Is Six Figure Mentors (Or Online Business Education) a Scam / Rip Off?

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You might be surprised to learn that for several people, SFM IS a rip off. It's only a certain type of mindset that'll end up getting value from what's on offer. For many others it'll end up being a waste of money.

In this video I talk through the ins and outs of whether for you; SFM will be a scam / rip off or whether it'll be value for money.

I would love to hear your comments, and if you enjoyed this video then please check out my channel for regular updates and subscribe and share with any friends you think would like them too.

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Dan started his online business with zero experience in September 2016, and successfully transitioned from the corporate world into travelling the world while running his business from his laptop in the latter half of 2017.

He earned over $250,000 in year one, but way more importantly he became a far happier and more fulfilled person in the process.

He now spends his time guiding, helping and giving back to others so that they can create the lives they want to live as well. That could be spending more time with family and loved ones, travelling, building passion businesses using digital skills, or generally helping to make the world a better place through giving value.

Follow Dan Online Here:

Please note *
Dan is a professional affiliate marketer and digital business consultant. This means he gets paid to recommend products and services that he knows, trusts and uses himself. What sets him apart from many other online business systems and coaches is his integrity. As such, he wants you to know where you stand from the start. He also takes your privacy extremely seriously. Please see full disclaimers on his website.
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These coachings are like religious gurus.

If you fail, your faith is not pure enough.

Whilr business coaches hide behind.

If you fail, you have not worked hard enough, or taken enough responsibility.

Who is hiding behind words, when business coaches never demonstrate their methods work efficiently?


Yall mentored my neice on how to take money from hard working people😅 way to go guys. Karma will find you.


Blame, shame and guilt is the easy route. Many times people would take that route rather than look into what they have to do in order to make a sustainable change. Great video mate! This education has opened up a world to me I never knew excited and it's up to every individual to do the work.


Hi Dan, I had always been a person that used to compare myself with others, this happens a lot in this community and I believe most people quit because of this reason. We look at all the successful business owners and affiliates, get excited whilst going through this educational program thinking we are going to make a shit load of money in a short space of time. Your analogy is spot on mate...people rip themselves off by not allowing time!


I was drained and half dead and had given up all my dream and goals. It's all back now and I am doing very well with it. I am crushing it and I think it is the best what you can give to your self. The personal development and the growth I gained is been so so worth it to me. For me, it was life-changing. Our community feels like a never-ending warm blanket. We all help each other grow in person and in business. This education is mindblowing and out of this world. I LOVE THE SFM AND LOVE THE COMMUNITY EVEN MORE


Sorry Dan, you are absolutely wrong.

Taking responsibility?

Demonstrate how some 20, 000 $ training pushes your client's career.

And quit bemoaning people do not buy shit after having had the first experience with bullshitters.


I've been with the SFM for 18 months now. It was the best, most life changing decision I have ever made! My decision came because my back was against the wall, my job made me sick with chronic fatigue and the traditional way of earning a living was no longer an option. So I went all in like you Dan. I made that choice because I know myself and I knew I needed to give myself no plan B, no option but to succeed. It took me 10 months.
Financial success in this venture is great and I often have to remind myself just how good I have it now, when I'm complaining to myself about the next hurdle I face with my online business. But the biggest and most life changing aspect of this journey for me has been finding my voice. I have a lot to offer the world and it's the personal development I've done through my SFM journey that has allowed me to realise this.
The result is that my business is aligned with my core values, my spiritual path and my life purpose which is to help awaken light bearers. I absolutely LOVE the business I've created for myself! I absolutely LOVE the people I am attracting and to think I have become a part of the solution for them to completely transform their lives too blows my mind!
Was the SFM a ripoff for me? Not even close. Did it take hard work and continues to challenge me every day? Absolutely. Has it allowed me to create the life of my dream? The life I'm creating is beyond what I imagined when I signed up!


This is a great video Dan and I actually referenced it in a video I did in my private members facebook group yesterday to highlight the need for personal responsibility. After 10 months of solid graft I am now starting to grow my SFM affiliate business. This will give me the platform to develop my own coaching business and has given me the time freedom to continue my 18 month recovery from Drug and alcohol addiction and give back to my community through charity work. The SFM has introduced me to people who have literally changed my life. Through the work of Guy and Ilan Ferdman, who started off as SFM affiliates, I have been able to heal a fractured 30 year relationship with my mother and be the father to my children that they deserve. SFM gave me the tools and mentoring to change my life. I took the responsibility to use them, and I'm winning!


Dan, I love how open and honest you are. Since being a part of SFM (few months now) I have definitely learnt a lot including that you do have to do the work. Its is absolutely NOT a get rich quick scheme that's for sure. I wish I was taught more about mindset at school or Uni for that matter. It has changed my life and I feel like a better person for it!


