How to measure relationships within the Company using .Net. Александр Демчук .NET Fest 2019

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The talk from .NET Fest conference in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The majority of companies are struggling with an issue of growth where they started from handful group of people and reached 1000+ employees. In case of small groups the relationships remind family’s connections so everyone knows each other personally and the atmosphere is warm and charm whereas starting from 500+ to 1k keep it as family is tough and most of the companies come up with processes on one hand and culture on other. There ain’t no silver bullet how to manage it and in the end of the day they are balancing working a lot about good atmosphere in company and setting up relationships between teams. The issue isn’t new however tools and approaches evolved a lot this is where .NET Core and ML.Net comes in handy. These days AI/ML take over the world and bots as one of implementations are already a part of our life therefore our entuthiastic team created a bot using latest .NET Bot Framework v4 who helps managers to “measure” atmosphere in teams and crucial to socialize teams leveraging the power of ML.NET.
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