ALPHA WoW Abilities That Were Too OP For Launch | WoW Alpha | World of Warcraft

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Today we take a trip back in time to the friends and family alpha version of World of Warcraft to explore a few abilities for each class that never made it to the live game.
There was some truly wild stuff in the Alpha and I think its super interesting to check it all out, and see what could have been.
These are The Alpha Abilities We NEVER Saw In WoW | WoW Alpha | World of Warcraft

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Vanilla is the only version of the game where it felt like they were simply trying to map out a D&D campaign that millions of people could then traverse in for two years. As grand an adventure as it is, their ambitions were 2-3x as big.


9:00 we not gonna talk about the flying pirate ship lol


Disguise for rogues is actually pretty cool and would be a great addition to a classic + to create great class flavor. Just the RP alone is worth it.


I feel like so many of these could be retuned for classic+. The concept of hunters using focus that only builds when standing still seem like a fantastic idea to me, the only implementation hurdle is the generation rate and the ability cost. Its such a shame that rogue disguises got tossed out too. So many of these concepts seem like incredible ideas that just weren't quite balanced, and didn't have time to be properly implemented.


There are more abandoned old WoW abilities than you could shake your WillE at!


Those old Ogre models are gonna haunt me for a while 7:14


I really wish invis, was more of a spell for exploration or getting past things instead of a tool for a combat drop or aggro dump.


Very very cool! I just got done rewatching the patch history of the beta. Like this morning 😂


Ethereal form is skill from w3 mob, tauren who can change into spirit form immune to physical damage but cannot melee strike


i wish we got those sick totem models


What would be interesting is a video on the Classes when the game first came out. Molten core would have been an entirely different experience if we had the original release Classes. Classes were significantly stronger in the 1.12 version of the game, I forget the changes because it's been 7 years at this point since I last looked into it. But there are some big differences from what I remember.

There used to be a talent calculater somewhere with the 1.0 game talents but I cannot find it.


These are just D&D spells and feats very roughly hewn to fit in a real-time game.
Very interesting to see.


6:58 Could be a lack of PvP duration of CC such as sheep at the time. It could be simply an oversight, the duration of banish in this version is close to the PvE duration of sheep.


Ahh 0:05 Tel'abim., i see you too are a fan of Turtle wow ;D


i think bear hug would of been broken in wpvp or duels due to mp5 kicking in even while shapeshifted. druids already are really good at wittling down their target and slowly regening while kiting if given the space to do so, so if they had the ability to regain a bunch of mana to put out even more moonfires and rejuvinations i think they would be the best wpvp class


Most of this things u can see on all vanila + private servers but balanced in a good way :)


I’d definitely watch more videos of alpha… heck I’d be down if Blizz launched an Alpha version of the game just for leveling since raids weren’t fully developed at that time… or they could figure out a way to shoe horn them in. Either way I’d be down to just try it out, I think it would be AWESOME to explore and play casually when I’m not hardcore speedrun raiding in Cata Classic.


Surprised he didn't mention the Mage Lockpick spell that got tossed out and hasn't come back...probably since lockboxes are functionally irrelevant in retail now and Blacksmiths exist in Cata. :P


Something that drives me insane is that warlocks used to had a 2 point talent in demo tree that reduced cast time on stones by 50% and mana cost. That is huge if you are a smart lock and trade stones to 3/4 of the raid and SS on cd. Considering warlock talent trees were the less changing in whole vanilla, the fact they removed that huge QoL talent for buffing useless firestone its nuts.


Yo boot dev is actually pretty good. I had it for like one or two months and I learned the basics of python pretty fast with it. Sadly this comment is not sponsored
