Why Does It Matter That Christ Was ‘Begotten, Not Made’?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1528
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Dear God I believe in You and that You sent Your Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ into the word to die for our sins. I confess that l am a sinner and is in need of The Savior. I put faith alone in Christ alone. I also believe in my heart and confess with my mouth and ask that You forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. Lord Jesus I repent and ask that You come into my heart, take up full residence, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and sent God fearing Christians in my path in Jesus’s name amen.


This was very well explained, and so helpful. Thankyou!


Wow well put. This was very helpful. God bless✝️


Very helpful. Thank you pastor. God bless


Listen to this if you are feeling- lost, alone, depressed, abandoned, scared worthless or even suicidal. I'm speaking to you...

You are precious.

You are beloved.

You are wanted.

When God crafted you before the foundation of the earth was laid out he didn't create you to suffer, you were made for him and he takes great pleasure in you. The King of peace and order has plans for you.

There is hope in what you are going through and we are here for you. If you are reading this then this message is for you, God has woven it into your life for this moment and I bind blessings, love and favor in your life in Jesus name.

His strong worthy hand is outstretched toward you....

Take it!


Begotten = created = not eternal = not God


In the beginning The Word was with God and The Word was God. And Jesus Christ is The Word of God.


Thank you for the explanation of begotten really helpful.
Tuesday a Muslim missionary used begotten to deny divinity of Jesus as we were doing a open air in Cambridge UK. Forewarned is forearmed.


I feel like if you believe in this then you have to say that the son is also eternally submitted to the father and He loses His divinity in a sense. I can’t seem to reconcile this yet word “Begotten” yet, the way Piper explained it.


Because Christ was formed from God’s own essence... that is why he is God but not God the father, who formed (not created) him. AMEN


No such thing as begotten not made

That idea came through creeds by apostate men

Jesus is not almighty God
Jesus was a created being


Great job precious Pastor. This is one of the greatest
topics and wonders of the only begotten Son of God Jesus Christ our Lord. The
only problem with the Nicene Council teaching is that it still leaves so many
sensitive questions that arise from the Scriptures and statements of our Lord
Jesus Christ unanswered. Neither can Arianism nor Modalism answer the question
that hang over from their own teachings. This remains one of the Wonders of the
Only Begotten Son of God "Jesus Christ" because His Name is called
Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Too wonderful even
for systematic theology of men to fathom out.

All the groups have various amounts of truth mixed with the
traditions of men and the rudiments of the world in varying proportions. The
Full Gospel version believes ALL Scriptures together and rightly divides the
Word of Truth and places them in their appropriate and respective positions
without denying or breaking or suppressing any word of the Scripture as we are
commanded by our Lord that "We must live by every word that proceeded out
of the mouth of God".

The fundamental or primary reason for errors for all the
groups is the inability to believe all the Word of God together and therefore
seeking for some escape route "interpretations" that best support
each of the different biases. Therefore, they are all unable to Balance ALL
Scripture together. The next reason for errors is not being able to
differentiate by definition the word "God" as is related to the Only
One True God the Father as a Person and the word "Divinity" as its
relates to His Essence (or Deity). Please patiently listen to this
"Understanding the Glorious Mystery of the Only Begotten Son of God"
by Daniel Ukpong and send any question or concerns to me in the comments
and I will respond. God Bless in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.

Here is the link:


I remember Pastor John preaching through John 1.
He started it The Lord's Day before the 2008 Presidential Election.
Time flies.


I think as a mortal trying to explain the God head, concerning Jesus Christ is beyond people to understand and know, so until eternity is done, then perfect understand comes into focus.


Proverbs 8 speaks of the Sons beginning


E.W. Bullinger:
By word man, who is in God's image, makes known his mind; so the Word is the outcome of God's essence (Hebrews 4:12-13; 1Peter 1:25; Genesis 1:3); by the Word He made the universe (Psalms 33:6). The Medium of every external act of God (Hebrews 1:1-3) in the physical and spiritual creations.

As Logos is the embodiment and outward expression of the invisible thought, so the 2nd person manifests hte invisible deity and is said to be "God manifes in the flesh"1 Tim 3:16; "the express image of His person Hebrews 1:3; "the image of the invisible God" Colossians 1:15

The Godhead is "Spirit" John 4:24 and as spirit has no likeness to matter, God himself took some creature form, (not human yet) before He created anything, in order that creation might have a mediator, or a means of communion with Deity. Hence, Christ as the word is said to have been "In the beginning" John 1:1; "before all things" (Colossians 1:17); The first-born of every creature" Colossians 1:15; the beginning of the creation of God" Revelation 3:14; and hence "In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" Colossians 2:9.

