Brother Brings Unexpected Plus One to My Wedding

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Holy cow, I think I heard that story. The one where there was a group of people going and then the girl's boyfriend and her broke up or whatever and then she told op's boyfriend that she didn't feel comfortable with OP going, so the boyfriend said OP can't go and they totally changed like their destination and just made it for OP's boyfriend and his female best friend. And he chose her over OP. I'm pretty damn sure I heard that story. Here's another story about Amanda from a different point of view. That's insane.


Also, since I commented before hearing the rest of the short. Please don't make it a short if the story doesn't fit within the short parameters. If you do please post the rest of the story in the comments or attach a video that has the whole story on it. You'll get more followers that way. I come across these shorts all of the time. And if they don't at least finish the story in the comments or attach a video of the whole story I don't follow them. I actually followed two pages just because they did this but nobody else seems to do it. Just a thought maybe and then people wouldn't get annoyed with just part of the story.
