USA Today if the South Won the Civil War

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What if the South had won the Civil War? How would America look today? Discover the mind-blowing alternate reality in our latest video, where we dive into the wild possibilities of a Confederate victory and how it would reshape the world we live in.

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Do you think America would have even made it to the 21st century if the South had won the Civil War?


As someone who grew up in Alabama, I've done extensive research on this topic as a personal interest. Long story short, slavery was always doomed, and the people who fought it as a point of southern pride didn't understand that industrialization would lead to the abolishment of the institution of slavery in the South. That's mainly because the gentry class wanted slaves for economic reasons rather than outright racism. Not only that, but had the South won the war and kept slavery in place they would have been ostracized from the rest of the developed world much how North Korea is since its values wouldn't align with the rest of the world. So they were fighting a losing cause, which would have eventually been abolished at some point. The video gets a lot of points right, but I don't know about the ending.


Slavery was never gonna last indefinitely it would have caused an economic nightmare.


Texas was not annexed from Mexico. Texico won it's independence and was the Republic of Texas for ten years before petitioning to join the United States.


They should make a TV show about that. What if the south won the war kind of like the man in the high castle for the alternate history, if the nazis won world war two


The United States did not annex Texas from Mexico. Texas had won its independence and voluntarily joined the United States


I think the Confederacy would have quickly reverted back to feudalism, considering how the plantation owners dominated wealth and politics in the South prior to the Civil War and would have kept their status and expanded it. Political offices would have fallen into the control of the plantation owners through their money and connections and in some cases would be passed from father to son, elections just a symbolic gloss.

But unless the Confederacy was able to get land concessions after the war, it would be a small nation, surrounded by a now hostile Union, and as the video noted a hostile Mexico. Though perhaps when Napoleon III briefly installed a Habsburg as Mexico's Emperor, the CSA could quickly become Emperor Maximillian I's new best friend.

As for Slavery, the CSA Constitution enshrined it as a 'right' and any amendments to the CSA Constitution required an Absolute Majority of the CSA states, not just 2/3rds, to amendment their constitution. All of them would have to agree to such a change and considering that the CSA was born out a desire to keep slavery at all costs, I don't see such a thing happening unless some other defect in their constitution required an early re-write.

All in all, even if the CSA 'won' the war, it wouldn't be enjoyed by many in the CSA since it would become the 19th century version of North Korea.


Slavery definitely would be over regardless of who won.


Diddy's parties would be a LOT different!


3:20 Anyone else seeing what I’m seeing? 👀


The critical problem that held back the CSA: They wanted to be left alone, feeling threatened and unrepresented. They never made claims for any territory that didn't secede of their own volition, and did not make aggressive pushes, despite plentiful opportunities.
So any realistic timeline where the CSA won would have needed a dramatic shift in the ambitions of the CSA from being left alone to taking control.
And since they need this mindset to win... chances are, they would, at the very least, enforce constitutionally enshrined peace agreements. Probably more. What would they realistically want from the USA? Probably a guaranteed claim of land to the west. Might even stop the US from claiming additional lands, leaving all the unincorporated territories to the CSA... with the unincorporated status undoubtedly retaining that status for much longer than our timeline, due to weaker centralized control.

Alternatively, they might have constitutionally enshrined slavery's legal status, and then seek reunification, to effectively end the war, decisively getting what they want without a bunch of extra overhead of making an entirely new government with hostile neighbors. But... would a CSA that has an aggressive enough mindset to win actually go for such a limp-wristed approach?
Regardless, over the next decades to century, slavery will inevitably go out of favor as industry and urbanization expanded. But there would likely be holdouts, especially in the grain basket of the US, who, today, use immigrant (and likely illegal immigrant) labor as a cheap source of manpower, even with abundant mechanization.


“It might just be the most popular alternate history scenario in the world”

Axis WW2 victory scenarios: Allow us to introduce ourselves…


1:55 2 Losses? 🤔 they Burnt down the white house in the war of 1812 we gotta Hold that L 😂


Lee only surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia. It was not the end of the war.


"We'd have had it made". - Hank Williams Jr.


Slavery likely would've stopped naturally without a civil war at all if the war had taken a few more years to occur, since equipment is a lot cheaper to operate than several human beings that you need to shelter and feed several times a day.


I’m glad this would never happen having a giant Alabama is pure nightmare fuel


Would other nations even want to become allies with the CSA?


I remember a version of this idea which portrayed Texas splitting away from the confederacy, and then both world wars drawing these different pieces together as allies. Then, during the Cold War, they sit down to reunification talks.


There wouldn't have been any Diddy parties😂
