Standing up for student solidarity with Palestine featuring Pink Floyd's Roger Waters

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On the eve of Roger Waters' Montreal’s Bell Centre performance, the rock legend supported McGill students who’ve faced a litany of attacks for advancing the Palestinian Liberation movement. The event discussed attacks against Palestine solidarity on campuses across Canada and the importance of supporting the Palestinian struggle.

Waters is joined by a McGill student representative to talk about the success and roadblocks to Palestine solidarity at McGill.

Host: Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Co-sponsors: Just Peace Advocates and Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill, PAJU

Endorsed by:
Academics for Palestine-Concordia
Australians for Palestine
Bruce R. Allen Paralegal
Canada Palestine Association
Canadian BDS Coalition
Canadian Council of Muslim Women Montreal
Canadian Federation of Students - Fédération canadienne des étudiant.e.s
Canadian Union of Postal Workers / Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes
Central Council of Metropolitan Montreal-CSN
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Victoria
Concordia Student Union
Edmonton Small Press Association
Global Peace Alliance Society
Greater Toronto for BDS ( GT4BDS)
HR4A Saskatchewan
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Labour for Palestine
Mouvement Quebecois pour la Paix - Quebec Movement for Peace
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
Palestine House
Parti communiste du Canada - Communist Party of Canada
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
PYM (Palestinian Youth Movement) Montreal
Regina Peace Council
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Science for Peace
Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia (TRAC)
Voix juives indépendantes - Montréal
Young Communist League-Ligue jeunesse communiste
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Right on Roger ! Keep up the great work, !


Roger Waters starts speaking at the 18 minute mark of this video.


Thank you Roger Waters. We love you because you are an courageous and inspiring voice for truth and resistance and freedom for Palestine, human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy. Thank you for speaking against apartheid Israel and for the world campaign for Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions (BDS)!


Respect!!! What an example you set to all artists. Thank you


You know the world civilization and society is well awake and aware when big unions and university students, around the globe speak out with the same voice. I used to wonder what type of ape planet I was living on in the 70's, the 80's and 90's when most of the world seemed it didn't care about Palestinian suffering and genocide. Sometimes it takes a great star to help shake everyone and everything up in a good way.


great event, thanks Bianca and CFPI for this, long live roger waters, love Pink Floyd, pity we couldn't do a QandA with the audience but great event and best of luck to the McGill students lead by the brilliant Sarah in their campaign to end MCGill's complicity for apartheid in the occupied territories. It'd be an honor to interview her, so please give her my contact details.


Left, Left, Left....Mayakovsky....then he killed himself...!....


May 3, 2006; after successful march and rally in NYC for workers and immigrants rights, a driver driving someone else’s car ( with New Hampshire license plate ) made a left hand turn against red light causing me a concussion and other problems .
Same time period UN acting against Israeli Prime Minister Barak and his aggressions towards Palestinians.

I communicate daily, mostly regarding 9/11/01 —- fore planned Israeli, Saudi Arabia, USA controlled demolitions.

My communications daily since 9/11/91; Thanks for sharing .

Outside building I live in now, and related to Z. Brezinski —- “ Catastrophic Terrorisms “, “ The Grand Chessboard “—-

More since 1967 Israeli 6 day war.
I believe all World Wars related to Israeli created manipulations and crimes .

We Shall Overcome!


Andalusia and Israel are two territories taken back from Muslims.
Islam thinks it's supreme among the world’s religions and Jews are not equal to Muslims under Islamic law. And yet they now have self determination, autonomy and control in their ancient homeland, a homeland once ruled by Muslims. 😂😂😂


See new movie in NYC, produced by Mounia AKL, “Costa Brava, Lebanon “, which reminded me of August 31, 2020 Lebanon Fertilizer Explosions—- sane time period as in NYC massive wind storm uprooting trees, causing many other problems.


From the river to the sea, Israel will be free!


Great interviews, thanks so very much for educating and enlightening us.
