When I'm Constantly Thinking Of Someone Are They Thinking Of Me Too?

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When You're Constantly Thinking Of Someone Are They Also Thinking Of You?

This is a common question we may find ourselves asking and pondering. How do we get to the bottom of this? How do we actually know?

There are multiple parts to this answer so it's not just one simple answer. There is an absolute answer, but more than one.

I'm Sue Dhillon. I'm a journalist, writer, author, mindfulness trainer and energy worker. Let me tell you I have explored this question deeply over the years and have had my very own scenario with this question.

I have spent so much time in deep contemplation over this. I just didn't know what the answer was or what to make of my feelings for so long.

Why couldn't I stop thinking of this person? And I pondered for many years about it and needed to come up with an answer for myself as do you.

As an energy worker and trained and certified Reiki Master I learned how to tap in to my channels and guides and I've developed my intuition immensely through the energy work and the process of self inquiry.

I began to better understand this and it started making more sense.

I have a better grasp of this question now - When You're Constantly Thinking Of Someone Are They Also Thinking Of You?

And I'm here to share my heartfelt response with you in hopes it will help you on your path and help you along.

I'm hopeful my very sincere response to your question will give you the clarity you are seeking. I hope it will give you some sense of comfort, hope and peace.

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Sending so much love and light.

Рекомендации по теме

Yes, When you are thinking of someone, that particular person is thinking of you too.

Thoughts do actually travel. That is why you have to think good.


I have two people on my mind constantly one in the past and one in the present and I often wonder why God brought them into my life knowing I could never be with them. This definitely helped me 🙏


They are married and I was focused on furthering my education….. 4 years passed and I got these intense thoughts that I feel were out of no where and visions almost like something was messing with my spirit! As a spiritual person I prayed it off and cried! It’s like the thoughts would not leave me even though I wanted them too. The person is married.


I cannot resonate more. I have met this lady 4 yrs ago. I have instantly connected with her on the first day. She sent me a song which stunned me for a second - that was my most favorite song. From the day I have connected with her, not a day has passed without thinking about her. It was like she was with me all along until today. I know that she is thinking about me as well . But we parted ways without any closure. We haven't talked to eachother for more than 2yrs now. But I can assure that we are still thinking of eachother. As you have mentioned, such connection doesn't always mean that we have to be together. Connection is just a connection. It doesn't mean anything other than that. Although I still think about her daily, I just wish her a good luck, not more than that. Some people are meant to be in our heart, but not in our life. I wish her a good luck.


Thank you, it gave me peace to know I’m not the only one asking this question. I really feel I had a lot of connection with this man and sometimes I feel he is struggling with this feeling as much as I do, but sometimes I think he might not. Anyways, we both know we can’t be together, I have to accept it and move one. I have to accept that you can have this level of connection and means nothing.


I don’t want to think about him anymore but he is all that I see, everyday. I fell in love the moment he looked at me but he’s not with me so I’m staying far away.


me sitting here, getting distracted, watching the circles on your desktop haha. great video


What really scared me was, when other people were attracted to me but I was not to them. I try really hard to look the other way but they never go away... I hope they cannot read my thoughts.


I feel like my soul wouldn't rest easy if i don't end up being with my person...


Lots of people look up videos on this subject (this being the most watched video on this channel). I suppose I should be happy that I'm not the only person going crazy


since I met him, I haven't stopped thinking about him.
I've been thinking about him for 10 months now. I told myself that it may be the loneliness that is the cause, but his eyes that shin when he sees me, also his behavior say something else .
Sorry for my english 😊


I can’t stop! I need help! Why does this happen to me? Why can’t I be in piece of mind? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I need explanation please... I recently met someone. .. but I can't seem to stop thinking about her.. I feel emotional pain at the heart center.. am I just imagining it??? Pls help.. I have tried to let go but can't


Well at least I know that I'm not going crazy.


I don't fully agree with this assessment, if you're constantly thinking of a person, we should explore this connection further in the physical realm, get to meet the person, learn more about them, and only then, can you make a logical assessment of the connection.

Thinking just to think is not healthy...

I recommend reading... Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is the Beginning & End of Suffering


I have seen many videos like this. Yours is most logical and satisfying. Hope you read this


I worked with and dated a woman many years ago. We started as friends, then lovers, then back to friends. I loved her the first time I saw her. When I got to know her, I thought she was the one. The relationship ended, when I realized that I loved her more than she really loved me. It wasn't meant to be. It took me years to finally get over that. I thought I did. Now 25+ years later I had a dream about her last week. I'd never dreamt about her before. Now I'm reliving the great memories and I can't seem to get her off my mind. I have an urge to contact her, but another urge is telling me to leave things alone...


I've been asking myself this same question frequently, and I come across this video without searching it! This is the answer then, yes!!


I have been looking for the subject matter you speak of. finally I found the answers. Connections luv without even not knowing her name.. At the beginning our eyes were locked and it went on for 3 months until I ghosted her. I could not take t anymore as it was so untense, I should know better as a older man like my self


Wonderful explanation. We can either keep dreaming, assume things and try to interpret it positively, or just watch what happens without attachment. If its a beautiful thing, why dont we enjoy it as it lasts than trying to possess it forever?
