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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu

*This video is created by & for TDR Network. Feel free to re-upload and share.
**No music was used in the production of this video.


Keep Yourselves updated:

Speaker: Mufti Menk

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Earn High Rewards
Do These Things👇🏿

Don't listen music
1: Don't talk to non mahram
2: Pray All Your 5 Daily Salaah's
On Time
3: Lower Your Gaze
4: Study & Learn Islamic Knowledge
5: No Arguing Or Fighting & Avoid Sins
6: Recite & Learn The Glorious Qur'aan
7: No Smoking Try Quitting For Good
8: No Swearing & Lying Backbiting
9: Make Lots Of Duaa
10: Don't Waste Time On Useless Activities
11:Give In Charity Help The Poor &
12:Do Not listen To Music
13:Do Lots Of Dhikr

Keep your tounge moist with remembrance of allah

Some Dhikr:
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem
Allahu Akbar
La illaha ilallah
Throughout Day Do Dhikr
During Driving, Riding, Walking, Running, Working no matter what are you doing remember allah.

Also Make Dua's
Allahuma inni as'aluka jannah
Allahuma ajirni Min'an Naar
Allahumma inni as'aluka husnal khatimah

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So That This Will Become SADAQAH JARIYA for You 😍
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I would like to share a story. Music is one of them things you can't avoid. Anywhere you go there's music, social media, video games, tv etc. It's crazy how shaytaan approaches to you in different ways, i started off listening to bollywood because of childhood but new songs were trash so moved to pop. Left that that cuz of the lyrics so started listening to kpop since i don't understand korean so would understand the lyrics. I found something strange with their music videos so started doing some research and found out they do all these satanic hand signs/symbols and such so i quit listening to new kpop songs. Also they have these fandoms, stans etc and they literally worship these so called idols. I moved onto other languages but still couldn't quit until this ramadan. For the last 2-3 years i have listened to taraweeh recitations from the imams of makkah and i would search for old videos of their past recitations. I would go back to music after ramadan but every once in a while i would listen to quran. This ramadan there was a guest imam in madinah named Shaikh Qaraafi, just like Mufti Menk was talking about Shaikh Badr in 1 of the lectures, i felt the same way, i could listen to him endlessly and not get tired of his recitation. I was able to find his old recitations and finally replaced music with quran instead. Shaytaan still tries to convince you, he will tell you to listen to nasheeds cuz quran requires attentive hearing then slowly moves you from nasheeds to music (personal experience). Everytime you find a new song, your mind will tell you it's the best thing ever but your love for that song will fade until you find the next track. My advice would be to pick a qari you could listen to or if not 1 then have a couple. Don't go looking for other songs for eg shazam or some beat you heard on the radio or tv. Avoid other sins that could lead you to music. Make dua that Allah makes it easy for us all. Ameen


Do These Things

Don't listen music
1: Don't talk to non mahram
2: Pray All Your 5 Daily Salaah's
On Time
3: Lower Your Gaze
4: Study & Learn Islamic Knowledge
5: No Arguing Or Fighting & Avoid Sins
6: Recite & Learn The Glorious Qur'aan
7: No Smoking Try Quitting For Good
8: No Swearing & Lying Backbiting
9: Make Lots Of Duaa
10: Don't Waste Time On Useless Activities
11:Give In Charity Help The Poor &
12:Do Not listen To Music
13:Do Lots Of Dhikr

Keep your tounge moist with remembrance of allah

Some Dhikr:
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem
Allahu Akbar
La illaha ilallah
Throughout Day Do Dhikr
During Driving, Riding, Walking, Running, Working no matter what are you doing remember allah.

Also Make Dua's
Allahuma inni as'aluka jannah
Allahuma ajirni Min'an Naar
Allahumma inni as'aluka husnal khatimah

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So That This Will Become SADAQAH JARIYA for You
Also Copy & Share With Others


May Allah (SWT) reward mufti menk.
I quit from music by replacing it with audiobooks, Alhamdulillah, Islam its really a blessing uppon us. I read after that, more books trought listen than I need to read in all my formal education and more important than that, I enjoy it.


The first musical instrument by Islamic history was the flute that Iblees made after he shape shifted into a young boy and apprenticed by a blacksmith. He shaped the flute played the flute and brought about the curiosity of man and women together with new sounds that led to women seducing men due to our nature. This is all the will of Allah SWT to distinguish those among us who follow guidance or follow conjecture.


Quran and music can not be together in the same heart.


Whenever I'm in the kitchen I feel I want to listen to something i remember Ayah ومن احسن من الله قيلا


Music is Haram
Music is Haram
Music is Haram


That makes so much sense, you never start bopping while listening to quran cuz shaytaan has no control.


"Who is better than God in speech?" ومن أحسن من الله قيلا


I agree music versus are horrible recently even in the past 50 years the music lyrics are very filthy and only speak of immorality lusting over someone or drugs. However the instruments are the original sin. I believe the sound of instruments we should be staying away from when it comes to scripture. The forbidding of vulgar and hurtful speech was always sinful.


Mohammed Alfakeeh wow nice recitation. It's an addiction


No matter how many debates or fatwas or arguments about music happens whether it's halal or haraam.. what I know it's just BIG HARAAM and why? Because it's not healthy for you and your afterlife. May Allah give us hidaya. It's so sad so sad and pity when you're disappointed by your own muslim nation and ummah that promote music


The Shayatin loves music and hate Quran. Why listing to something that the Shayatin loves...


may Allah for give us and answer our prayers and Dua ameen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Sahih al-Bukhari 5590

Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari:

that he heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection."


Are soundtracks not even allowed like no lyrics just instruments since it’s just motivating


Never should give a Shaikh a fatwa about music. Some shaikhs using this words to replace their own opinion. That means, music is forbidden but Nasheeds about religions is okay. There is a source about music and that is, when you listening a music on your own music genre, creates a brain wave, which the soul will be feeded. We should only feed our souls with Quran Al Karim.


I am asking sincerely as a revert. As a person who has to exercise daily for my health problems, I have tried listening to nasheed, Quran, podcasts, khutbahs, etc, but it all makes me sleepy and unenergetic unlike music which makes me work out harder and longer with more energy. I usually follow along to free youtube tutorials at home to avoid mixed gender gyms, but music is in every one of the videos. I usually end up using the workout video with some music, but without lyrics. Does anyone have any suggestions of something energetic I can listen to daily so I can mute all videos and just have something else to listen to besides music?


well, the fact is, by saying music is haram you're still making generalities which is haram. some musics are halal and your can't make halal haram (unless you think you're a god).
