Your Family Health Revolution Conversation Series: Never Take “You Can’t” for an Answer

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HFF Health Coaches Carla Atherton and Tiffany Lynch have an organic, freeflow conversation about our experiences in the medical system, and the grit, determination, and clarity it took to supersede the limited expectations of our children’s diagnoses and prognoses.

About Us:
Tiffany Lynch is a professionally trained functional health coach certified through the Healthy Family Formula. She has been passionate about health and fitness for over two decades while working within the health sciences sector her entire career. The insight she’s gleaned from those years, and the experience of coming up against a chronic illness has inspired her to take a deeper look at how we achieve true health and restore resilience. Empowering others to do the same has become her life’s purpose.

Unfortunately, the medical system is overburdened and there are huge gaps in the care and treatment of chronic illness. Navigating these gaps, reducing toxic burden & unraveling the root cause of illness has afforded Tiffany’s family a way out of the medical model which promised nothing but lifelong medications.

In those early moments when she experienced far more fear than hope, Tiffany felt the deep longing for a guide-someone who understood, someone who had lived it and could help them through. Her practice Restoring Resilience was born out of that deep need. Nothing brings her more joy than watching families achieve a deeper level of physical, mental & emotional health than they ever knew was possible.

Carla Atherton: "My purpose in both my work and life (which are inextricable) is to show people (clients, loved-ones, and community) that they are not broken or ill or without the power to make change in their health, but to empower them with the vision, guidance, and inspiration needed to overcome dis-ease of any kind–physical, mental, and emotional. I aim to lead with love and without judgment, with passion without fear, without telling people what they SHOULD do and showing them what they CAN do."

Carla Atherton, MA (Masters in English Literature), FDN-P, is the Director of the Healthy Family Formula and the HFF Practitioner Training Academy, Host and Producer of the Children’s Health Summit, Author of Family Health Revolution, Mountains Rise from Earthquakes Writing Experience Facilitator, Health Empowerment Coach, Holistic Family Health Consultant, Yoga Instructor and Mind/Body Facilitator, and Children’s Health Advocate. Carla’s mission is to support people to achieve their best health through information, guidance, inspiration, and empowerment.

Carla lives on an acreage in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, where she works from a home office. In addition to empowerment and health coaching (since 2014), writing, creating course content and experiential healing programs, and leading “Mountains Rise from Earthquakes” creative writing workshops (since 1998), Carla also works with people from all over the world on the resolution of chronic physical and mental/emotional health challenges through the combination of lifestyle modification, mind/body practices, creativity and purpose, and holistic/natural/sustainable principles.
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