Scaling Genetic Data Analysis with Apache Spark - Jonathan Bloom and Timothy Poterba

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In 2001, it cost ~$100M to sequence a single human genome. In 2014, due to dramatic improvements in sequencing technology far outpacing Moore’s law, we entered the era of the $1,000 genome. At the same time, the power of genetics to impact medicine has become evident. For example, drugs with supporting genetic evidence are twice as likely to succeed in clinical trials. These factors have led to an explosion in the volume of genetic data, in the face of which existing analysis tools are breaking down.

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He needs proper education. Immortality is not a good thing, it actually brings in natural imbalance. Science that leads to technology is dangerous, simply because technology is always used in anthropocentric causes without nature as a part of the equation. In the first slide itself, he states he wants to condense millions of evolution into a week. The hubris and lack of wisdom are conspicuous with this individual. Just because, you can do it and you want to do it, does not necessarily mean you should do it. That's where the wisdom lies. I bet you anything this individual is funded a ton of money for his promise of discovering deep secrets that can be used to cure diseases. The world is and will always be fine if you don't do anything. Nature has internal forces that always moves toward balance. It's better smart people don't do things, they cause more destruction in the name of science and technology, innovation than good. This can lead to a tipping point where Nature fails to get back to it's balance. Failure of institutions to provide perspective is really sad.
