How to Find and Delete Duplicate Records in Access

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In this tutorial, we will teach you how to find duplicate records in Access.

Learn how to find duplicate records in an access database. Once we have found the duplicate records with the help of query wizard, we will delete them.

Duplicate records can cause a menace in a database. Duplicate records defeat the purpose of maintaining a proper database. In order to maintain an efficient database, we will teach you how to delete duplicate records in Access.

Step 1 -- Open the table

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be using a simple database that we have already created. We have only one table in this database. Simply click open the table.

Step 2 -- Query Wizard

Once there, go to the create tab and click on the query wizard button.

Step 3 -- Find duplicates query wizard

As a result, the new query window will appear on your screen. Over there, select the find duplicates query wizard option before you click on the ok button.

Step 4 -- Select fields for your query

Now the find duplicates wizard will appear. Choose the table which you want to search for duplicate field values and click on the next button.

Next, you can select the fields that you want to show in your query. After you have chosen the fields that you want to include as additional query fields, simply click on the next button.

Step 5 -- View query resuts

Lastly, make sure the view results option is checked before you click on the finish button. As a result, the query will help you find all the duplicate records in the Access table. Now go back to the table and delete the duplicate records in Access by right clicking on the row and selecting the delete record option.

Step 6 -- Delete duplicate record

You will be informed that you are about to delete a record. Click on the yes button to delete the duplicate record.
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Manually delete? I want my 1:20 minutes back


Great video! You should also try `How to delete YouTube videos that really really suk`


that's not really helpful. I can't delete records one by one. I have thousands of them


You change the title to "How to Find Duplicate Records". I want my minute of life back.


"How to move m^3 of sand to 100km away"
- You take this one grain and move it 100 km away. Congratz, now do it 10^23 times again.


At least you got to the point straight away, not like some videos which go on for 10 minutes


This is useless in the real world. I have over 100, 000 records in a single table and at any one time the data will have 25k duplicates, I need to purge these duplicates on a weekly basis, I am not going to do it 1x1


Not helpful, The end user shouldn't have to worry about MANUALLY deleting records. How can you set Access to delete them with programming?


Is this the only, ? I'm dealing with 50k records.


The dude is very excited for a BS solution. LOL


Delete A big joke for me as i found this video while searching for a method to delete duplicate record from over 30, 000 records of my database. Really not a good suggestion at all.


Found this video from Matthew Hamer that may help those looking to delete multiple records automatically instead of manually
1. Right click on table and make a copy
2. Paste copy table using "paste STRUCTURE ONLY" option
3. Select PRIMARY KEY, then SAVE and CLOSE
4. Right click original table and select 'copy'
5. Hover on table copy, right click and paste, using "APPEND DATA to Existing Table" option
6. All duplicate records will be removed.


A waste of 2 mins. No one is doing this for thousands of records.


Like everyone else I got sucked into this. Big deal - I have thousands to delete - so this is useless.
