by putting shabir's quote in context proving that corruption referred to in the Qur'an is by christian heretics who are writing there own scriptures not corrupting the orthodox scriptures. and then reaffirms that the plain reading of the Qur'an and other Muslim sources suggest that it affirms that the entire bible that existed at the time of Muhumed is from god.

the genius of Shabir as a master debater is exhibited now because he switches tactics and topics, he attacks minor inconsistencies in biblical interpretations and bible passages inconstant with currant popular philosophies about God, in order to prove the bible contains error

Sam spends his time reconciling these and the two go back and forth on these issues, and not the original argument made by Sam, for the rest of the debate!

Sam does a good job reconciling objecting made by Shabir to the bible in the time allotted. However, Shabir never address nor reconciles Sam's original argument and therefore despite his rhetoric Shabir loses!


I cannot believe that shabir lied about the bible to gain a crowd in his favor, he said revelations 14:4-5 said no women got into eternal paradise smh. And that only proves his ignorance and disrespect for Christianity's scripture and the bible itself! Shame on him


Sams Logic:

1. Shabir can not quote William barker, he is not "perfect" nor a prophet Sam says

2. Sam quotes unreliable "Islamic" sources and says "This is from Muslim sources" and then he counts that as proof, going against his own "rules".

What a hyporcrite.


Shabir Ally is a great debater. I think that he's the greatest Muslim apologist that I've ever heard, even better than Ahmed Deedat in my opinion. But Sam Shamoun won this debate.


The best part is that sam shomoun goes indepth into the Bible to prove a point and he does it too. If you see his page he gives a detailed description on the most asked questions about Jesus Christ....hes just fantastic, his debates are superb and he just tares his opponent see his debates either with nadir or with farhan or shabbir he just takes them on and finishes love you sam and for your explanation on your web and your videos i have grown more in faith....thanks bro!!!! you are a true fighter in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.


Sam Shamoun is a brave man for doing this. I keep him in my prayers. God bless you for uploading.


Both wonderful debaters, however I congratulate Sam Shamoun, because he quoted  & answered more questions from both the Quran & the Bible. God does not make mistakes, so to say that the Quran is correcting the inspired Word of the Almighty Creator is completely contradictory to the absolute truth. The Scriptures were either breathed from God or the adversary, let us not forget that Lucifer was very well acquainted with God's perfect plan for our humanity.


Christians will say Sam Shamoun won, and Muslims will say Shabir Ally won. Shamoun won btw. :)


That’s why Sam doesn’t debate with people anymore who have actual Islam knowledge 😂


I don't mean to be disrespectful but this debate was a waste of time. They should take Br. Sabir's advice and hold the debates in front of more scholarly people who wish to learn something and investigate for themselves.
What happened here was just 2 groups turned up, one cheering Br. Sabir and the other Sam. And in the end, each group went home thinking "We sure showed them!!"


There is no a single word in Sams's opening statement that is used from Bible to prove how his book is not corrupted.
That is problem that when christians debating Bible they are quoting Qur'an but when they are debating Qur'an they are quoting Bible.


Impreasive debate. Great dialogue need more of this.


You see, if you heard Shabir, he's not there to win or lose, it's not FOR that. It's just so each side take the facts brought by both speakers, and see how right or wrong they are. Just to be fair, I don't think Sam talked about The Qur'an, maybe only a few... weird? things. Most of his talk was about "Hadith". The subject is Bible/Qur'an as far as I know, not Hadith vs bible...? but I guess the answer is on the website he keeps referring us to every time...? meh, not right.


Sam, you are a man of the Word! Jesus is coming with the Sword in his mouth. Muslims, understand' the Sword is the Word. The WORD of God. Sam intensified the Word... Shabbir must learn...


if u actually watched the debate, you will notice shabir responded to every objection sam made


I have no problem with either of these gentlemen or their points of view on God or religion but man when it comes to modest and non-arrogant behavior Shabir takes the prize any day of the week. Looking at Sam when Shabir speaks one notices how far away from Jesus teaching Sam is. Self promotion is the worst way.


Funny how Shabir will try to use the Bible to say Islam is right, and that Christians should be muslim, and the Bible teaches to be Muslim. Then, he will curse Christians, by saying the Bible teaches them wrong, and the Qur'an is right. Thats the real hypocrisy.


There is no trend of development in 4 gospels, but they have 4 purposes:

Matthew - He is presented as messiah told in Old Testament to the Jews, So his genealogy starts from Abraham and Many Old testament verses are quoted stating he fulfilled the Prophecies of Messiah.
Mark - He is presented as the Suffering Servant of God, So there is no genealogy.
Luke - He is presented as Man of God to the Gentiles, so the Genealogy started from Adam.
John - He is presented as Son of God to the Gentiles, so the Genealogy is Supernatural in First 2 verses of John, he is presented as The Word of God and He is God Himself.


Lol!!! All of you claiming that Sam won the debate clearly didn't watch the debate at all. I can't believe you people fell for Sam's tactics. You poor people... Desperate to hold on to that man made faith of yours. To bad for you too. Some truth is their in your bibles but people like Sam are twisting it up. Shabir ally is trying to show you fools the truth. Just hear him and check up the info for yourself and you will see just how fake Sam is
