DO THIS NOW! The Best Rupee Farm In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom - TOTK How To Make Money Fast Guide

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The Best way to get rich and make rupees in tears of the kingdom! TOTK has so much going on, that finding ways to make money can be hard, but in todays video, we go over The best ways how to get rupees in tears of the kingdom.

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I prefer grinding over glitching. Glad I finally found a video that works for that


Or you could try a “Poe Farming”. In “Lookout Landing”, there is a poe bargainer that you trade for items, that includes the “Dark Tunic”, which only cost 150 poes, which if you sell you get 600 rupees, now if you saved up poes, you can keep buying the dark tunic, and keep selling it, dont worry if its out of stock, you may sleep/rest/save etc. that passes time, this is more or less the most efficient way to earn rupees. (On my perspective) happy hunting players!


If you find a Bokoblin riding a bear, you can kill the bear, pick up the meat, save, and load that save. Because the bokoblin is the "enemy, " and the enemy wasnt killed, both the bear and bokoblin respawn, so you can just keep doing this until you have as much $$ as you need. Much easier than doing all this.


Also worth mentioning if you unlocked the big horse from BOTW and still have it in your stable you can just run the animals over and save yourself the arrows “beep beep”


For anyone who has no animal spawns for the gourmet farm. You will have to complete the regional phenomenon quest for the Hebra region.

Thanks for the support, everyone! Stay kind! ❤️


For anyone who wants a better (albiet more mindless) rupee farm, you can go to eventide island and complete the side quest there. Then, on the top of the island, there will be a glider challenge where you have to land it in the bullseye. Simply farm this challenge

Pro tip: you can use time rewind to instantly stop the momentum of the glider directly over the bullseye so all you gotta do is aim over it and double tap L at the proper time


the blue foxes and cold-footed wolves also drop gourmet meat, they even tend to drop way more than the moose (especially the foxes) so it's totally worth the arrows, even more so since wolves usually spawn in packs of 2-3.


One tip, if you see the wizrobes flying around, mark their location and go and kill them in one hit with the element they are weak to, they drop a ruby/sapphire/topaz weapon and you can collect them, and go to Tarrey Town to retrieve the gem from them. Not worth farming, but worth killing if you're in the area anyway.


This is one video I’m glad I didn’t miss! I am struggling with the rupes. Ty Tag!! 🎉❤


I miss the sell price from botw 😢 same amount of work but less pay out. Went from 500 to 315. But yes still a really great way.


Thank you for this!! I’ve been struggling with making some decent rupees! 😁


For the meat farm, you can use your horse instead of your arrows, the sprint kills all of them in on shot (except for the bears)
It's easier and time-saving !


One good way I've found of farming money is to kill wizzrobes and take their weapons. From there you just go to Pellison in Tarrey Town(even better if you use a travel medallion to get there faster) and deconstruct it for 20 rupees to get the gem on the weapon, then immediately sell said gem to get more than you deconstructed it for.


Definitely needed this. Thanks again for the great content.


Faster (and mindless) way to get lots of rupees is building a chicken grill. It's somewhat involved but really simple and makes 10K to 20K rupeer per hour depending on how many battery upgrades you have.

You need to find a cage (can't remember where I got mine from, sorry!), stick a pole at the bottom so the open side is facing up, go to lakeside stable, place the cage with the pole with autobuild, put some wooden platforms at a 45 degree angle to the side so you can walk up to the edge and throw chickens in.

Then just build a roof with two sleds, use ascent to get inside and place 3 fire emitters at floor level to the wall. You need level 2 fire armor set (whatever it is called, the one you can buy from Goron city) so you have fire immunity and boom, grill the chickens to get infinite eggs and campfire eggs. They only sell for 3 and 5 rupees per piece, but you get them FAST. I have 7 bars of energy and get 999 of both eggs in about 40 minutes, which is around 8K rupees when sold as is without cooking the eggs first (which would almost double the money but takes time you could use farming eggs, not really worth the effort).


For anyone with amiibos you can scan amiibos for materials and clothes and sell each clothes pieces for 600 rupee each and if you dont get the drops atleast your farmimg materials as you go using the day forward trick


Thanks! I literally posted a comment on your other video last night asking for this! 😀


This is great! How long does it usually take for the don dons to produce the gems?


Thank you! Hunting and selling the cooked meals was a huge turning point in helping me get stronger and buy more armor. Just goes to show, money does solve all problems 😂


Thanks. I remember doing this in botw with the meat skewers lol.
