Grocery Stores WARN Of Trouble Ahead

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Grocery Stores WARN Of Trouble Ahead

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Potato Chips! $7.00 a bag!!! They can sit on the shelf.


When you take away people's food things can become unpredictable.


Remove the restrictions put on farmers and cattle ranchers and the price would come down but would take some time.


We have not seen anything yet. A day's wages for a loaf of bread. A week's wages for eggs and regular milk.


We never appreciate things until they are gone.


Better stop calling The Bible of book of fairy Tales and start taking it seriously.


Matthew 24:6-8
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed …Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There Will Be FAMINES and Earthquakes in various places.
All these are the beginning of ‘birth pains’!
Are you sure you made it right with God yet? Are you saved by Faith through the price paid on your behalf on the Cross by Jesus Christ? Time is running out, do not delay, today IS the day to surrender your all to Him and be free !’What an Amazing Grace given to all of us !


I’m on a fixed income and I buy most of my groceries at Aldi and get grass fed hotdogs and grass fed hamburger meat and pasture raised eggs all are a great price better than Walmart!


Control through food, and medical, control them.


My local Walmart has replaced the door greeter, with a short term loan booth before shopping.


The purchasing power of the dollar is rapidly decreasing. This means prices for practically EVERYTHING will only get worse.


I think some people can’t afford it but for the most part the quality of fruits and vegetables has gone way down things to Bill Gates and appeal and the quality of meat has gone way down as well which is why people are not buying as much of those items.


I went to one a while back and the produce was HORRIBLE and ready to spoil


I go for managers specials. For the last 30 years, so now it's the norm. Also I cook from scratch. I love biscuits and the store prices are to high, so now i back to making them from scratch and I save money on something i like.


Here's my 2 cents;
•Never consume highly processed foods
•Never consume anything sweet, especially from high-end food manufacturers. This will eventually land you to type 2 diabetes.
(A simple check if you have that reversible disease, simply look down at your feet while standing up straight just like when you're weighing yourself. if you can't see your genenitals, then you are already in T2 Diabetes which eventually could lead to more complicated ailments.)
Since food prices are soaring, it's TIME to not consume foods that are not good for you. Instead, go for whole foods, cook it yourself. Reverse diseases that were already caused by these poisonous foods that you have been eating all your life.
You know, it's cheaper and a lot more satisfying.


worked in refrigerated food trucking during covid and all i can say is we all knew it then
why are we driving a refrigerated truck 600 miles to Fargo so they can have Gogurt, frozen pre-made pb&j sandwiches and kiwi, in February, through a blizzard
we have become such kings and queens when it comes to food
we expect single serve everything
all foods all year
its ridiculous really
why are there 20 kinds of ketchup?
we talked to logistics people at grocery stores, setting up home delivery and pick-up during covid and its expensive
web staff
permits for parking spaces
scanners and IT support
the delivery fees do not cover the costs
vehicles and insurance
Kroger has vans now?
do you realize how much it costs to offer pick up and delivery?
we are paying for that
grocery stores throw away mass amounts of produce every day
we turned into total food snobs
extreme food snobs


Even artificial meats are expensive....might as well roast or fry your shoes.😂


Many People are Broke with Rent And
Food Prices .. Gas...Elect...Insurance...


They put all kinds of things you don't really want to know about in our bread lately. Check for yourself... and you might find out why your stomach hurts so often.


I bake all my own breads including sour dough. Hate the unhealthy ingredients in store bought. Average loaf if stop bread $3.99- 5.99 homage is $ 1.40. No frozen meals ar my house all homemade I preserve by canning some too its so good and it's fun too
