God Has Isolated You Because . . .

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What does the Bible say about isolation? Why has God allowed you to be isolated right now? Here are 3 common reasons God sometimes puts people through a season of isolation.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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What is a long season.. I have been isolated for 4 years.. I try everything to find community.. I have lost most of my family.. my loneliness has caused me to spiral into depression .. I pray and read Gods word everyday and try to live a holy life.. sometimes I long just to be hugged.😢


I created healthy distance from MOST people I've known. It's the best thing ever.


I isolated myself from toxic family and a narcissist with God's help and guidance
Happy to say i am more at peace😊


It's naive of people to say "just find a good church". When my husband died, the church we were very involved in and supportive of disappeared on me. I have had to overcome introversion and work very hard to make others feel comfortable but it is not reciprocated. I have cycled thru two other churches where i tried to be a part and was not welcomed. There seems to be a spirit of isolation that has taken over our world. I pray against it often and going on 6 yrs where i do everything everything i can to be positive and active in my community. I also had to remove myself from narcissistic family. It is mind boggling how hard it is to connect. Much prayer is needed.


I needed this. I also am in a season of isolation. I am also alone and an older person.
I just try to stay focused on Jesus...


I moved countries to be with a girl I met online. It worked out perfectly because now I am part of her Christian community instead of the worldly people I was surrounded by back home. Isolating is tough but knowing you're doing it for God makes it easier 🙏


33 yo single male living overseas to study PhD. I have been crying a lot these last 2 weeks. Feel isolated and alone despite meeting lots of people everyday outside. Called counseling service yesterday since I could not concentrate on my research.
But I agree through this I speak to God a lot more through mental prayer.


After becoming unemployed I have become depressed. I have a lot of pressure looking for the right job for me.


I’m not sure what to think about this topic. I’m a child of God and I’ve seen how he works in my life—how he slams doors shut and how he opens them freely for me. I don’t understand why he makes it to where no one likes me. I can’t make friends and when I thought I had friends before it turned out they were evil against me. I now choose to be isolated because I’ve learned not to like people because of what I’ve gone through for so long. It’s even worse in the church so I haven’t gone to church in years. My ex husband turned on me and ran off and married a ‘friend’ of mine from church! I can’t win with people yet I’m starting to get lonely as I get older and the isolation ive sort of been forced into is starting to take its toll on me. I just want this world to finally end so i can finally go to heaven. I don’t feel strongly that I’m a part of this world and it hurts being here and feeling all these tormentful feelings.


Thank you for this video, I've been in a season of isolation that I have tried to get out of constantly. I now realize it is an intentional season and I've tried turning closer to God while in this season


God led me to the understanding that I needed to be in the wilderness for a bit, alone with Him, focused on Him, no distractions. I got some personal revelations and connected with God on a deeper level than ever before. I don't understand what He wants from me now. Being this alone and disconnected from others isn't healthy on any level. I try to connect and reach out, but I get interference. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, as Proverbs says.


Mark. This is perfect for me and explains exactly why GOD is allowing this. I’m so grateful for your confirmation and all you keep giving to us.


Beautiful wisdom again Mark - love how right out the gate he stresses the IMPORTANCE of community and the local congregation (Heb. 10-25), while giving practical wisdom on why Father would have us alone for A TIME biblically. Great job brother


I've been on a fast and I felt it was time I go to my local church, but at the same time I hope it just isn't me but GOD. I have been in isolation for 4 years


O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?

I replied on a previous video saying that God is an excellent recycler reusing the same experience among many of his followers; and it seems that trait is not lacking the slightest for this experience. Years and years of isolation hurricane longing coupled with sorrow and grief. I feel destroyed down to my very core until I feel there is little to nothing left other than emotional numbness; but then, so did Job and he ended his words with acknowledging God:

‭‭Job‬ ‭42:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬
I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”


Thanks Mark. For the guidance. You are a Blessing Mark. Psalms 23.6 Surely goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and We shall dwell in the House of the LORD Forever and Ever. Amen.


Ive been in isolation since being born again 2 years ago and I am so ready for born again friends but I've had no luck. I literally have no one to share my love for God with. People in the world just don't get it.


Your dedication to sharing the teachings of God on your YouTube channel is commendable. May God's love and wisdom continue to flow through your words and touch the lives of many.


Good insight, I am going through this, and it helps me to better understand God’s will.


You always are spitting facts Mark!!!! You always have a video that discusses exactly what I am struggling with! You are God given! Thank you and God bless you! You are awesome

Keep spreading truth, always
