Find the length X | Geometry Problem | Important Geometry and Algebra Skills Explained

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Find the length X | Geometry Problem | Important Geometry and Algebra Skills Explained

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Another method is to start with 2 equations:
Eq1: x = b cos(2θ) = a cos(θ) = a cos(2θ-θ) =
Eq2: x = b cos(2θ) = c cos(3θ) = c cos(2θ+θ) =
Since cos(-θ)=cos(θ) and sin(-θ)=-sin(θ), you can multiple Eq1 by c and Eq2 by a and then sum them to cancel the sin(2θ)sin(θ) term to give:
(ab+bc) cos(2θ) = 2ac cos(2θ)cos(θ)
The term cos(2θ) cancels, leaving x = a cos(θ) = (ab+bc)/2c


If the correct multiple choice answer is true for all values of Θ, it must be true for Θ=15°. In that case, ΔBCE is a well known 15°-75°-90° triangle, and the ratio of hypotenuse to long side is √6-√2, so a = (√6-√2)x. ΔBCD is a 30°-60°-90° special triangle and the ratio of hypotenuse to long side is (2√3)/3, so b = (2√3)x/3. ΔBCA is a 45°-45°-90° special triangle and the ratio of hypotenuse to either side is √2, so c = x√2. We try each of the multiple choice answers (A) x = ab+ac, (B) x = (ab+ac)/2c, (C) x = ab+bc, (D) x = (ab+bc)/2c. We can immediately rule out (A) and (C), because the right side will be a constant times x² and we need the right side to reduce to x. As a first cut, to avoid having to do all the arithmetic with radicals, use a scientific calculator to compute a, b, and c: a = 1.035276180x, b = 1.154700538x and c = 1.414213562 and then (B) and (D). So, in (B), x = 1.880575642x and in (D), x = So, we can rule out (B) and we need to evaluate the radicals in (D) to prove an exact equality. In (D), x = b(a+c)/2c = = ((2√3)x/3)((√6)x)/(2x√2) = ((2√3)x/3)(√6)/(2√2) = ((2√18)x/3)/(2√2) = ((2(3√2))x/3)/(2√2) = ((2√2)x)/(2√2) = x. So, x = x and (D) is correct.

This is a multiple choice question, so, unless the exam has an error, one of the answers must be correct, and (A), (B) and (C) are ruled out. If there were a fifth choice, "None of the above", we haven't proved that (D) is always true, so we would be forced to provide Math Booster's solution or something equivalent!


Tough one! You can work back from the choices offered i.e.

Put u = cos(θ). By standard identities you get
cos(2θ) = 2u^2 - 1
cos(3θ) = 4u^3 - 3u

We have
a = x/cos(θ)
b = x/cos(2θ)
c = x/cos(3θ)

Putting these into (D)
b(a+c)/(2c) = (x/(2u^2)-1))(x/u + x/(4u^3 -3u))/(2x/(4u^3-3u))
= (x/(2(2u^2 - 1))(1/u + 1/(4u^3 -3u))(4u^3-3u)
= (x/(2(2u^2 - 1))(4u^2 - 3 + 1)
= (x/(2(2u^2 - 1))(4u^2 - 2)
= x


Since it is only asked to find the value of "x", the 2 data "a and b" are sufficient for this.
Cosθ = x/a
Cos2θ= x/b =2(Cosθ)^2-1


Very clever. I didn't get this one
