Abstract Algebra 39: A proof of Lagrange's theorem

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Abstract Algebra 39: A proof of Lagrange's theorem
Abstract: Lagrange's theorem states that if G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G, then the size of H divides evenly into the size of G. We prove Lagrange's theorem using properties about the cosets of H in G (that we described in the prior video).
This video accompanies the class "Introduction to Abstract Algebra" at Colorado State University:
Abstract: Lagrange's theorem states that if G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G, then the size of H divides evenly into the size of G. We prove Lagrange's theorem using properties about the cosets of H in G (that we described in the prior video).
This video accompanies the class "Introduction to Abstract Algebra" at Colorado State University:
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