Scaling Genetic Data Analysis with Apache Spark - Jonathan Bloom and Timothy Poterba

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In 2001, it cost ~$100M to sequence a single human genome. In 2014, due to dramatic improvements in sequencing technology far outpacing Moore’s law, we entered the era of the $1,000 genome. At the same time, the power of genetics to impact medicine has become evident. For example, drugs with supporting genetic evidence are twice as likely to succeed in clinical trials. These factors have led to an explosion in the volume of genetic data, in the face of which existing analysis tools are breaking down.
About: Databricks provides a unified data analytics platform, powered by Apache Spark™, that accelerates innovation by unifying data science, engineering and business.
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About: Databricks provides a unified data analytics platform, powered by Apache Spark™, that accelerates innovation by unifying data science, engineering and business.
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Scaling Genetic Data Analysis with Apache Spark: Spark Summit East talk by Cotton Seed
Scaling Genetic Data Analysis with Apache Spark - Jonathan Bloom and Timothy Poterba
Genomic Data Analysis: Overview of concepts and analytical tools used to study genomic variation.
Genomic Data Analysis
Real-Time Interactive Application for Large-Scale Genetic Data Analysis. Harper Kolehmainen
Practical Genomics with Apache Spark - Tom White
Scaling Genomics on Apache Spark by 100x with Henry Davidge (Databricks)
Leveraging Massive-Scale Databases of Human Genetic Variation - Daniel MacArthur
Hail 0.2: A framework for scalable genetic data analysis in Python
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Genetic Analysis at Scale
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Genomic Data Analysis Webinar
What is Genomic Sequencing?
Hail: Exploring and analyzing very large genetic data - Jon Bloom
Revolutionizing Medicine with Python Genetic Data Analysis
Omics Logic Genomics - Learn about Analysis of Genomic Data
StatQuest: PCA main ideas in only 5 minutes!!!
Sharon Terry, Genetic Alliance - Stanford Big Data 2015
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StatQuest: MDS and PCoA