Responding to William Lane Craig criticism // Ask NT Wright Anything

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A listener asks about William Lane Craig’s critique that “NT Wright has this very peculiar view that the son of man returned in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem”.



Ask NT Wright Anything is the regular podcast that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thought and theology by allowing you to ask the questions.

Presented by Justin Brierley. Brought to you in partnership with Premier, SPCK & NTWrightOnline
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Love the way NT Wright comments on the disagreement with the tone of a gentleman and true Christ follower. In essentials, Unity, In non essentials, Liberty, in all things, Charity


His comments on Daniel 6 and 7 are awesome! I had never considered such before. It all kind of fits together.


NT Wright is so articulate and gracious to those who have different opinions! I love him for that!


Wright holds to a nuanced view of partial preterism. Such a view is not even remotely heretical, but it is "strange" and "peculiar" to the ears of many modern evangelicals, especially those who have been so heavily influenced by dispensationalism...


Wow! I so love listening to NT Wright. Illuminating too the see how the great WL Craig had interpreted him.


I added portuguese subtitles to this video. I sent it to a lot of friends of mine to be verified and approved. But I guess it still needs the channel's approval


This is just brilliant.
An outstanding answer.


Could be the best way to see the escatological passages.
Amazing insight from NT Wright. All his books are amazing, especially once you get through the first 100 pages!
I could see this as a way to avoid the extremes of dispensationalism and full preterist.


I loved his "long" answer and would love to sit and hear the even longer answer. The interwoven threads of the bible fascinate me. No commentator/scholar gets it all right and they often have slightly different views but the good ones are striving toward the same goal. The goal that Paul told the Ephesians, " comprehend the length and width and height and depth of the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge..."


Not just a good answer but an example of how a Christian should answer those who question and disagree with him - with grace!


It occurs to me while listening to this explanation of the temple clash and the vindication of Jesus, the Son of Man, that he began the very public part of His ministry with the dialogue with the woman at the well, answering her question about this very temple issue. Where is God and where do we go to worship Him? Jesus’ answer, “Woman, believe me, the hour will come when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father...But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be His worshipers. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Jesus brought a new Way, and that Way was a death match with the old temple way, and Jesus’ Way, beginning with His resurrection, and then ascension about 40 days later, was fully vindicated about 40 years later with the complete and utter destruction of the temple, i.e., the old order. I will pray and search the scriptures about this more. I love how this Jesus movement was referred to several times in the book of Acts as “the Way”.


Really helpful, I love listening to NT Wright. Could I suggest a quick summary at the start, followed by a ‘here’s why’ might help anyone who doesn’t follow all of the in depth explanation. Love it though!


This is not a peculiar view but is very much a standard view of Jesus "coming on the clouds" and sitting at the right hand of judgment.


N.T. Wright does a great job, and correctly so, of completely smashing the heretical dispensational system.


THIS -> "If you mistake the signpost for the reality, it becomes an idol!" (7:07)


I thought this was a much better answer than the video on Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Persuasive parsing out of the apocalyptic passages in the gospels.


Short coverage but I think NT Wright unleashed a profound insight on the theology of the "Temple"; how Jesus treat it vis-a-vis the OT Jews proponents (and Christ haters). He peg the issue clearly in unpacking the meaning of Coming on clouds of Daniel 7:13.


"Day of the triffids monsters, " ha :)


I love how NT Wright's awesome Biblical insights using the Bible and First Century historical documents confound 21st century American Protestants who are only used to their myopic reading of the New Testament, or even, rather, traditions that have been handed to them by their preachers.


Sinner like me I cannot think that I will be judging ppl but I just want to be with CHRIST
