Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler | HPA | AWS EKS Tutorial

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We're diving into the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with hands on demos,
First demo, we will Use command line to create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler,
and run load testing in nginx service to check HAP status.
Second demo, we will create another HPA with Behavior speck,
and run the same load testing again to check HAP status.

The minikube is used in my demo so demo has 0 cost.

Video Related Commands:
🌕 Start Minikube:
minikube start
minikube addons enable metrics-server
kubectl api-resources -o wide
minikube dashboard
🌕 Deploy Nginx
sudo -E kubectl port-forward service/hap-demo-service 80:80
🌕 Create Sample HPA
kubectl autoscale deployment hap-demo-deployment --cpu-percent=5 --min=1 --max=5
kubectl autoscale --help
kubectl get hpa -w
🌕 Load Testing for Sample HPA
🌕 Create HPA with Behavior
Load Testing:
kubectl get hpa -w

⏰ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰
00:00 Start
01:30 Overview of K8s Autoscalers
03:30 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
04:11 Hands-on Demos Prerequisites
06:26 Hands-on Demos Deploy Nginx Pod/Service
08:24 Hands-on Demos - Create Sample HPA
11:30 Hands-on Demos - Create HPA with Behavior
13:32 Summary

Easy Connect:
Рекомендации по теме

01:30 Overview of K8s Autoscalers
03:30 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
04:11 Hands-on Demos Prerequisites
06:26 Hands-on Demos Deploy Nginx Pod/Service
08:24 Hands-on Demos - Create Sample HPA
11:30 Hands-on Demos - Create HPA with Behavior


🌟 Check out this informative blog post on Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) on Medium! 🌟

If you're interested in learning more about Kubernetes and how to efficiently manage your pods with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), this blog is a must-read. It covers everything from the basics of Kubernetes autoscaling to hands-on demos using Minikube.

Let me know what you think after reading it! 😊🚀


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