What My Guardian Angel Did Will Blow You Away…

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Tim Sheets shares an amazing supernatural story of when his guardian angel saved his life!

If angels are ministering to you, don’t you want to know why?

The Bible says all believers have crossed over into a heavenly dimension because of Jesus’ blood. Your born-again birthright doesn’t just save a spot for you—you are already part of Heaven.

Tim Sheets says your identity and your citizenship are for right here, right now, and you live it out alongside “innumerable angels.” You have kingdom purposes like they do.

In Angel Armies on Assignment, Tim teaches everyday believers how to engage God’s angels even if few actually ever see them! And he helps you recognize the roles they play in your life. If you aren’t already doing it, Tim invites you to:

✅ Flow with Holy Spirit as you partner with God’s agenda (whether big or personal)
✅ Recognize angelic activity as God works around you
✅ Identify different orders and ranks of angelic beings and what they do
✅ Live like a citizen of Heaven (you have dual citizenship)

If angels are ministering to you, don’t you want to know why? You can live from headline to headline as you follow daily news. Or refocus, and follow what God is doing! Get the big picture—it’s for you.

For a glimpse of that big picture, Tim’s 3-CD/audio series, Chariots of Fire, describes the greatest decade ever planned by Holy Spirit—now unfolding before us. You are meant to be a part of it!

#ISN #SupernaturalStories #Angels Want to hear Supernatural Stories on the go? Listen here:
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I used to spend time with God during my lunch break. One day after the same was returning back to my work singing to God. While crossing the road suddenly a police car hit me so hard and I was flying in the air. I felt a large hand catching me and placing me at the side of the road, it was an Angel of God! I didnt even have a scratch on my body. The only person who was shaking in fear was the police who hit me. Praise God for sending His Angel to protect me. Hallelujah. Amen.


As a small child I was accidently swept out to sea while playing on some rocks. There were no adults anywhere near me as the waves swept over my head. In my mind I screamed "God....Help me please!" The next moment I felt two large hands - one on my stomach and the other in the small of my back as I felt myself being plucked out of the sea. The very next moment I felt the sand beneath my feet as I was put down. It all happened so quickly I was still coughing and spluttering from having swallowed so much sea water. I was pretty little but I knew something supernatural had happened and I ran to tell my Mother who brushed aside everything I told her and yelled at me for letting my sandals get washed out to sea!!!


I was an horticulturalist with a company that took care of plants in office buildings. My first week at work, I was taking care of plants in a hotel. One section of plants was in a planter on the 2nd floor meeting room area which overlooked the lobby. I had to climb up on those planters to water the plants. In the moment I was climbing I spilt water from my 2 gallon water pitchers. I slipped on that same water and almost fell to my death which was about 100ft below. However, I felt hands on my shoulders. They pulled me back and sat me back on the floor. I turned around to see who had saved me, no one was there. I asked a person walking by about 30 seconds later, did you save me? No ma'am, he replied. Did you see anyone ahead of you? No ma'am, no one else on this floor. I knew then that angels saved me. Someone, somewhere was praying for my safety.


My friend called me one day in danger freaking out. He said 2 SUVS were stalking him, all black with tented windows. When he stopped his car they stopped. They even followed him to his house, then when he went inside, he came back out, and his car was blocked in on both sides. They left their SUVS, and they were nowhere to he seen. Both SUVS were about 1 foot from his car on each side squeezing his car in. I told my friend to pray. And I prayed. I told God, my friend was in severe danger and I was worried for his life. Well guess what God did. My friend called and said he had 8 angels with him sent to protect him. The angels told him he was valuable to the Lord. The angels also told him they were not humans in the SUVS, they were demons. Pretty crazy...i was in shock. Not only did God hear my prayer, but answered in a way I never could have expected. All this happened around the time my friend was telling all his family and friends and coworkers to repent because Jesus was coming soon...i guess he was doing the right thing huh


About 11 years ago, as my husband lay dying in my arms I felt a very real hand press my upper left arm in a squeeze of comfort. I thought it was my sister that was there with me. But my sister was at the foot of my bed. I closed my eyes again.( I had my eyes closed and was crying.) Again I felt a loving squeeze of comfort. All my life I've been aware of the spirit world. Now I had felt the physical manifestation of ministering spirits. God is awesome.