Being a member of the SFM for 17 months, I admit that becoming a six-figure earner has proven to be a slower process than I expected but connecting the dots backward makes me pretty proud of my progress towards my goal to become geographical, time and financially free:
- From having the guts to ask for a raise at work (and getting it), to then quitting that job and replacing it with one that pays me twice the wage and allows me to work from home, and so I moved from Liverpool to a city of my choice, Barcelona, within 10 months of signing up to the SFM (geographical freedom box checked)
- From getting an opportunity to work with two of the most successful SFM affiliate marketers, allowing me to save up more money and to quit my full-time job end of this year, leaving me with all the time of the world to build my own online business within 17 months after signing up to the SFM (time-freedom box checked)
- From discovering my purpose and passion and learning how to build an online business around that and charging what I am worth probably within 22 months after signing up to the SFM (financial freedom boxed checked)

Signing up with the SFM 17 months ago, allowed me to learn literally EVERYTHING regarding digital marketing, entrepreneurship, self-efficacy and the endless opportunities that affiliate- and digital marketing holds. A whole new world opened up in front of me. My knowledge of the online business world was non-existent and knowing absolutely 0 at the start, it was inevitable that I had a lot of learning to do. I decided to give myself that time. My future is worth it.

Entrepreneurship is one of the most intense yet most beautiful forms of self-development and so is starting an online business. The SFM understands that you cannot build a business if you don’t simultaneously build yourself. Especially when your business is a one-man show, your business is going to reflect…YOU, your strengths and point of improvements alike. So is your attitude towards becoming a business (owner) going to reveal who you are and how you go about things. How you do anything is how you do everything. Confronting.

In the last 17 months I discovered what type of online business owner I am, what kind of online business is for me, and HOW I can turn something I love doing into a business I can grow and nurture. It takes time and courage to step into your own power and get to that vulnerable point where you dare to share what’s on your heart with others with the purpose of helping them do the same. But once you do, and only if you do, the SFM leadership team is the first group of people to give you a stage, bombard you with opportunities to blossom as an authority and challenge you to not quit until you have reached your goals.

To me, the SFM has proven to serve their members, spot and support potential and instill a self-belief in people that in other circumstances could easily be called: unconditional love. Not just with the leadership team, but from all the people who I have met since the start and who I still meet up with a couple times a year I have had conversations that have contributed to the person who I am becoming: the best version of myself.


Money is the easiest part to invest. It's the work that most people don't want to do, while using the money aspect as the scapegoat.
If you don't quit, you can't fail.
Thanks for this Dan.


Totally agree Dan. I have been in this for 4mths now. I’ve learnt and implemented more via the training, mentorship and digital certifications here than I got out of the 2 year diploma I completed with a $22, 000 student loan.
I’ve paid much less in my SFM journey and covered what I did in a 2yr diploma in the 1st 2 modules of SFM
Yes I’ve got loads more to learn but personally and professionally I have already been transformed in my learning. Have I started earning? Yes I have. Not enough to replace my day job..yet, but I now have the makings of affiliate marketing, e-commerce AND my own coaching business.
People seem to focus on 1 aspect of SFM/DEA affiliate model but that is only 1/3 of the options that are available. Tread your own path and own your results...


Dan, I love this video! It is so true, we are each responsible for the level of work and dedication we put into changing our lives. It is a mindset shift taking responsibility for our own actions and at the core of it is having belief... belief in yourself before you can believe in anything else.


Thank you Dan, you are absolutely spot on! I'm so glad to see you and I hope you're enjoying your BIG BIG Asia experience. Take care.


Dan, I had no self-belief UNTIL I started with SFM. And self-belief is key to this programme working. No one should invest in it unless they're fully committed to working 100% at it and on themselves. It's one of the hardest things that I'm doing but the benefits I'm reaping go far beyond earning money. People would rather say something is a scam than admit that it's too difficult for them.


Well I know I could be further ahead within this business than I am, but it profoundly change my perspective on so many levels, that even I am surprised at the new me that I have become, (I am referring to my state of mind).
I remain ever grateful to have come across sfm, and continue to gain vast amounts of knowledge from their resources made available, plus the positive support at hand is so reassuring, .
Thank you all, I have gained so much and continue to evolve even though I thought I already had.
Never a wrong time to learn 😊


Excellent video, Dan and especially the comparison to the golf you used. It is exactly as you said, it is not enough to buy an expensive tools. The most important is the passion that drives you, the productive time you invest (opposite to just ticked hours you were planning to spend on your business), seeing the future as you want it to be and believing in yourself that you can achieve anything you want, if you put your heart into it.

What I found confusing when I started with SFM was what to pick. There are so many paths to go for. Of course, I wanted to try everything - affiliate marketing, e-commerce, social media, etc and suddenly I found myself in one big mess, doing a bit of everything and not achieving anything. So my big recommendation is to pick one thing that is most familiar to you and stick with it until you master it. Only then focus on the next thing.

At last I found myself and I created my e-commerce business based on my fitness and healthy lifestyle experience. There is an option for everyone, you can become an affiliate marketer, a coach, an e-commerce business owner and many more. All you need to do is to choose your way to do it :)


I studied with SFM in 2015 and I have had an online store for 6 years now. I learned what I needed to know from SFM


SFM has turned my life around. Its been a very busy 6mths but becouse of leaders like you & Jay & Stewart & many others encouraging me daily . Helping me . Advising me . Plus the tribe its been best thing iv ever done
Thanks for this


The video about Is Six Figure Mentors (Or Online Business Education) a Scam/Rip Off is important.
