I created an exterior render with Sketchup + Vray! / THIS is how
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0:00 Intro
0:20 Night Image Breakdown
0:37 Landscape Breakdown
1:45 HDRI and Lights
2:33 Assets
3:06 Render Settings
3:18 VFB Editing
4:26 Photoshop Post Production
5:08 Learn more photoshop
6:37 Camera Raw Filter
7:51 Results
Recently I decided to turn a night image I had done for a daily challenge into a day render. There were a few challenges and many things I had to correct, and I want to show you how I did it, some important things I learned along the way, and critical elements to consider if you're going to do this. Grab a cup of coffee, and let's start!
I made the original image using a model completely done in SketchUp. Assets like trees, grass, people, and even textures were from the Chaos Cosmos library, and I rendered them in their entirety in Vray. If you want to test out vray, a link will be below to download it.
The original 3d model uses a mountainous topography created with the sand box tool and some scatter groups that will make the grass look varied and imperfect and with some flowers to give it a splash of color.