25 SNEAKY Dollar Tree hacks you NEED! (save time & money NOW!) 🤯

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Hey, guys! Today we are shopping the Dollar Tree for the best summer hacks of 2022!

#doitonadime #dollartree #homehacks

➡️ Cricut essentials:

Want to save more money when you shop? These APPS ARE FREE!
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Write me at:
Kathryn "Doitonadime"
P.O. Box 1436
Matthews, NC USA

Music licensed by Epidemic Sound.

FTC Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. This post also contains affiliate links and I earn a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. It doesn't cost you any extra. Thank you for your continued support to keep Do It On A Dime going!
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I've been watching you for 8 years. Fellow teacher here, I have used so many of your tips and tricks in classrooms and at home through the years. "If no one's told you", you are an amazing gift to us all!


Recently a coworker was talking about feeling so overwhelmed with urgent tasks and not being able to get it all done. She mentioned needing encouragement, and I said, "You are enough!" She stopped, and I could tell she had never heard that before, and she seemed to really take it in. I just wanted you to know, Kathrine, that you are making a difference, just with that 1 statement!


A good party hack I use preparing your large pitchers of lemonade or ice tea, take large solo cups and fill with the drink you are going to serve and freeze them. Pop out your frozen drink out and put in pitcher...do this instead of ice that way your pitcher of drink choice does not get watered down.


Your son walking through the house with the giant inflatable lollipop was the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. (And I love the continuity of him sitting on it later in the clip, when you were talking about bubbles.)


Those pop-up laundry baskets and the food tents are really great to put over newly transplanted plants. The shade helps the plant to not be sun fried while it's producing roots in its new home. You can use landscape staples to anchor to the ground.


I have serious Dollar Tree envy! Those ice cube trays...swoon. Great video!


I LOVE it when you interact with the camera with your “boop”. Don’t change. You are entertaining, amazing and give me great ideas. You ARE enough!


I love that your videos move quickly. You spend enough time to explain the hack and move to the next one. So many videos spend time talking about it. You are also fun and funny and I love your kids!
We are all MORE than ENUF!


Pro tip: when you buy the freezer pops, freeze them vertically so they freeze with the space at the top and you get a clean cut every time 🥰❤️


Turning the hanging organizers into drawers with bins and labels.
Mind. Blown.
I always hated those organizers because they looked too messy and open (ladybug organizer problems). Thank you!!!


Thank you for having and sharing your beautiful energy. Thank you for helping us smile.


I love muffin trays for sorting Lego. When our boys get me to pull apart and put away sets they aren't using, or when finding all the pieces for them to build a set that's been pulled apart, the mini muffin trays are perfect for keeping similar pieces together.


Love it when you show us new uses for regular or overlooked items! always so creative.


i rarely shop at dollar tree. i only watch your videos bc they are a boost of serotonin for me haha


I really like the magnet idea to hold the food tent down. You have the best ideas!


My favorite hack in this video: using the magnets on the bottom of the food nets as weights. My favorite quote in this video: "they just look like turds" LOL! Love you! Love your family! Love your videos!


Oh my goodness Kathyn ! Carson is so tall it's so great to see the boys growing up. Love & Blessings ( as always.) From Nova Scotia, Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️


The food tents were sold at my local dollar tree some years back, and I bought one. But, I didn’t use it much because- wind. Thank you so much for sharing the magnet hack for them. I also didn’t know about freezing the bottom of the metal tin, or most of the others you shared. These hacks are all great. Thank you so much for sharing!


I am going to get on the band wagon here an say...you have the most infectious smile and personality. You make me smile.


I didn’t know that you knew most of us hate that pushing up to the camera!! I thought it would be petty to mention because everything else you do is PERFECT! It really messes with my eyes!!
