Blackhole 'Caretaker' signal [Voices of the Void 0.5.0]

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The blackhole its self seems to have some sort of alien object that orbits around it. Unfortunately the computer only saves it as an still image so you have to take my word for that.

This seems to be One of the largest signals in the game and also one of the longest to download and longest in overall length.

The song that plays during this signal is the final 5 minutes of the last Caretaker album off of the Everywhere At The End Of Time project, which is about a person (the Caretaker) getting dementia and slowly over the course of 6 albums each roughly 1 hour give or take where the music begins as calming loops of older 1950's music that slowly devolves by getting glitchier and glitchier before falling into jumbles of harsh noises, then into long bouts of drone music before finally abruptly dropping into around 30 seconds of silence as a choir begins to sing out, indicating the passing of the "Caretaker" both as a character and as a project. There are many interpretations as to what the last 5 minutes of EATEOT means. Approaching the Afterlife? Life flashing before your eyes? Terminal lucidity? It's not totally clear and its meaning differs from person to person. I can assume however its inclusion in this game is supposed to symbolize a sort of heat-death or the death of the universe its self as the blackhole swallows everything that encroaches its domain. Perhaps the structure built around it is to protect anything that gets too close to it, as to slow the inevitable destruction of reality its self. Who knows?

This is my favorite signal in the game.
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was told by a friend that the melody that this thing plays is in the key of g#, which happens to be the only sound recorded from a black hole


I just got this signal in game. I saved it to the laptop because it was so cool. "Surely this will process into something cool" I think to myself. When you process it, it completely kills the audio. Not even the usual static, just silence. It's like a biologist finding a majestic bird with a beautiful sound, then destroying it by trying to dissect it to find out more.


The thought of finding this from space Is kinda beautiful and haunting at the same time


I just hate how unreactive the "scientist" are
I send them this signal and they are like: "this ain't a level 3 signal, fuck you do it again"
I was expecting something like: "holy shit, this can't be..."
or anything unusual reaction to something like this.
even something like: "the drone was attacked by something wierd..."

I've sent them alien items and foods and got 8 bucks and zero reaction 💀💀


this makes me feel sad. not crying sad, just… hollowed. like i forgot about something important and this is the consequence


the black hole has what i assume to be an ophanim surrounding it, explaining the angelic "singing" noises


Upon listening that the black hole signal originated from Caretaker, I decided to listen through the entirety of Caretaker to source the song.
It's the last song in the album, only during the final minutes. The angelic humming only plays after a brutally long hour of droning, heavy nothingness.


Never realized that this was from everywhere at the end of time, that's just brilliant.


I actually thought the choir and concentric rings were alluding to something... Angelic in nature. Almost like you accidentally captured an image of the divine. That it wasn't all just fabricated or something.


I still can't completely get over the impact that I had when playing that audio, it was quite exciting to find a black hole, but it didn't take me long to get my hair on end when I realized that it was playing a melody.

I hope the game continues to be developed successfully in the future, its way of horrifying is very unique compared to other video games.


I like listening to Caretaker's albums and this discovery was very unexpected. I want to hug the creator for this "Friends past reunited" signal.

Fun fact: I was listening to another Caretaker's album when I found this signal


This is "Place in the world falls away" from STAGE 6 of Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker OR "13 angels standing round the side of your bed"

Either way. Eerie.


I love this game's signals for how random it is, on one instance you have this, the screams of terror from a planet that was attacked by the Red skull signal, and the other noises of space that give you goosebumps. Then on another instance you get a meatball, Space Herpes, Alien catgirl prank video, and one where it just spawns a Duende using your toilet.


The things orbiting around the black hole seem to be some sort of Dyson Sphere

(A Dyson Sphere was a concept involving an artificial ringworld orbiting an object such as a star to harness its energy)

The model of the black hole itself can also be found on the sandbox mode spawnmenu


i nearly burst into tears when i got this signal myself. i just stood there in stunned, reverent silence for its entire runtime


First time i got this signal i was streaming the game to a friend late at night, it simultaneously creeped us out, but made us way more curious.

Lot of things can be missed in the game, and more than enough things go unanswered pertaining to signals, entities, places and hell even the other doctors in the emails.
But knowing that the supernatural is just as prevalent as the sci-fi and potentially being directly connected with this sort of angelic choir being projected from a black hole by a super-structure just sets the scale for how little you'll ever understand, IF you're even able to find a quarter of it. the song captures that feeling pretty perfectly too.


In my view this symbolises the totality of progress of species, given that the black hole is contained within a dyson sphere I think it shows both the elegant beauty of a species' full potential and might and also the inevitable fact that the universe will have an end, even despite the capabilities of that species, it is both astonishing and also terrifying. This song would play very nicely into that considering its place in the Caretaker. As a species progresses further and further it only comes closer to the extremes of its potential and also closer to its inevitable demise.


the best part of this game is how rare somethings are to the point we dont even have recorded proof of them


I just found this tonight in game, I tough to myself "well this looks fascinating, now I have to take a listen just in case it contains some actually listenable audio, and than I'll go to bed. (at 3am)"


How long, do you think, that structure will last? It cannot contain it forever.
You know that, right?
