Critique and Praxis

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Critical philosophy has always challenged the division between theory and practice. Today’s critical theory has retracted more into academia and seems to engage only in critique. These times of crisis demand more. Bernard E. Harcourt talks about the origin of critical theory, why it has been detached from the public sphere, and what should be done.
00:00 Intro
1:08 The Inception of the Book
04:13 The Origin of Critical Theory
10:17 The Negativity and Detachment of Critique from the Public Sphere
20:37 Critique and Crisis
23:58 Chomsky's Critique of the French Intellectual - Identity Politics
31:32 Claim to Truth is Misleading
37:05 Truth and Law
38:28 Liberal Violence
45:06 Critical Praxis Theory
00:00 Intro
1:08 The Inception of the Book
04:13 The Origin of Critical Theory
10:17 The Negativity and Detachment of Critique from the Public Sphere
20:37 Critique and Crisis
23:58 Chomsky's Critique of the French Intellectual - Identity Politics
31:32 Claim to Truth is Misleading
37:05 Truth and Law
38:28 Liberal Violence
45:06 Critical Praxis Theory
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