American Reacts to America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better

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That's a really valid point, Americans really seem to look down on low paid employees. We don't do that in Australia. A job is a job. You're working for your money, you deserve respect.


"They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin


It’s also crazy watching regular Americans defend the system that exploits them.


'Life is not fair - you can't be expected to be treated fairly' - that's a very American point of view. You need to shift to 'Life is not fair, and never will be, but as a society we should always strive to make life fairer and better.' All humans should wish the best for all humans.


that's ridiculous. As a German I have (like most of the people in Europe) paid holidays, paid sick leave, health insurance, paid maternity leave and even if I lose my job I get benefits. Unions are normal. There are so many laws and restrictions that protects the workers. You guys should fight for better conditions. Every person deserve a decent live.


oh my, hearing you say "you shouldn't expect to be treated fairly" was by one of the most shocking American statements i've heard in a while.


In Australia, paying people a decent wage and providing paid holiday leave is seen as good for the economy. People who are well paid can afford to spend money in Australian businesses and buy Australian made products. Paid holiday leave means people have time and money to take vacations, which benefits tourism related businesses and regions and creates jobs for others. Also, free healthcare is good for the economy as it ensures employers have a healthy workforce, with less time lost due to untreated illness.


As an American who worked for a German Company for 16 years, let me tell you what that was like:
Working for my American corporation, after 15 years, I got a third week's vacation. I started working for the German Company when I was 54 years old. I immediately got 5 weeks vacation. The German Government has a Law, and the older you are the more vacation time you get. That applies to all German companies.
At Christmas time, we received a 13th month salary. Our company was owned by Daimler-Benz, so as an employee we could buy a new Mercedes at factory cost every year. Mercedes took care of oil changes and inspection for free. At the end of the year, you sold the car at normal 1year old used car prices, and earned a profit on the sale. All schools from Kindergarten to University are tuition free. As a University student, you are allowed to work between semesters, and don't have to pay any taxes on your earnings.


When I visited the USA was so shocked how customers treated the staff in restaurants. .In the UK every establishment warns that abusing staff we end in prosecution.


Other first world nations dont really consider the US a first world country. It is better described as an 'industrialised third world country'


"You shouldn't be expected to be treated fairly." Wow, Yes you should.


If you keep the population poor, educate them poorly, and keep them misinformed, it's easier to control them. Greetings from Europe where we have lots of freedoms. That includes the freedom not to be shot in schools, movie theatres, churches, or anywhere else where the public gathers.


It’s strange. Here in Australia working at McDonalds is not seen as a “lowly” job. As someone who was in the past in a position where I’d hire people, our company (a very large company) saw people who worked st Macca’s very favourably. They were seen as well-disciplined, able to work in a team, good at customer service with a good work ethic. In my current job I got to work behind the Macca’s counter for McHappy Day for charity and it was exhausting. Those workers are not lazy, it was damn hard work. I’ve chatted to many employers over the years here in Australia and those who’ve worked at Macca’s for a while are seen very positively in most cases. Craig


The way American employers behave would be highly illegal in the rest of the world. They would never get away with it, in fact they don't, American companies that also operate in other countries have to obey their local employment laws. In New Zealand a MacDonald's worker would get $22.50 an hour + 4 weeks paid annual leave + paid sick leave + paid public holidays, and for those who work on public holidays they are paid extra, like double time + they get a paid day in lieu to replace the missed holiday that they can take off whenever they like. That's because the law says that's the way it has to be. So the bullshit excuse they use in the US that "they'll go broke" if they paid livable wages, when they make Billions in profit, is nothing more than lies, the real reason is because they can get away with paying slave wages because there's no protection laws for employees.


A friend and I travelled as registered nurses after we graduated. We were offered positions in agencies in Canada, England, Hong Kong and the USA. The benefits in all the other countries were at least double that of the USA. So we went on holidays to the States and worked in the other countries.


You should look into "how Denmark took down mcdonalds". Mcdonalds didnt want to adhere to Danish workers rights, and we taught them a lesson.


It always amazes me that a country that treats its workforce so badly, dares to have an annual holiday called "Labor Day".


“life is not fair” is a sentence that perpetuates itself. of course it won’t become fair if everyone just dismisses any attempt to make it more fair.


The US top employer, Walmart, does not operate in Australia because they have no interest in modifying their employment practices to comply with Australian labour laws.


Man as an Australian, i am absolutely shocked at the treatment of the average worker. I actually find it horrendous, almost disgusting that USA the land of the free doesn't offer any paid vacations as an industry standard. Mental health is so important, spending time with family is so precious and yet most people can't take a day off for these important things without losing money.