Then the word was made flesh (John 1:14) in that He might redeem the creation from the curse. Made flesh in order He might suffer and die in atonement of our sins (Heb 10:5; Ps 40:6; Is 62:1; Phil 2:7)

Thus one of our earliest creeds says "begotten not made, true God from true God"

One way to compare it (though not a perfect comparison) is: as the word is the embodiment and outward expression of the invisible thought, so The Son/The Word manifests the invisible deity and is said to be "God manifest in the flesh" 1 Tim 3:16; "the express image of His person” Hebrews 1:3; "the image of the invisible God" Colossians 1:15. It is like The Son, also known as The Word, puts a created (yet still in spirit) form on The Father.


Thank yo very much. i study the bible on my own. and i didnt understand the word begotten. i was on the dictionary.and couldent find.the meaning so i got on yor channel and you explained very clearly thanks again you were very Bless you!!!!


Bible writers frequently used the concept of “birth or begotten” in place of “made” or “created.” For instance, the Hebrew word for “brought forth” in some Bible versions is related to birth (“born”). (Deuteronomy 32:18; Psalm 51:5; Isaiah 51:2; 66:8-9; Proverbs 8:24-25.)

The Hebrew word yalad means "to bear, bring forth, beget"- Gesenius, #3205, but it can be used (as the equivalent English word also can) for "cause to be." For example, when God says he "begot"/"fathered" (yalad) the nation of Israel (Deut. 32:6, 18), he clearly means that he caused it to be or created it as a nation. There is no implication that it was somehow begotten out of the very substance of his body. In like manner God calls the nation of Israel his son, his firstborn because it was the very first nation created by him and for him (cf. Ex. 4:22). Again, anything Jehovah causes to be may be said to be "begotten" by him and is his "offspring."

"Do you thus repay [YHWH], O foolish and senseless people? Is not he your father, who created you, who made you and established you?" - Deut. 32:6, NRSV.

"You forsook the creator who begot [yalad] you and ceased to care for God who brought you to birth." - Deut. 32:18, NEB.

"Men of Athens [non-Christians], .... The God who made the world and everything in it ... does not live in shrines made by man. .... Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold or silver, or stone..." - Acts 17:22, 24, 29, RSV

In Ps. 90:2 we also see yalad used in the sense of created:

"Before the mountains were born [yalad] or you brought forth the earth" - NIV, AT, JB, NJB, NAB (1991), NASB;

"begotten" - NAB (1970);

"were given birth" - MLB.

Or, "Before the mountains were created, before the earth was formed." - Living Bible, cf. TEV.

So, the Hebrew word most often translated "begotten, brought forth" may also be understood (as in English) to mean created or produced.

John Patrick, in his Clement of Alexandria (circa. 155-220 C.E.) notes:

"Clement repeatedly identifies the Word with the Wisdom of God, and yet refers to Wisdom as the first-created of God; while in one passage he attaches the epithet "First-created, " and in another "First-begotten, " to the Word." "But this seems to be rather a question of language than question of doctrine, At a later date a sharp distinction was drawn between “first - created” and “first - born", “first - born" or "first begotten";5 but no such distinction was drawn in the time of Clement, who with the Septuagint rendering of a passage in Proverbs before him could have had no misgiving as to the use of these terms."
p.103, 104, note 6.

From The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Volume 1 Faith, Trinity, Incarnation, by Harry Austryn Wolfson, 2nd Edition, Revised:

"Zahn casually remarks that Clement 'always makes a sharp distinction between the only uncreated God the Father and the Son or Logos who was begotten or created before the rest of creation.'...1. cf. Th. Zahn, "Supplementum Clementinium", (1884), 144, p. 204, 92
"It is undoubtably with reference to this "coming forth" of the Logos prior to the creation of the world that Clement speaks of the Logos as "firstborn" [protogonos] and of wisdom, which he idtentified with the Logos, as the "first-created" [protoktistos]...30 Strom. VI, Ibid. V. 14., ibid. p 209


CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA (circa. 155-220 C.E.): “...For ( WE ) thus understand: “I begot thee before the morning star, ” with reference to THE FIRST-CREATED LOGOS OF GOD and similarly: “thy name is before sun, ” and moon and before all creation...” - (Chapter 1, Paragraph 20, Verse 1; [1.20.1], “EXTRACTS FROM THEODOTUS, ” By Robert Pierce Casey ; Quoted on Pages 40-91, “The Excerpta ex Theodoto of Clement of Alexandria, ” Studies and Documents 1; London: Christophers, 1934.)


Given, first in Title or rank. Not created. He added a human nature to his divine nature. SDG


Trinity! Nowhere in the Bible, it speaks of a Trinity.