Bless all watching this video with Gods endless love joy compassion grace Amen


I had an Angel 😇 deliver me from a massive car wreck as I was late picking up my daughter from school. I was driving 75 miles per hr down freeway and right in front of me was an old lady stopped in middle lane of hwy. To my rt lane were cars wizzing by to the left semi trucks wizzing by. I knew I couldn’t stop & would hit the lady head on. I cried out “help”! and closed my eyes because I was going to hit the woman. At that exact moment of impact, an angel picked up my van & safely delivered me & my van to the other side of middle lane unscathed. Saw quickly white wings & then gone. Praise the Lord he delivered me. I now ask God to release angels to my kids & husband every single day. God is able. He loves us!


Mere seconds from death, my guardian angel pulled my from drowning in the Pacific Ocean. The angel was not there, I prayed: "God, please help me, " then instantly he was there.
God knows what you are going to say before you say it, but he wants YOU to say it. Prayer is very powerful.


Very, very good!! Love reading your comments, about 8 years ago, I was cleaning up brush and leaves on my farm, I had several small fires burning, I didn't know that I caught the sap on fire from a medium size pine tree, and it got out of control very fast, I could not put it out, I knelt down and prayer out loud... Father God, I need your help right now, please help me, and right before my very eyes the flames started to go out, as if something was blowing them out front the top of the tree, and within a minute or so, the flames were out, but the tree was smoking, then I saw 3 men hoovering about 12 feet up in the air above my driveway, and one of them said to me, be careful when you play with fire, and they were laughing .. I started to celebrate and praise God for his assistant and answering my desperate prayer... These angels then flew away and disappeared... What a supernatural encounter that was.... Grace and peace to all of you...


A friend of mine told me about her daughter having a supernatural experience on the highway when her Mustang went through another car instead of crashing into one another. She could see the driver's face in the other car as they both could see one another as they passed through one another. God's hand upon her for sure as her mother is a mighty prayer warrior.


Lord Jesus.. give your angels to protect me from evil...and bad people.. amen..


Years ago.. Coming over a small bridge approaching a red light where every lane had car stopped I had NO brakes I ended up going between 2 cars Where there was Absolutely Not enough room for a car BUT GLORY TO God As I passed the car both myself & women in next car looked at each other In Amazement we all stopped and asked each other What was that???? Not a scratch on cars AMAZING for God controls the laws that govern our universe


Angel's have protected & saved my life so many times. I'm forever grateful.


On my first night back in a children's home, there was an angel standing guard over my bed so I could sleep. That was over 60 years ago. When I was 18, I was sitting on a beach, while I was on lsd and thinking to myself, ' I'm never going to be able to get off drugs'. Just then I saw an angel flying down and landed to my right ( with my peripheral vision ). Once I was hitching out west and as I was walking along I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, but there was no one I could see. I'm sure it was an angel. I asked Jesus to save me in 1989. Recently at church, someone saw an angel standing at the back of me while the church was praying for my recovery. That was so encouraging, because I needed a good word !


Angels are Real, Thank You!!
I fell down my sons new deck stairs and as I was dropping several steps I was caught and laid down. I broke a small bone on the side of my foot but the nurse was shocked that no bruises or breaks to my hip, elbow or shoulder! At 64 I was Blessed to have an Angel lay me safely ❣️. Amen


Teared up suprisingly at the end of this video. May all who read this receive supernatural support in whatever area that burdens them the most. Bless you


My wife was driving to work on an icy road on her last day of work before going on maternity leave. She was going down a hill towards a bridge when she lost control and the car started spinning around. She let go of the wheel and laid down on the front seat and cradled her belly to protect the baby and waited for the impact while praying.
The car stopped spinning and came to a stop on the other side of the bridge in the correct lane and in the correct direction. A man came running up to see if my wife was alright and told her it looked like unseen hands had taken control of the car and steered it across the bridge and smoothly came to a stop.


I need supernatural help for friends who passed away and they were no Christians, because they were confused, misled and stubborn. I also need my parents to go to the Heavens. They are old and will not last long anymore. I need conversion for my sister and all my nephews to become believers in Christ. I need supernatural power from God to be forgiven for anything I did he did not like. I need help from the angels to free children sold and abused in the modern slave industry and I need most people to wake up to the Truth and stop trusting mainstream media. Please help God, Amen


I had an experience back in the 80’s that has me baffled to this day. I was driving an old station wagon on a three lane well traveled road on an icy road that must of had black ice. I was in the middle lane when I came to a red light. I put my foot to the break and the car didn’t stop. There were cars on either side of me and there were cars going in the opposite direction on the green light. When I got to the middle of the intersection my car spun out and went crossways to the way I was traveling. Nobody was in the intersection as I spun out. I was amazed and I praised God for saving me with no accident. God is Good.


This happened to my grandparents! They were moved miles within a blink of an eye. Together they experienced it!
