Mormon can't be gay #shorts

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Adam an eve not adam an steve had me dying ngl


😮😮😮😢😢😢i cried when i watched this. Good thing there are other people who truly understands. It’s not the religion that’s bad, it’s the people who practices wrong beliefs!


As a Mormon myself I would’ve decked his mom. Wtf is wrong with parents like this? I could never ruin the relationship I have with my kids, for what? Cause they’re gay? Hell nah. I’m going to be there for them no matter what.


Im glad I don't have those problems I know What the Most high said about that


If one of my children came to me, and said I'm gay, I would wrap my arms around them and let them know that I love them and I will support them in every way. And I'd be my child's sounding board. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I could never reject my child. They are free to fall in love with whoever they want. I would accept and love whomever they chose. I love the couple who supported him. I don't understand people who use religion as a means to be so ignorant. I don't like religion for that reason. I have met LGBTQ people over the years and every aspect of these people I fall in love with. Their always welcome in my home. My kids are straight but if either one of them introduced someone to me that was trans, gay, lesbian, queer, they would be welcome. (For the life of me, what does the B stand for) it just wouldn't matter. Be the best you you can be.


To let you know in our religion you cant be gay because in our beliefs a boy cant mary a boy and same thing with girls but when they just left him that was sad😢.


the thing we forget is to learn to love and to be kind, to one another yes God did say. you can only be sealed in the temple if you are married as a man and a woman and marriage between a man and a woman is the right thing to do. But he never said that he couldn't be Gay, he is giving you that choice, and it is another act of faith in God, and a test for us to love each other. the world is getting worse and worse and we need to try and be there for each other no matter what happens and I hope people can continue to do so. And I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints.
But I love the gays, I don't care about any of that stuff, and nobody should, we are all people, all children of God and that should be the one thing that matters. Church members due tend to get so judgmental about certain things, but they forget the thing that is important.
Love God, and love thy neighbor, those are the two most important things. And it shouldn't matter not one bit, unfortunately its not how it is in the church nor how it is in outside of the church


I would be the same way if it was my son I would not be okay with it I would not support it either because it is against God's law and it's not okay either way


We're Mormon? Then where is your support for your child? This is the way children are

treated in this church.? Not much support.


Wow how cool. Maybe they can hook him up with their daughter and they can have a Gay Marriage.


The parents of the kid are wright to do this.


Don't give a gay a ride. That's nasty.


It's wrong!! its not right...yall will see on judgement day.


According to the bible Eve is actually a dude cause supposedly she was made from a man’s rib. So the Adam and Steve thing makes more sense lol.


Teach your child to be a man. You won't have to listen to that.😢


I realize all of these are scripted, but there's no reason to bash a religion in the process. Mormon families aren't taught to treat this situation this way. While it's not a Christian belief to be gay, Mormon families live in a way to show love an support.

This video is absolutely disgraceful by the content crrator of it and you should be ashamed for bashing religion in a way that is innacurate.
