Putin's Invasion of Ukraine Salon | Ray McGovern, John Mearsheimer

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The popularity of this discussion and other videos of Prof. Mearsheimer signals that people are independently seeking answers rather than merely relying on what the mainstream media say.


I lived in Ukraine for 7 years (2013 - 2020). I happened to be in Kiev for a week during the Maidan protests, and was in Donetsk when the civil war broke out there, so I had a front row seat to many of the events that happened that have led up to this current situation. The experience of seeing the narrative of the mainstream media not matching the reality on the ground completely and irreversibly broke my trust in anything they say. I'm glad there's still people who can tell the objective truth about the reality of geopolitics in Eastern Europe without being completely cancelled. Unfortunately I have little faith that it'll remain that way. At least for now, listen to this and get the truth before it's too late.


This is so important to me, as an American, to understand what’s really going on in Europe. It disgusts me, when I see every western publication parroting nonsense, and our leaders pushing policies that seem to be maximizing chances of nuclear war while we effectively sign Ukraine’s death warrant. It’s so frustrating to know the truth sometimes. But thanks to John, and everyone else here who understands what’s really going on, and isn’t afraid to speak up against our own country’s propaganda. It’s a bit of light in a lot of darkness:)


Ever since I first heard about Dr, Mearsheimer and later his analysis of geopolitical events over the last 20 years, I have come to appreciate the delicacy of international events and their impact on average people. It is like having no eyesight and then getting a pair of glasses with which a more focused image has become possible. Thank you all for giving eye-sight to an 80 year old!


Don’t forget, “to be an enemy of the US is dangerous, to be a friend is fatal.” Yes, Ukraine is the ultimate loser no matter what.


Finally some independent thoughts without any extreme russophobia


Good to know there are still people in this world who have the guts to cover this situation without falling to emotion...


Excellent discussion! I’m Russian and American and concur what John had said - I have lots of friends who hate and despise Putin but do stand behind him on the Ukraine crisis. Majority of Russians look at it as the liberation of our brothers and sisters from ukronazis. You can argue with that idea but these people have been witnessing the atrocities committed in Donbas for 8 long years and all these years have been asking 2 questions - Why? and When? Why are we tolerating it and When are we going to provide a real help?


"the US will fight Russia till the last Ukrainian" brilliant
Very important and informative talk. This must be watched by our foreign policy makers.
Thank you for sharing it!


I am Russian and I am endlessly thankful to you speaking up on this and being honest and super knowledgeable. I am spreading this video among my English speaking friends and colleagues. And YES, it is so sad one won’t hear this in the media. People are so ignorant and it’s, like Putin said, so easy “to put noodles on their ears”. Ray and John - you are my heroes. I heard you talk a while ago. Now it’s so important that you educate the others. The only one guy, don’t know his name, mentioned about Putin poisoning ex- spies or downing the airplane. No court decisions are made on any of those cases. There MUST be a reason…. The guy talks clashue, like CNN. From all the Russians, my great thanks to you!


I am in Mexico in vacations too. The president of this wonderful country refuses to give sanctions towards Russia and say : Bravo❣️👍👏


Probably the smartest politician today... thank you for not compromising your integrity John Meisenheimer👌


I'm from Russia. I want to thank you for such a great talk! I was in shock about all that happened on February 24. And for twelve days I was trying to get as much information as possible. I was reading and watching Russian, Ukrainian, US, EU media: official and not. And these twelve days totally changed my way of thinking. It's awful how many lies and fakes there are. I didn't get it before. All previous years I was supporting all opposition views which was in some way developing in our country. But now I clearly see that people are totally brainwashed. Not only in Russia, but in the west as well. There's is no discussions like yours in all of these media. But there's a lot of hate. Some US authorities even says that someone need to assassinate Putin. It's insane! It's a nonsense how all west tolerance failed under the attack of media.
I really hope we all go through this well. I hope people in the future would be able to get more adequate information from media. We all need an honest dialogue. In current situation all the lies translating around and all the silence around previous historical issues are making everything worse.


I have been looking for an educated, rational and fact-based debate regarding the Ukraine issue. I've found it here. Thank you.


John Mershmeier is the first american i hear speaking about Russia who actually gets what Russia is about.


To tell the trues - I'm shocked. Because I did not expect that someone in the USA will ever say something like that. This man have balls, really. I can imagine "how much shit will be poured into his garden". Today from all west sources you can hear only one point of view. No one cares why really this has started. And I doubt that something like this will ever be on any of the WEST official media channels. I do not support this war, but I totally understand the reason. And it is sad, that Ukraine was just a pawn in a big game of the USA. Mr. John, you have my respect. Hello from Latvia.


Finally a voice of truth from an American side . What a relief to hear that America still has genuine voices like that mister . Thank you .


Professor is talking straight on realpolitik without appealing to emotion 👍


John Mearsheimer was crystal clear about this for almost a decade (maybe more idk), and he wasnt the only one warning about this, Henrry Keissenger was vocal too since 2006, but sadly the people that could have done something to stop the crisis did not make any course corrections. Now everybody blames someone else while innocent people suffers.


I really love these gentlemen.
Thank you for hosting them. They are true sages in presentations.
