How to Shoot With Both Eyes Open - Navy SEAL Teaches Ocular Dominance

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Learn how to shoot with both eyes open from a Navy SEAL firearms instructor. Instantly shoot like a Navy SEAL using ocular dominance.

Learning to shoot with both eyes open can be a bit challenging. The main reason is that it’s hard to describe exactly what you’re supposed to see when you do it. Because I talk about shooting with both eyes open a lot, I get lots of questions on how to do it. This video will not just tell you, but show you what I see when I shoot with both eyes open.




About Me:

I am a retired Navy SEAL Sniper instructor and the bestselling author of “How to Shoot Like Navy SEAL” and “Navy SEAL Shooting.” I founded The New Rules of Marksmanship which helps you become a better shooter at home, while saving you time and money.



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How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL

Navy SEAL Shooting



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Just out of curiosity… what if I promised you that I could teach you to become a better shooter, save you time and money, AND you can do this all from your home...


A little insight from a former USN Gunner's Mate. The way I did this was to start with the hardest eye dominance task I could think of, the 60 power big eyes (binoculars) mounted on the bridge wing of my boat. I put my right eye on the left side of those big ass binos and focused and unfocused until I dialed a clear image with both eyes open. I did this whenever I had roving watch in port, partly to learn a new skill, partly to scan the harbor, and mostly because I was bored. So if you own a scope, spotting scope or some binoculars try using those as your practice for obtaining a clear sight picture with both eyes open. Carry on the good work.


Chris I am an ex naval eye tech. Completely understand about ocular dominance. Ive trained my eyes to focus on one picture. I did this using a pencil to focus on using the moving miles technique. The technique works well. Thanks for the info.


THIS! I'm fighting this battle now!!! I'm cross eye dominant. I use rifles


I already keep both eyes open for photography. Funny at first because one eye is through an optic and the other isn't, but you miss way less stuff. So in a dynamic shooting situation, I can only imagine that the same holds true.


Chris, I am working on this because I think it's really important. Every single person who has noticed or asked me what I was doing has been dismissive and told me rather dismissively "I've tried and YOU can't do it." "YOU will fail" or they've said "Only some people can do it. If you can't do it after a few tries, you aren't one of them." (All those people were men, by the way.) Just to let you know, I'm going to use your techniques AND I'M GOING TO SUCCEED.


Great explanation. I am extremely left eye dominate but right handed. Pistols are fine with me but my big problem is rifles. I can not keep both eyes open due to this cross dominance unless I shoot left handed.


Chris is one of the very few I follow. I find that my best shooting is with both eyes open.


My problem is not seeing two sight pictures, but two targets, when focusing on the front sight.


Outstanding! This is exactly what I wanted to hear you explain. I was getting a hard time with that. Thanks!


Easy way to learn is first line up your sights normally with one eye, then open the other eye and now your brain will keep the correct sight picture vivid in your mind and continue to keep sight in focus. Takes a split second to line up the sights then open the other eye to have better situational awareness and vision. Once you practice like this you will eventually be able to just keep both eyes open the whole time while bring your rifle or pistol up. The training is also very non invasive to your regular shooting since you are doing everything the exact same exempt opening both eyes once you're on target.


I'm right handed but left eye dominate. In the Army the drill instructors assumed since I was right handed I was also right eye dominate. I learned to shoot with my right eye. After I retired I learned I was left eye dominate and started shooting that way. Now I can shoot with both eyes open but I have to slightly tilt my head one way or the other. 

If I shoot right handed I turn my head to the left a little and it works. When I transition and shoot left handed, I turn my head a little to the right and it works.


Man this guy was on point when i open both my eyes and seen the double i paid attention to the dominate one hit the target everytime


AS SOMEONE who cant physically wink on eye closed.

and A gun nut and GOOD hunter.

ITS a challenge that I have ADAPTED to.


Thanks. I've been struggling wit sight picture for a little while now as a new shooter and I've been watching a lot of videos. You finally said what no one else has. I am always going to have 2 sight pictures ad I just need to learn to focus on the one fro my dominate eye. Cross eye dominance isn't helping the whole deal but now that I know I'm seeing what I should be seeing I can work on the mechanics without having to question if my sight picture is correct. 


Chris, I applied your techniques and had patience, and after an unspecified amount of time I am now able to shoot with both eyes open. Now I no longer miss seeing those pesky targets hiding on the left-hand side during IDPA and Action Pistol. THANK YOU!


No matter the proper instruction, I naturally close an eye. Tnx 4 ur hlp!


This is an excellent presentation on a topic that I, as a new shooter, have received conflicting recommendations about. Intuitively, I don't think I could close one eye when addressing a threat. It makes sense to keep both eyes open to be fully aware of one's surroundings. Chris, you've given us a plan on how to train to ignore the input from the non-dominant eye. Many thanks!


Coming here from watching American Sniper a few months ago. Sure, it’s a movie but both eyes open got me thinking. And working on it


I agree wit h a lot of the comments of he taught nothing, He just talked and did not show...I am no way trash talking this guy who is awesome and far better then I could dream of, I am just saying on this video, he taught nothing, just talked, again this guys knowledge is far greater then mine, he damn well knows what he is talking about I just wish if your going to do a "HOW TO VIDEO" then please us HOW TO
